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Revision 2 (Lorenzo Meneghetti, 2023-08-01 22:24) → Revision 3/4 (Lorenzo Meneghetti, 2023-08-01 22:28)
h1. Frequently Asked Questions {{TOC}} h2. Installazione ed avvio di Redmine h3. Dove posso trovare la tabella di compatibilità di Redmine con le varie versioni di Ruby e RubyOnRails? Nella [[RedmineInstall|Installation]] sono riportate nei requirements le varie versioni di Ruby e RubyOnRails supportate dalle varie versioni di Redmine. Se si intende installare una verione precedente di Redmine la scelta del framework RoR sarà per lo piu' obbligata. h3. Quando faccio partire l'applicazione ottengo un errore: "in 'gem_original_require': no such file to load -- initializer (LoadError)" Assicurarsi che "Ruby on Rails": sia correttamente installato nel proprio sistema. h3. Quando faccio partire l'applicazione ottengo un errore: "cannot connect to mysql: No such file or directory - /tmp/mysql.sock" occorre specificare i puntamenti del socket verso il DB in @config/database.yml@. Vedi h3. L'applicazione si congela dopo un lungo periodo di inattività C'è un bug in ruby/mysql adapter < 2.7.3 che porta a perdere la connessione con il DB. Si prega di aggiornare il proprio _adapter_. Puoi vedere la discussione a: h3. Perchè Redmine usa i link HTTP quando io invece voglio che usi i link HTTPS in Apache? (SSL) Questo accade quando Apache manda le richieste ad un server di backend, come _mongrel_ o _thin_. Apache non dice al backend server di utilizzare https quindi i link sono generati non corretti. Aggiungere la seguente direttiva ad Apache: RequestHeader set X_FORWARDED_PROTO 'https' o RequestHeader set X-Forwarded-Proto 'https' h3. In presenza di una installazione con Passenger ottengo il seguente errore: ActionController::RoutingError (No route matches "/index.html" with {:method=>:get}) Apache interpreta erroneamente il file @public/.htaccess@ che è necessario per le installazioni (f)cgi. Puoi evitarlo o rimuovendo completamente il file (visto che non è richiesto di Passenger) o inserendo la seguente direttiva nel file di configurazione di Apache. AllowOverride None h2. Gestione delle segnalazioni h3. Ho creato un nuovo stato di una segnalazione ma non riesco ad utilizzarla, non viene mostrata nel corrispondente menu' a discesa. Dopo aver creato un nuovo stato di una segnalazione devi includerlo nel workflow e metterlo a disposizione per il ruolo e per il tracker. Supponiamo tu abbia creato un nuovo stato detto 'In esecuzione' e che tu voglia che i tuoi sviluppatori siano in grado di utilizzarlo quando devono far avanzare una segnalazione di un 'difetto' da 'Nuovo' ad 'In esecuzione'. Vai in "Amministrazione -> Workflow", seleziona 'Difetto' e 'Sviluppatore', deseleziona 'Only display statuses that are used by this tracker' box poi clicca su 'modifica'. Ora vedrai tutte le transizioni di stato permesse per gli sviluppatori sulle segnalazioni con tyracker difetto. Nella riga in corrispondenza di 'Nuovo', clicca sul checkbox in corrispondenza della colonna 'In esecuzione' e salva. See [[RedmineIssueTrackingSetup|Workflow setup]]. h3. Ho creato un nuovo I've created a new tracker ma non riesco ad usarlo, non viene visualizzato nel menu' but I can't use it, it doesn't show up in the trackers drop-down list. Once you've created a discesa Dopo aver creato il nuovo new tracker, occorre "attivarlo" per lo specifico progetto. you need to "activate" it for a specific project. Se, ad esempio, hai creato un Say you have created a tracker denominato named 'Task' e vuoi utilizzarlo nel progetto; and you want the new tracker to be used for your project; * vai a go to "(Project-)Settings -> tab 'Information' -> fieldset 'Trackers'", * metti il segno di spunta in corrispondenza del nuovo traker check the checkbox of the new tracker 'Task', * e salva. and then click save. Ora puoi iniziare ad utilizzare il nuovo You can now start using the new tracker 'Task' nel progetto nel quale è stato appena attivato. in the project for which you've just activated the new tracker. h3. How does "Related issues" work? See [[RedmineIssues#Related-issues]] for an in-depth explanation. h2. Time tracking h3. The time calculations in "Spent time Reports" are wrong. You are probably entering spent-time values in Redmine using "decimal time format": See [[RedmineTimeTracking#Decimal-time-format]] for an in-depth explanation. h2. Repositories h3. Commits don't show up in the activity until I click on 'Repository' By default, Redmine fetches the new commits from the repository only when you browse it. If you want the commits to be retrieved periodically by Redmine in the background