EmailConfiguration » History » Revision 53
Revision 52 (Go MAEDA, 2018-01-15 14:17) → Revision 53/58 (Lloyd Su, 2019-11-12 17:06)
h1. Email Configuration {{>toc}} h2. Configuration Directives This page is a work in progress, the following configuration directives are only a partial list. Please consult "Action Mailer Configuration": for detailed information. h3. authentication The type of authentication method expected by your service provider. Valid settings: * @nil@ (or omit the key) for no authentication * @:plain@ * @:login@ * @:cram_md5@ (note: if you set this to @nil@ or omit it, you must not include the @user_name@ and @password@ settings) h3. delivery_method The mail transport method to be used. Valid settings: * @:smtp@ * :@sendmail@ * @:async_smtp@ * @:async_sendmail@ h4. Asynchronous delivery_methods The @:async_smtp@ and @:async_sendmail@ use asynchronous sends, which means Redmine does not wait for the email to be sent to display the next page. See "Asynchronous Email Delivery": for more details. Some SMTP servers have delay period before processing takes place as an anti-spam feature, during which time synchronous method will block Redmine ("10 seconds": could be a default value, see also #11376 for more information). With this delivery method, smtp configuration is specified using @async_smtp_settings@ keyword instead of @smtp_settings@ keyword: <pre><code class="yml"> development: email_delivery: delivery_method: :async_smtp async_smtp_settings: # Don't use "smtp_settings" address: ... port: ... ... </code></pre> h2. Example configuration.yml Configurations h3. Simple Login Authentication (default settings) <pre><code class="yml"> # Outgoing email settings production: email_delivery: delivery_method: :smtp smtp_settings: address: port: 25 domain: authentication: :login user_name: password: redmine development: email_delivery: delivery_method: :smtp smtp_settings: address: port: 25 domain: authentication: :login user_name: password: redmine </code></pre> h3. GMail, Google Apps If you want to use GMail/Google Apps and other TLS-requiring SMTP servers, you'll have to add some TLS-related settings: <pre><code class="yml"> production: email_delivery: delivery_method: :smtp smtp_settings: enable_starttls_auto: true address: "" port: 587 domain: "" authentication: :plain user_name: "" password: "your_password" </code></pre> When sending from G Suite (formerly Google Apps), it's good to use *SMTP relay* which has much larger sending limits. More information and detailed guide how to enable SMTP relay is here: When configuring SMTP relay service use something like this: * Name: Redmine * 1. Allowed senders: ** Only registered Apps users in my domains - in case You have created dedicated G Suite user for Redmine * 2. Authentication ** [x] Only accept mail from the specified IP addresses - IP address of your Redmine server ** [x] Require SMTP Authentication * 3. Encryption ** [x] Require TLS encryption And config can be really simple: <pre><code class="yml"> production: email_delivery: delivery_method: :smtp smtp_settings: address: port: 587 domain: authentication: :plain user_name: password: your_password </code></pre> h3. Office 365, Exchange Online Here is an example for Office 365 users (Exchange online). The sender must have an account, or if you want to send from a shared mailbox, the account below must have authorization to "Send As" the sender which is defined in Redmine email notifications settings. <pre><code class="yml"> production: email_delivery: delivery_method: :smtp smtp_settings: enable_starttls_auto: true address: "" port: 587 domain: "" authentication: :login user_name: "" password: "password" </code></pre> h3. No Authentication Example for an SMTP service provider with no authentication. <pre><code class="yml"> production: email_delivery: delivery_method: :smtp smtp_settings: address: port: 25 domain: </code></pre> h3. Using sendmail command Example for a unix system that uses the @/usr/sbin/sendmail@ command. <pre><code class="yml"> production: email_delivery: delivery_method: :sendmail </code></pre> h2. Troubleshooting h3. Error: "hostname was not match with the server certificate" If you get this error, there's probably a problem verifying the SSL certificate of your smtp relay. As a temporary fix, you can set this option in the appropriate "email_delivery" section: <pre><code class="yml"> enable_starttls_auto: false </code></pre> If you have to enable starttls and just want to bypass the certificate verification, you can add following option in the appropriate "email_delivery" section: <pre><code class="yml"> openssl_verify_mode: "NONE" </code></pre> h3. Error: "Mail failure - no recipient addresses" When this error happens, the notification is not delivered to the destination address. Instead, you will probably receive a rejection message on your sender address, where you can see the header of the message sent, containing "From:" fields but not containing any "To:" fields. This error is common on *Debian* boxes, due to the way _exim4_ is configured by default, which is @"-i -t"@. This configuration tells _exim4_ that the destination address is inside the header of the message. Instead, we need to configure _exim4_ so that the destination address will be retrieved from the command line. The solution consists on editing your _config/configuration.yml_ and making sure you define @arguments@ containing the string @"-i"@, as shown below: <pre><code class="yml"> # default configuration options for all environments default: email_delivery: delivery_method: :sendmail sendmail_settings: arguments: "-i" </code></pre> The example above employs @:sendmail@ method, which employs @sendmail_settings@. In case you are using @:smtp@ or @:async_smtp@ methods, try @smtp_settings@ instead. h3. Error: "Timeout:Error" due to SSL SMTP server connection add an ssl option to the configuration.yml #17239 <pre><code class="yml"> default: # Outgoing emails configuration (see examples above) email_delivery: delivery_method: :smtp smtp_settings: address: port: 465 ssl: true enable_starttls_auto: true domain: authentication: :login user_name: password: xxxx </code></pre> h2. More information * "Action Mailer Configuration":