


PluginCharts » History » Revision 3

Revision 2 (Chris McKee, 2010-02-22 10:57) → Revision 3/4 (Dominic Clifton, 2010-05-14 11:48)

h1. Charts plugin 


 A Redmine plugin which integrates some project-based, time-tracking charts. 

 h2. Author 

 * Maciej Szczytowski 

 h2. Changelog 

 h3. 0.0.12 

 * many bug fixes ("!#6":, "!#7":, "!#8":, "!#9":, "!#10": 
 * new conditions (trackers, priorities, versions) 
 * pages on deviations chart ("!#5": 
 * hours logged for project and not estimated issues on deviations chart 

 h2. Latest release 

 The currently available, latest release of the plugin is version *0.0.12*. 

 h2. Description 

 The Charts plugin integrates some project-based, time-tracking charts. Most of the charts provided by this plugin depend on issues which have a certain amount of estimated time set and logged spent-time (on plugins as well as on the project itself). 

 h3. Chart types 

 In total four kinds of charts are provided by the plugin: 
 # @Burndown@ 
 ** Timeline with estimated, logged and remaining hours. 
 # @Logged hours ratio@ 
 ** Number of hours which were logged, proportional to total total, grouped and filtered by users, issues, activities, categories, version, priorities or trackers. 
 # @Logged hours timeline@ 
 ** Timeline with logged hours, grouped and filtered by users, issues, activities, categories, version, priorities and trackers. 
 # @Logged hours deviations@ 
 ** Ratio of logged and remaining hours to estimated hours for each estimated issue. 

 h2. Screenshots 

 h3. Burndown chart 


 h3. Logged hours ratio chart 


 h3. Logged hours timeline 


 h3. Logged hours deviations 


 h2. Compatibility 

 This plugin is compatible with Redmine 0.8.x as well as with the current Redmine trunk. 

 h2. Dependencies 

 This plugin relies on the "OpenFlashChart": Rails plugin to render the charts. It can be installed into your Redmine instance using the following commands: 
 $ ./script/plugin install git:// 
 In Windows 
 ruby script\plugin install 

 h2. Obtaining  

 bq. URL of the GitHub repository: 

 The source of this plugin can be "cloned" from the GitHub-repo using: 
 $ cd {RAILS_ROOT} 
 $ git clone git:// vendor/plugins/redmine_charts 

 h2. Installation 

 # Download the plugin from the available source (see "[[PluginCharts#Obtaining|obtaining]]") 
 # Install the plugin as described at: (this plugin contains does not require a plugin database migrations) migration) 
 # Restart Redmine 

 h2. Setup 

 After you have completed the installation of the plugin you can select which projects will actually be able to use the feature brought by the plugin by activating the plugin's module in the "project settings": 

 In the preferred Redmine project, go to the "Project settings": 

 * On the "Modules" tab: enable the plugin-module by checking "Charts". 

 After that, a new item named "Charts" will show up in the project menu. Click on this item to see the project's charts. 

 h2. Upgrading 

 # Backup the currently deployed Charts plugin (@cp -r /vendor/plugins/redmine_charts /vendor/plugins/redmine_charts-backup@) 
 # Reinstall the updated plugin: 
 ** using the command: @git pull@ 
 # Restart your Redmine 

 h2. Uninstalling 

 # Remove the directory _"redmine_charts"_ from the plugin-directory _"../vendor/plugins"_ 
 # Restart Redmine 

 h2. Licensing 

 This plugin is open-source and licensed under the "GNU General Public License v2": (GPL). 

 * ©2009, Maciej Szczytowski ( 

 h2. Support 

 If you would like to report a bug or request a new feature you can open a new issue at the issue-tracking section of the plugins' GitHub site: 
 You can also post about the plugin in the dedicated plugin-section of the "Redmine forums": 

 As an alternative you can also join the @#redmine@ channel on the "freenode": IRC network to see if there is anyone who can provide some support.