



Results (505)

PDF Export Issues Redmine
With this plugin you can export all issues with all detailed information. 2018-10-25 19:04
Done ratio via time
h2. About This plugin allows computing issue done ratio via estimated/spent time ratio. ... otal, then you should set new estimation and issue done ration would be 25%. For automating suc ... # Different computing modes: #* only this issue - done ration will be calculated using hours (Spnt/Est) from exactly this issue; #* subtasks - hours from all subtask tree ... ks will be used; #* this and subtask - this issue and all subtask tree hours; #* manual - don ... e any value defined by the user. But if such issue is in a tree then estimated and spent values of this issue will be used as usual independently to what ... lugin goes through entire tree till the leaf issues (no subsequent issues or issue has “only this” mode). It takes estimated hours, spent hours and dividing Spnt/Est. But if the ... 2018-10-16 13:27
Issues by Date Grouping
Allows grouping issues by Start date, Due date, Created and Closed in Redmine at /issues in Group results by selection field. Plu ... // that was posted at 2018-10-15 17:57
That Issue Reply Button
This Redmine plugin adds a *Reply* button to the action menu of the issue page. Unlike the native *Edit* button this button opens the issue edit form with notes form (and attachments) only (i.e., without issue attributes and spent time form). !{width: ... //! 2018-10-15 17:22
Redmine plugin to list "HedgeDoc":https://hed ... tps:// 2018-09-30 15:07
Redmine Inline Auto Complete
Auto complete issue references in issue descriptions and journal entries. 2018-09-25 19:22
Token voting
Vote for Redmine issue resolution with crypto tokens. If anyone ... he code is meant to be FOSS, not partly-FOSS. 2018-09-18 23:42
Redmine Merge Request Links
Display links to associated Gitlab merge requests and GitHub pull requests on Redmine's issue page. 2018-09-12 13:08
Redexporter plugin
Allows you expose Redmine metrics to Promethe ... mber of users in the Redmine. * redmine_all_issues_count Count of all issues in the Redmine. * redmine_closed_issues_count Count of all closed issues in the Redmine. ! ... ent/uploads/2018/09/redexporter-metrics.png! 2018-09-02 22:24
Redmine Preview Inline
Plugin to show attachments inline in issues, documents and edit dialog !/attachments/download/21254/Overview.gif! 2018-08-17 14:32
This plugin is used to create group chats in ... ed to create a group chat associated with an issue and record its logs to the Redmine archive. ... te your own platform adapter and register it. 2018-08-08 20:21
Redmine Issue To Email
Plugin to bulk export issues to email containing all attachments as email attachments. Email issues look like real issue with clickable attachments. !/attachments ... h2. Features * Keeps theme style * Email issues look like real issues * Inline all CSS * Attachments are kept i ... tlook) inline attachments style * Keeps all issue attributes and custom field values in email ... clients can sort by attributes * Emails get issue ID as email message ID, so email clients relate related issues to each other * Export permission setting ... Login *** %p - Project identifier *** %s - Issue-subjet (escaped) *** %id - Issue ID *** %pid - Project ID *** %c - Issue created on *** %a - Issue archived an * Change issue... 2018-07-20 22:46
Westaco Versions
This plugin adds the new Versions page to Red ... lar to the query forms, that can be found on Issues and Spent time pages. !{width:900px}http ... nsored by "Westaco": 2018-07-18 16:19
Redmine Toggl Plugin
Redmine Toggl is a Redmine plugin to synchron ... date / delete Redmine time entry for related issue Time entry activities can be mapped to ... hts are controlled with Redmine permissions 2018-07-10 13:59
Redmine Required Fields
Allows forcing users to fill spent time fields during updating issues. During issue update if issue status is one of the statuses configured in ... ings, spent time field is marked as required. 2018-07-09 16:23
Redmine Enforce Time Entry
Allows forcing users to log time on issue update for configurable conditions. Conditio ... cing can happen on any update or when issue status changes, configurable when issue status was any one of configured statuses when issue status will be any one of configured statuse ... mission. Requires redmine version >= 3.0.3 2018-07-09 15:27
Issue List Detail
Redmine plugin to format issue list Modifies issue lists that use Query helpers. Shows issue status on issue relations. Requires redmine >= 3.0.7 2018-07-09 15:20
Default Assignee
Automatically assigns an issue to a user if the issue status and user is configured in plugin sett ... ecting project. Settings page has a list of issue statuses. You can define users that will be ... ules' tab. Requires redmine version >= 3.0.3 2018-07-09 14:48
Redmine All Thumbnails
Plugin to show every issue attachment as either thumbnailable image or ... !/attachments/download/21059/Overview.png! 2018-07-09 14:03
Redmine Attachment Categories
Plugin for Redmine. Add free configurable cat ... ts dialogue check in all attachments from an issue to a default file repository by one click. If issue has a custom field with a folder name or any other string, then issue attachments will be stored in <repository>/< ... !/attachments/download/21042/Overview.gif! 2018-07-06 18:55
Based on spend time logs on Redmine, Timewatc ... ser with email, also it allows you to update issues automatically. It is compatible with Redmin ... When total spent time entered in the issue exceeds specified time interval value in plu ... ttings (e.g. 80%), new entry is added in the issue. * Estimated Time Threshold Notification: ... ttings (e.g. 80%), new entry is added in the issue. * Entries in the issue can be customized. * You can configure timewatch to save different settings for each project. 2018-07-05 16:14
Redmine Fetch Email Attachments
Plugin to attach email attachments from emails to issue edit dialog. In issue edit click one button and fetch email attach ... !/attachments/download/21012/Overview.gif! 2018-07-03 17:23
Redmine Auto Resubmission
Redmine plugin to resubmit / follow up (German: "Wiedervorlage") an issue after it has been put away. Choose from list, if you want the issue to reappear tomorrow, in a week, or in a mon ... ls can be chosen freely. On resubmission the issue is "touched", the status is changed accordin ... d a preconfigured text can be added to a new issue-journal. !/attachments/download/21006/Ove ... base. Read the manual on Github (link above) 2018-07-02 23:02
Redmine Issue Attachments
Browse *all issue attachments* of *all issues* in current project in arbitrary queries. Queries can be saved like issue queries. Download bulk pdf attachments as co ... !/attachments/download/21002/Overview.jpg! 2018-07-01 10:43
Redmine More Context
Use the *context menu* on the *show issue page* for quick editing of attributes. Confi ... fter a click on the context menu on the show issue page, f.i. '/my/page' !/attachments/download/20998/RedmineMoreContext.gif! 2018-06-30 22:38