


HowTos » History » Revision 9

Revision 8 (Jean-Philippe Lang, 2007-10-28 12:42) → Revision 9/258 (Nicolas Chuche, 2007-11-18 19:42)

h1. HowTos 

 h2. Customizing Redmine 

 [[HowTo translate Redmine in your own language]] 
 [[HowTo create a custom Redmine theme]] 

 h2. Installation and setup 

 [[HowTo run Redmine with a Mongrel cluster]] 
 [[HowTo configure Redmine to mail to MS Exchange server]] 

 h2. Advanced Subversion integration 

 These HowTos are intended for those who want to automate SVN repositories creation and rights management. They require some system administration skills. 

 They are useless for those who simply want to browse existing repositories from within Redmine (like "this": To do so, make sure that the svn binaries are installed on the Redmine host and go to the project settings to configure the path to the repository. 

 [[HowTo to handle SVN repositories creation and access control with Redmine]] 

 [[HowTo to handle SVN repositories creation and access control with Redmine (part 2)]]