


PluginGoogleCalendar » History » Revision 4

Revision 3 (Mischa The Evil, 2009-03-02 12:37) → Revision 4/15 (Mischa The Evil, 2009-06-15 02:46)

h1. PluginGoogleCalendar 

 A simple plugin to include Google Calendar iframe as a tab within Redmine projects. The calendar timezone will be user dependent based off the timezone in your Redmine user account and defaulted to the timezone set in the <iframe> if the user does not have a timezone selected. 

 Currently, the only way to install is using Git and GitHub: 

 bq. URL: 

 h2. To install from git:  

 (Git Version < 1.5.3) 
 $ cd {RAILS_ROOT}/vendor/plugins 
 $ git clone git:// 

 (Git Version >= 1.5.3 -- Because the "git-rails" gem uses Git Submodules introduced in ver. 1.5.3) 
 $ sudo gem install git-rails 
 $ git-rails install git:// 

 h2. Plugin setup 

 # Install the tzinfo gem if it does not already exist on your server:    <pre>$ sudo gem install tzinfo</pre> 
 # Install the plugin as described "here": (this plugin doesn't require migration). 
 # Go to "Administration -> Custom fields" and create a Project custom field of "long text" string" type, named 'Google Calendar IFrame' for example. 
 # Go to "Administration -> Plugins -> Google Calendar Plugin > Configure" to configure the Google Calendar plugin: 
 * select the project custom field which contains the Google Calendar-iframe; in this example select the newly created project custom field "Google Calendar IFrame" 

 h2. Enabling Calendar at project level 

 h3. Retrieve the Google Calendar embedding-code (<iframe>) 

 Go to the Google Calendar you want to embed: 

 # Click on "Settings" in the upper left hand corner 
 # Click on the "Calendars" tab 
 # Select the calendar you want to use 
 # In the "Embed This Calendar" section, copy the entire <iframe> code from the text box 

 (If this is a private calendar, you will have to replace the "src" in the <iframe> with the HTML found by clicking the blue "HTML" block in the "Private Address" section on the same page.) 

 h3. Add the Google Calendar embedding-code (<iframe>) in the Redmine project 

 In your project in Redmine, go to "Project settings" : 

 # On the "Modules" tab: enable the module by checking "Google Calendar". 
 # On the "Information" tab: paste the <iframe> code, that you have copied to your clipboard from Google, into the 'Google Calendar IFrame' project custom field you created in the plugin setup under step 3. 1. 

 After that, a new item named "Calendar" should show up in the project menu. Click on this item to see your Google Calendar.