PatchReview » History » Revision 5
Revision 4 (Eric Davis, 2010-09-20 05:37) → Revision 5/6 (Eric Davis, 2010-09-27 00:14)
h1. Patches reviewed for stable branches
h2. 1.0-stable
* 2010-09-26 - edavis r4164 to r4189 - Starting to diverge stable and trunk.
* 2010-09-19 - edavis r4030 to r4107 - Skipped a lot of refactoring that changed routes and resources. Breaks backwards compatibility (urls)
* 2010-08-22 - edavis r4027 to r4029
* 2010-08-22 - edavis r4003 to r4014
* 2010-08-18 - edavis r3903 to r3952