for all your repositories, uncheck 'Autofetch commits' setting and add a cron that runs (with appropriate environment): rake -f /path/to/redmine/Rakefile RAILS_ENV=production redmine:fetch_changesets For SVN repositories you can also add the following command to a post-commit hook: ruby /path_to_redmine/redmine/script/runner "Repository.fetch_changesets" -e production *Note, the second method of post-commit hook will slow down commits and could possibly cause commits to fail if Redmine is not functioning. You can bypass these disadvantages by sending the ruby-command to background. ruby /path_to_redmine/redmine/script/runner "Repository.fetch_changesets" -e production > /dev/null 2>&1 & h3. I can't browse my svn repository through redmine Check the following: * Make sure you're using a svn client and server >= 1.3. Redmine parse the -xml output from subversion, which is a svn 1.3 feature. * Make sure that the web app is able to run the svn binary. (hint: check your path and ensure the svn binary is on it) * When using a file:/// link, make sure the system user under which Redmine runs has access to the location specified by file:/// on your local file system. (Hint: By default, when using passenger, Redmine runs as the user which owns your config/environment.rb.) If you're accessing the repository over HTTPS: The initial import of a subversion repository over https requires that the ssl certificate fingerprint be manually validated and stored in a config-dir accessible by the user running the web server. It is recommended that a directory local to the redmine application root be provided, either as a default (./svn/.subversion) or as a provided parameter in the repository settings for subversion. The work around for the certificate acceptance issue is to manually checkout anything from the svn server specifying the local config-dir and accepting the certificate +permanently+. Example: <pre> $ svn --config-dir ./svn/.subversion co delete-me Error validating server certificate for '': - The certificate is not issued by a trusted authority. Use the fingerprint to validate the certificate manually! - The certificate hostname does not match. - The certificate has expired. Certificate information: - Hostname: - Valid: from Apr 8 12:00:00 2006 GMT until Sep 24 12:00:00 2010 GMT - Issuer:,, Geneva, UN - Fingerprint: 01:27:d9:6a:b8:db:63:f3:24:e3:41:c8:15:0a:f8:93:f6:7c:0f:11 (R)eject, accept (t)emporarily or accept (p)ermanently? p </pre> or modify subversion_adapter.rb in <redmine root>/lib/redmine/scm/adapters/subversion_adapter.rb in credentials_string definition section chagne svn globaly options from <pre> --no-auth-cache --non-interactive </pre> to <pre> --trust-server-cert --no-auth-cache --non-interactive </pre> For additional information on the problem, check your log file for problems encountered during the svn operation. (e.g. /log/production.log ) or list the certificate in @/etc/subversion/servers@. See for details. h3. Repository statistics doesn't show up * If you are using ruby 1.8.6: There's a bug in rexml 3.1.7 provided with ruby 1.8.6. You can fix it yourself: In @ruby/1.8/rexml/document.rb@ (line 186), change: @if transitive@ to @if trans@ then restart the app. See for details. * If you are using Internet Explorer: You'll need an SVG plugin like the one "Adobe provides": to be able to display SVG-images properly within Internet Explorer. h2. Wikis h3. How do I create sub-pages (parent/child relationships) in the wiki See [[RedmineWikis#Creating-sub-pages-parentchild-relationships]] for an in-depth explanation. h3. Global Wiki There is currently no global wiki, and the current permission system won't allow one. A workaround is to create a project, if needed only with a wiki, and to use it for all global needs. h2. Performance h3. When I create a new issue, Redmine freezes for one minute. Make sure your SMTP server is properly configured or deactivate *email notifications* (remove @config/email.yml@) and restart Redmine. h2. Miscellanea h3. Le emails usano un URL non corretto The urls used in email is configured with the *[[RedmineSettings#Host-name-and-path|Host name and path]]* setting in Administration > Settings > General tab. It defaults to localhost:3000 (Ruby on Rails default). It should not include the protocol handler ("http://"). h3. Email notifications are not working First, try to send a test email: go to _"Administration -> Settings -> Email notifications"_ and click _"Send a test email"_. It will send an email to the email address of your Redmine account: * If you get an error, check your configuration in @config/configuration.yml@. See [[EmailConfiguration]]. * If