PluginGoogleCalendar » History » Revision 5
Revision 4 (Mischa The Evil, 2009-06-15 02:46) → Revision 5/15 (Mischa The Evil, 2009-06-26 01:14)
h1. Google Calendar plugin PluginGoogleCalendar {{>toc}} h2. Author * Jim Mulholland h2. Changelog For the complete changelog see the @CHANGELOG@-file in the Redmine Google Calendar plugin directory. h2. Latest stable release The currently available, latest stable release of the plugin is version **0.1.1**. h2. Description The Google Calendar plugin is a A simple Redmine plugin which provides the project-manager a way to include a Google Calendar iframe as a tab within Redmine projects. The calendar timezone will be user-dependent user dependent based off the timezone in your Redmine user account and defaulted to the timezone set in the <code><iframe></code> <iframe> if the user does not have a timezone selected. Currently, the only way to install is using Git and GitHub: bq. URL: h2. Compatibility This plugin is compatible with Redmine 0.8.x as well as with current Redmine trunk. h2. Latest release * @0.1.1@ h2. Prerequisites The plugin requires the "@tzinfo@": gem to be available. If it does not already exist on your server, you can To install it using a command like: <pre>$ sudo gem install tzinfo</pre> h2. Installation from git: bq. General Redmine plugin installation information can be found "here": The installation of this plugin can be done using two different methods: * using @git clone@ (Git version Version < 1.5.3)<pre> 1.5.3) <pre> $ cd {RAILS_ROOT}/vendor/plugins $ git clone git:// git:// </pre> * using @git-rails@ (Git version Version >= 1.5.3 -- Because the @git-rails@ "git-rails" gem uses Git Submodules which were introduced in v. 1.5.3)<pre> ver. 1.5.3) <pre> $ sudo gem install git-rails $ git-rails install git:// git:// </pre> The plugin does not require a database migration afterwards. It does require a restart of Redmine after the installation before the plugin is detected by Redmine and useable. h2. Global Plugin setup Before you can actually use # Install the tzinfo gem if it does not already exist on your server: <pre>$ sudo gem install tzinfo</pre> # Install the plugin within the preferred projects some setup has to be done first. as described "here": (this plugin doesn't require migration). # Go to "Administration -> Custom fields" and create a Project custom field of the type "long text", text" type, named 'Google Calendar IFrame' for example. # Go to "Administration -> Plugins -> Google Calendar Plugin > Configure" to configure the Google Calendar plugin: * select the project custom field which contains the Google Calendar-iframe; in this example select the newly created project custom field "Google Calendar IFrame" h2. Project level setup After you have completed the global setup of the plugin you can select which projects will actually be able to use the feature brought by the plugin. Due to the way the plugin implements this feature it is also possible to configure which Google Enabling Calendar is actually being displayed on a at project level base. The project level setup consists of the following two tasks: h3. Retrieve the embedding-code from Google You should retrieve the actual Google Calendar embedding-code (<code><iframe></code>). Therefore, go (<iframe>) Go to the Google Calendar which you want to embed and: embed: # Click on "Settings" in the upper left hand corner # Click on the "Calendars" tab # Select the calendar you want to use # In the "Embed This Calendar" section, copy the entire <code><iframe></code> <iframe> code from the text box (If this is a private calendar, you will have to replace the "src" in the <code><iframe></code> <iframe> with the HTML found by clicking the blue "HTML" block in the "Private Address" section on the same page.) h3. Configure Add the plugin per each Google Calendar embedding-code (<iframe>) in the Redmine project Now the copied <code><iframe></code> code should be added to a Redmine project. At first we need to make sure the plugin is enabled for the project. In the preferred Redmine project, your project in Redmine, go to the "Project settings": settings" : # On the "Modules" tab: enable the plugin-module module by checking "Google Calendar". # On the "Information" tab: paste the <code><iframe></code> <iframe> code, that you have copied to your clipboard from the Google Calendar you want to embed, Google, into the 'Google Calendar IFrame' project custom field you created in the global plugin setup under step 1. 3. After that, a new item named "Calendar" will should show up in the project menu. Click on this item to see your Google Calendar. h2. Uninstalling # Remove the directory _"redmine_google_calendar"_ from the plugin-directory _"../vendor/plugins"_ # Restart Redmine h2. Licensing This plugin is open-source and licensed under the "GNU General Public License v2": (GPL). See the included @GPL.txt@ file for details.