HowTos » History » Revision 159
Revision 158 (Wim Bertels, 2013-07-05 15:03) → Revision 159/261 (Yovav Cohen Tene, 2013-07-13 20:10)
h1. HowTos
h2. Installation
* [[RedmineInstall|Generic installation instructions]]
* [[HowTo Install Redmine in a sub-URI|Generic sub-URI deployment instructions]]
h3. Operating Systems
h4. CentOS
* [[Redmine on CentOS installation HOWTO]]
* [[How to Install Redmine on CentOS (Detailed)|HowTo install Redmine on CentOS Detailed]]
* [[Redmine 2.0.3 with Subversion and LDAP Authentication (for Redmine and Subversion through Redmine) on Centos 6, i386 - detailed]]
* [[RedmineAndSELinuxOnCentOS|HowTo make Redmine, Phusion Passenger, Ruby Enterprise Edition, and Apache play nice with SELinux on CentOS]]
* "How To Install Redmine on CentOS with cPanel ":
* "How To Install Redmine 1.3 on CentOS 5 with WHM/Cpanel using passenger ":
h4. Debian
* [[InstallRedmineOnDebianStableApacheMysqlPassenger|Install Ruby, Rails, Passenger and Redmine on Debian stable]]
* [[HowTo Install Redmine 2.1.0 on Debian Squeeze with Apache Passenger]]
* [[GitHub clone based on Debian Squeeze, Gitolite, Git, Git-Daemon, MySQL, Nginx and Mongrel Cluster]]
* "HowTo Install Redmine 0.8.x+ in Debian Etch with Apache fcgid":
* [[HowTo Install Redmine in a home directory on Debian]]
* [[HowTo Install Redmine using Debian package]]
* [[HowTo Install Redmine on Debian with Ruby-on-Rails and Apache2-Passenger]]
* "HowTo Install Redmine on Debian Squeeze with MySQL, Ruby-on-Rails and Apache2-Passenger":
* [[HowTo Install Redmine on Debian Squeeze with Postgresql, Ruby-on-Rails and Apache2-Passenger]]
* [[HowTo Install Redmine on Debian Wheezy Testing with MySQL and Apache2-Passenger]]
* [[HowTo Install Redmine on subdirectory (sub-URI) on Apache]]
* [[Install Redmine with git and svn support over https on Debian wheezy using the Debian repository]]
h4. FreeBSD
* "HowTo Install Redmine 2.1.x on FreeBSD + Apache + Passenger":
* "HowTo Install Redmine 1.2.x on FreeBSD 8.2 Amd64 + FastCGI Apache":
* "HowTo Install Redmine on FreeBSD with Mongrel Cluster and Apache Proxy Balance": (pt-BR)
h4. Gentoo
* "HowTo Install Redmine 1.1.2, 1.3.0 and 1.4.3 on Gentoo":
h4. Mac OS X
* [[RedmineInstallOSX|How to install Redmine on Mac OS X]]
* [[RedmineInstallOSXServer|HowTo Install Redmine on Mac OS X Server]] 10.6 Snow Leopard
* [[RedmineInstallOSXLionServer|HowTo Install Redmine on Mac OS X Lion Server]]
h4. Microsoft Windows
* [[HowTo Install Redmine in a sub-URI on Windows with Apache]] (Zero-to-Redmine on Windows)
* "HowTo run Redmine with Mongrel as a Windows service":
* [[HowTo install rmagick gem on Windows]]
* [[HowTo run Redmine as a Windows service (win32-service + taskill approach)]]
* message#32693
h4. openSuse
* [[HowTo Install Redmine on openSUSE]]
h4. Solaris
* [[HowTo Install Redmine on Solaris]]
h4. Ubuntu
* [[HowTo_Install_Redmine_231_On_Ubuntu_1204_with_git_plugin]]
* [[HowTo_Install_Redmine_on_Ubuntu_step_by_step]] for installing on a fresh Ubuntu 12.04
* [[HowTo Install Redmine in Ubuntu]]
* [[HowTo Install Redmine 2.1.2 in Ubuntu 12.10 and Apache Passenger]]
* [[HowToInstallRedmineOnUbuntuServer|HowTo Install Redmine 1.3.x with Mercurial and Subversion on Ubuntu Server 10.04]]
