PluginBasicPolls » History » Revision 14
Revision 13 (Victor Dulepov, 2011-02-18 13:16) → Revision 14/15 (Pawel Orzechowski, 2011-11-27 17:44)
h1. Basic Polls plugin
Though I am not the author of the plugin, I have created git repository for it on "GitHub":
h2. Features
Adds basic polls management to Redmine (the *Polls* tab at the project level). Create and edit polls and poll choices. Insert the resulting polls and poll results as Wiki macros:
* *@{{poll(id)}}@* - show poll;
* *@{{poll_result(id)}}@* - show detailed poll results;
Polls not yet voted by the current user are shown on Home (all projects) and on project's Overview in a box similar to _Latest News_.
Deleting a poll option already voted for by some users deletes their votes.
Permissions added: _Edit polls_, _Vote polls_.
h2. Compatibility
|_. Plugin Version|_. Redmine compatibility|
Requires [[PluginBlocksLayout|Blocks Layout]] plugin to run.
h2. Credits:
* Author: "_Pavel Vinokurov_"
* Inspired by "Confluence Survey plugin":
* Work sponsored by "Axmor Software":
h2. Screenshots:
h3. Poll and poll results in WIKI:
h3. Poll in issue description:
h3. Polls listing:
h3. Editing a poll:
h3. Editing a poll option:
!polls_edit_choice.png !