EmailConfiguration » History » Revision 21
Revision 20 (Etienne Massip, 2012-06-18 11:20) → Revision 21/58 (ParandamaReddy Y, 2012-07-19 10:50)
h1. Email Configuration {{>toc}} h2. Configuration Directives This page is a work in progress, the following configuration directives are only a partial list. h3. authentication The type of authentication method expected by your service provider. Valid settings: * :login * :none (note: if you set this to @:none@, you must not include the @user_name@ and @password@ settings) h3. delivery_method The mail transport method to be used. Valid settings: * :smtp * :async_smtp * :sendmail * :async_sendmail h4. Asynchronous delivery_methods The @:async_smtp@ and @:async_sendmail@ use asynchronous sends, which means Redmine does not wait for the email to be sent to display the next page. See "Asynchronous Email Delivery": for more details. h2. Example configuration.yml Configurations h3. Simple Login Authentication (default settings) <pre> # Outgoing email settings production: email_delivery: delivery_method: :smtp smtp_settings: address: port: 25 domain: authentication: :login user_name: password: redmine development: email_delivery: delivery_method: :smtp smtp_settings: address: port: 25 domain: authentication: :login user_name: password: redmine </pre> *If you want to use GMail/Google Apps and other TLS-requiring SMTP servers*, you'll have to add some TLS-related settings : <pre> production: email_delivery: delivery_method: :smtp smtp_settings: enable_starttls_auto: true address: "" port: '587' domain: "" authentication: :plain user_name: "" password: "your_password" </pre> However, this will only work with "recent" enough ruby and rails versions (1.8.7 patchset 2xx and 2.3.5). (See #5814 ) h3. No Authentication Example for an SMTP service provider with no authentication. Note the colon before none. <pre> production: email_delivery: delivery_method: :smtp smtp_settings: address: port: 25 domain: authentication: :none </pre> h3. Using sendmail command Example for a unix system that uses the @/usr/sbin/sendmail@ command. <pre> production: email_delivery: delivery_method: :sendmail </pre> h2. More information * "Action Mailer Configuration":