* "How To Install Redmine on Ubuntu 12.04 Server using Apache and mod_passenger with Subversion repositories.":
* "How To Install Redmine on Ubuntu 11.10 Server using Apache and mod_passenger with performance improving options.":
* "HowTo Install Redmine 1.1.x with Git and Gitosis on Ubuntu 11.04":
* "Redmine+Apache+SVN+Postfix完整配置指南": (简体中文)
* "HowTo Install Redmine with SVN, Git and Gitosis on Ubuntu 8.04":
* "HowTo Redmine Appliance from scratch with Ubuntu JeOS + Apache + Phusion Passenger + Ruby Enterprise": (es-ES)
* HowTo Redmine Appliance from scratch with Ubuntu JeOS + Apache + Mongrel cluster + Webmin integration "1": "2": "3": (es-ES)
* "Howto install Redmine on Ubuntu 10.04 LTS with Apache + mod passenger - With full GIT integration":
* "HowTo Install Redmine on Ubuntu and keep system clean":
* "Screencast - Installing Redmine 2.2 + Passenger + nginx + rvm on Ubuntu 12.04":
h3. Web- and Application Servers
h4. Apache
* [[HowTo configure Apache to run Redmine]]
h4. Apache Tomcat
* [[HowTo install Redmine in Apache Tomcat]]
h4. Mongrel
* [[HowTo run Redmine with a Mongrel cluster]]
h4. Nginx
* [[HowTo configure Nginx to run Redmine]]
h4. Phusion Passenger
* [[HowTo have both development and production environment available from Apache with VirtualHost]]
h3. Application Stacks
h4. Bitnami
* [[How to install Redmine in Linux Windows and OS X using BitNami Redmine Stack|How to install Redmine using BitNami installer (Windows, OS X, Linux)]]
* "Install GitHub clone with Redmine with BitNami and Gitosis":
* "Screencast How to install Redmine with plugins in Windows 2008 using BitNami stack":
h2. Configuration
h3. Authentication
* "HowTo Authenticate Apache against Redmine with AuthMySQL":
* "CAS and Redmine":
* [[HowTo configure a single sign-on into Redmine from an other App on the same server]]
h3. Database
* "HowTo Install Redmine with an Oracle backend":
* [[HowTo make Wiki history working with Postgres 9.0]]
h3. Email
* [[HowTo configure Redmine to mail to MS Exchange server]]
h3. Source Code Management (SCM)
* [[HowTo setup automatic refresh of repositories in Redmine on commit]]
* [[HowTo configure Redmine for advanced git integration]]
* [[HowTo Easily integrate a (SSH secured) GIT repository into redmine]]
* [[HowTo configure Redmine for advanced Mercurial integration]]
* [[HowTo configure Redmine for advanced Subversion integration]]
* [[HowTo configure Redmine for advanced Bazaar integration]]
* [[HowTo keep in sync your git repository for redmine]]
* [[HowTo simply keep Redmine in sync with GitHub]]
h2. Migration
* [[HowTo Migrate Redmine to a new server to a new Redmine version]]
h2. Customizing Redmine
* [[HowTo translate Redmine in your own language]]
* [[HowTo create a custom Redmine theme]]
* [[HowTo add a logo to your Redmine banner]]
h2. Miscellaneous
* [[HowTo Mylyn|How to connect a Mylyn repository to Redmine]]
* "Scaling infrastructure - load balancing":/boards/1/topics/24727?r=24739#message-24739
* [[HowTo FixUpImportedUsers|How to fix up users imported from another system]] or when you change authentication systems.
* [[HowTo Install Redmine on Heroku]]