you don't receive any email, check your SMTP server log to see if the email was properly relayed. For other problems (eg. some people receive notifications but others don't), you can enable email debug output in your Redmine log file by commenting out this line in @config/environments/production.rb@: <pre> config.action_mailer.logger = nil </pre> After restarting the application, every email sent will be dumped to your log file (@log/production.log@). This way you can check the @To:@ field of emails to see if all the expected email addresses are present. h3. All times are off by 1 hour after the daylight savings switched Rails < 2.1 built-in time zone implementation doesn't handle DST. You have to install "TZInfo": To do so, run the following from your Redmine directory: ruby script/plugin install tzinfo_timezone Do not install this plugin if you're using Redmine 0.8. h3. What is the difference between Documents and Files? The "Documents" section is for publishing specifications, notices, or other documents that do not belong in a SCM. The "Files" section is for publishing versions of the tracked project, as a bundle (release). h3. I get a 404-error when I try to view or diff a PHP-file It's because Apache is seeing the extension @.php@ and tries to run the PHP-interpreter on the file. Since the requested URL isn't a real file, it returns a 404 error. The solution is to turn off mod_php for your Redmine virtual host. That will cause Apache to call Redmine to serve up the file. To do so, add the following lines to your virtual host configuration: <pre><code>RemoveHandler .php php_flag engine off # Try without this line first </code></pre> h3. Why are Textile inline styles not working? Textile inline styles were disabled starting from Redmine version#2 for security reasons (see #2416). If you really need this feature and don't fear XSS attacks as you don't have projects with public write access, then you'll need to manually change the Redmine source (source:/trunk/lib/redmine/wiki_formatting/textile/formatter.rb@2192#L33), or you change this in /lib/redmine/wiki_formatting/textile/formatter.rb : <pre>self.filter_styles=false</pre> h3. Reset password lost without admin redmine account but with admin redmine database account Found in file /app/models/user.rb: 'The hashed password is stored in the following form: SHA1\(salt + SHA1(password))' So you can reset password in two steps: - clear salt - calculate sha1(sha1(new_password)) For example for the password "password" (without quote) it will be "353e8061f2befecb6818ba0c034c632fb0bcae1b" sah1(password)=0bd181063899c9239016320b50d3e896693a96df sha1(0bd181063899c9239016320b50d3e896693a96df)=353e8061f2befecb6818ba0c034c632fb0bcae1b You have to go to redmine database, find "users" table, find user to reset password, clear "salt" field's user and put "353e8061f2befecb6818ba0c034c632fb0bcae1b" in "hashed_password" field's user and log to redmine with new password 'password' (without quote). To do this redmine database changes, do the following from command line in the operating system where Redmine is working: * note user and password from a file config/database.yml. * For MySQL ** execute command: @mysql -u <db user from database.yml> -p@ ** enter: <password from database.yml> ** execute: @UPDATE users SET hashed_password='353e8061f2befecb6818ba0c034c632fb0bcae1b' WHERE login='admin';@ ** execute: @UPDATE users SET salt='' WHERE login='admin';@ ** execute: @exit@ Now you can go to Redmine login web page to login as user admin with 'password' as password. h3. Redirections after editing some content (e.g. versions) are incorrect when using FireFox >= 28 Redmine uses the HTTP referrer, specifically including the @path@ part of it, for correct redirection after editing some content (e.g. versions). Whenever the @path@ is not available, redirections will not work as expected (e.g. you are being redirected to the Home page instead of the Roadmap or project versions page); see #18058. Mozilla Firefox 28 introduced a set of new settings (see changeset "e544d02(in Firefox SCM)": and "this third-party summary": to limit the default behavior for sending of HTTP referrers (see issue "822869(in Firefox bug tracker)": At least one of them, namely @network.http.referer.trimmingPolicy@, is confirmed to break some redirections within Redmine after editing some content whenever its default value of '@0@' is changed and set to '@2@'. In that case the @path@ part is omitted in the HTTP referrers. Changing this value to either '@0@' or '@1@' fixes the incorrect redirection behavior, as the @path@ part is included in the referrer with both those values.