FrRedmineWikis » History » Version 1
Heidy Zihi, 2010-05-12 12:38
1 | 1 | Heidy Zihi | h1. Wikis |
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3 | h2. Créer une nouvelle page Wiki |
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5 | Comme dans chaque wiki, ajouter simplement un lien vers la page que vous voulez créer. |
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7 | <pre>[[MyNewWikiPage]]</pre> |
8 | Enregistrez la page et cliquez sur ce lien: vous avez créé une nouvelle page wiki appelée "MyNewWikiPage" |
9 | Félicitations. |
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11 | h2. Créer une barre latérale (side bar) |
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13 | Le contenu de la page wiki appelée 'Sidebar' est affichée dans la bare latérale s'il existe. |
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17 | . Permission to edit protected pages is required to create this page |
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19 | h2. Creating sub-pages (parent/child relationships) |
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21 | (From the [[FAQ]]). |
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23 | Looking at it is possible to make use of some sort of sub-paging like: |
24 | > * Guide |
25 | > ** RedmineAccounts |
26 | > ** RedmineCustomFields |
27 | > ** RedmineInstall |
28 | > ** RedmineIssueList |
29 | > ** RedmineIssues |
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31 | This can be accomplished by assigning a parent page to a to-be child-page. This assignment can be done via the @rename@ dialog. |
32 | Thus, create both the child- and parent-pages and then open the to-be child-page and click "rename", then enter the name of the parent page. |
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34 | h2. Text formatting |
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36 | See [[RedmineTextFormatting]]. |
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38 | h2. Protecting a wiki page |
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40 | If you have the permission to protect wiki pages, you can click on !/images/locked.png! *Lock*. |
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42 | A locked wiki page can only be edited by users who have the permission to protect wiki page. |
43 | It can be unlocked by those users by clicking !/images/unlock.png! *Unlock*. |
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45 | h2. Wiki page history |
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47 | Redmine keeps a record of every change made to a wiki page. You can view the list of these changes by clicking on !/images/history.png! *History*. |
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49 | p=. !history.png! |
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51 | To view a specific version of the page click on its number. |
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53 | p=. !page_version.png! |
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55 | You can revert a page to a previous version by clicking on !/images/cancel.png! *Rollback to this version*, then *Save*. |