


HowTo Install Redmine in Apache Tomcat » History » Revision 2

Revision 1 (Henning Sprang, 2009-11-24 00:40) → Revision 2/11 (Henning Sprang, 2009-11-24 00:55)

h1. HowTo install Redmine in Apache Tomcat 

 As I'm running an Apache Tomcat Server already, I wanted to run redmine in it with Jruby, so I won't have to manage a mongrel/passenger setup. 

 h2. Steps to achieve this 

 Tested with Redmine version 0.8.0 and 0.8.6 on Ubuntu Karmic. 

 *Attention! There is a problem on 0.8.7 not resolved yet! see * yet!* 

 Assumption is you have a redmine running in plain ruby and it's working with "./scripts/server -e production" 
 If not, check the other docs first first. 

 I'm using a socket connection to mysql, there might be some extra steps (e.g. configuring jdbc) necessary for a mysql connection via network. 

 Here we go: 

 * aptitude install jruby1.2 
 * cd redmine-VERSION 
 * test running it manually:  
 ** jruby ./script/server -e production 
 * Install warbler gem - a tool to package rails applications as Java web application .war files: 
 ** gem install warbler 
 * Run warbler: 
 ** warble config - or if warble is not in your path like in my setup: ~/.gem/ruby/1.8/bin/warble config 
 * Edit the warbler config: 
 ** vim config/warble.rb 
 * change line config.dirs... to be: 
 ** config.dirs = %w(app config lib log vendor tmp extra files lang) 
 * run warble: 
 ** warble - or if warble is not in your path like in my setup: ~/.gem/ruby/1.8/bin/warble 
 * place the redmine war into your tomcat webapps directory: 
 ** cp redmine-VERSION.war $TOMCAT_HOME/webapps/redmine.war 

 h2. Links that helped me to achieve this: 
