Archived Debian How-Tos Redmine Version 060 - 2xx » History » Version 3
Bruce Schaller, 2017-09-09 06:24
1 | 1 | Bruce Schaller | h1. Archived Debian How-Tos Redmine Version 060 - 2xx |
2 | |||
3 | * [[HowTo Install Redmine 2 integrated with Gitolite 2 on Debian Wheezy with Apache and Phusion Passenger]] |
4 | * [[HowTo Install Redmine 2.1.0 on Debian Squeeze with Apache Passenger]] |
5 | * "HowTo Install Redmine 0.8.x+ in Debian Etch with Apache fcgid": |
6 | * "Install Redmine 2.5.x with Git and Subversion on Debian with Apache2, RVM and Passenger": |
7 | * [[UpgradeRemineDebianSqueeze6|Upgrading Redmine 1.0.1 to 2.5.1 on Debian Squeeze (from repo to standalone mode)]] |
8 | * [[HowTo Install Redmine using Debian package]] |
9 | * "HowTo Install Redmine on Debian Squeeze with MySQL, Ruby-on-Rails and Apache2-Passenger": |
10 | * [[HowTo Install Redmine on Debian Wheezy Testing with MySQL and Apache2-Passenger]] |
11 | 2 | Bruce Schaller | * [[Install Redmine with git and svn support over https on Debian wheezy using the Debian repository]] |
12 | 3 | Bruce Schaller | * [[HowTo Install Redmine in a home directory on Debian]] |