PluginLatestForumMessages » History » Revision 3
Revision 2 (Victor Dulepov, 2010-05-24 14:58) → Revision 3/4 (Victor Dulepov, 2010-06-02 12:51)
h1. Latest Forum Messages
h2. Features
Shows the latest forum messages on _Home_ (forums from all projects the current user participates in) and on project's _Overview_ (only from the current project's forums) in a box similar to _Latest News_. The box is also available on _My Page_.
h2. Compatibility
|_. Plugin Version|_. Redmine compatibility|
Requires [[PluginBlocksLayout|Blocks Layout]] plugin to run.
h2. Credits:
* Author: "_Pavel Vinokurov_"
* Work sponsored by "Axmor Software":
h2. Screenshots:
h3. Home:
h3. Overview:
h3. My Page: