


FedoraInstallation » History » Revision 4

Revision 3 (Jamie McPeek, 2014-08-16 22:06) → Revision 4/6 (Jamie McPeek, 2014-08-16 22:36)

h1. HowTo Install Redmine 2.5.x on Fedora 20 


 h2. System Requirements 

 No assumptions are made about the initial state of the system in this guide. The guide can be followed for either 32-bit or 64-bit systems - though all testing and the original installation was performed on a 64-bit system. 

 The hardware requirements are not significant, so a small VM with 10gb storage and 1GB ram and 1GB swap file should be sufficient. 

 This guide can be used on top of an already existing system or, from scratch, downloading from the Fedora website. 

 An ISO for installation can be downloaded from "here": 

 The rest of the guide assumes that you have created a user account with wheel/administrator access and are logged in to the terminal directly or through SSH. 

 h2. Updating the System 

 Before beginning, you should ensure all of your installed packages are up-to-date. This can be done by issuing the following command: 

 $ sudo yum update 

 If the kernel was updated as part of this command, you should perform a restart to begin using it: 

 $ sudo shutdown -r now 

 h2. Installing Dependencies 

 Before beginning the installation of Redmine, there are a number of dependencies which need to be installed. 

 Depending on your needs, some of these may not be necessary. Depending on your preferences, you may choose alternatives to some of these. 

 apr-devel           - For Passenger 
 apr-util-devel      - For Passenger 
 curl-devel          - For Passenger 
 gcc                 - For JSON 
 gcc-c++             - For Passenger 
 git                 - (Optional) For SCM Integration 
 httpd               - Web Server 
 httpd-devel         - For Passenger 
 ImageMagick-devel - For RMagick 
 mariadb-devel       - For Redmine 
 mariadb-server      - For Redmine 
 nano                - Configuration Editor 
 ruby-devel          - For Redmine 
 tar                 - For Decompression 
 wget                - For Download 

 All of these can be installed prior to starting with a single command: 

 $ sudo yum install apr-devel apr-util-devel curl-devel gcc gcc-c++ git httpd httpd-devel ImageMagick-devel mariadb-devel mariadb-server nano ruby-devel tar wget 

 h2. Disable SELinux 

 Some users have noted issues installing Redmine with SELinux active. This can be disabled via the following command: 

 # sudo setenforce 0 

 Steps will be taken throughout the remainder of the guide to ensure that, if desired, SELinux can be re-enabled after and still maintain a fully functional Redmine installation. 

 h2. Enable Server Environment 

 With all of the dependencies installed, we need to ensure that the servers are setup, ready for use, and accessible external to the OS installation. 

 The first step is to open the standard port 80 in the firewall for the web server: 

 $ sudo firewall-cmd --zone=public --add-service=http 
 $ sudo firewall-cmd --permanent --zone=public --add-service=http 

 The first line opens the port in the current configuration. The second line ensures that, after a restart, that port will remain open and available. 

 The second step is to start the web server and database server: 

 $ sudo systemctl start httpd mariadb 
 $ sudo systemctl enable httpd mariadb 

 Similar to the firewall commands, the first line starts the servers in the current configuration. The second line ensures that, after a restart, both servers come back online. 

 h2. Configuring MariaDB 

 Now that you have a database server up and running, it needs to be configured for use. The initial setup can be performed with the following command: 

 $ mysql_secure_installation 

 This will prompt you to create a password for the root account as well as a number of other choices. For a standard setup, the default choice for each question is acceptable. 

 Advanced usages or installations may opt for different answers; however, that is beyond the scope of this guide. 

 h3. Creating a Redmine Database and Account 

 Now that you have MariaDB configured, it is time to create a database and user for use with your Redmine installation. 

 First, connect to the server: 

 $ mysql -u root -p 

 You will be prompted to enter the root password. Once provided, you will be able to issue the following commands: 

 <pre><code class="sql"> 
 CREATE USER 'redmine'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY '<user_password>'; 
 GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON redmine.* TO 'redmine'@'localhost'; 

 The above commands will create the database, create a user with a defined password, and ensure the created user has full access on the newly created database. 

 Once those commands have been entered, issue the following command to return to the command line: 


 h2. Obtaining Redmine 

 Now that all the dependencies are installed and the servers are up and running it's time to get the stable release of Redmine and begin its installation. 

 In this example, we'll use wget to download the file from the Redmine server and tar to extract its contents: 

 $ wget 
 $ tar xfzv redmine-2.5.2.tar.gz 

 h2. Redmine Database Configuration 

 To ensure proper functionality, the Redmine installation will need to communicate with the database that has just been created. This can be done by performing the following: 

 $ cd redmine-2.5.2/config 
 $ cp database.yml.example database.yml 
 $ nano -w database.yml 

 Once the file has been opened, the @production@ definition needs to be updated to match the database and account used above. It should look as follows: 

 <pre><code class="yaml"> 
   adapter: mysql2 
   database: redmine 
   host: localhost 
   username: redmine 
   password: "<user_password>" 
   encoding: utf8 

 This replaces the user @root@ and the blank password in the example configuration file. 

 h2. Redmine Installation Directory 

 With most of the precursor work completed, it's time to move the installation to a folder more accessible than a user's home directory. 

 For the purposes of this guide, Redmine will be moved to @/var/www/redmine@; however, this could be moved to a variety of over locations based on personal needs. 

 This can be don with the following commands: 

 $ cd /var/www 
 $ sudo cp -R ~/redmine-2.5.2 redmine 
 $ cd redmine 

 To ensure proper functionality and access rights, the @public/plugin_assets@ folder needs to be created: 

 $ sudo mkdir public/plugin_assets 

 To allow read/write access to the folders, the user @apache@ needs to have access: 

 $ sudo chown apache:apache -R files log public/plugin_assets tmp 

 h3. Optional SELinux Configuration 

 If you plan to re-enable SELinux after installation, the following steps should be taken to ensure smooth execution. 

 $ sudo chcon -R --reference=/var/www/html /var/www/redmine 

 This command applies SELinux directory permissions typically for a web server to all sub-directories under the redmine top-level folder. 

 $ sudo chcon -t httpd_sys_content_rw_t -R files log public/plugin_assets tmp 

 This command enables the specific folders listed to have read/write access while SELinux is active. Under a normal configuration with SELinux, all web directories are read-only.