


PluginTimesheet » History » Revision 6

Revision 5 (Eric Davis, 2008-07-03 02:45) → Revision 6/13 (Eric Davis, 2008-09-29 20:14)

h1. Timesheet Plugin 

 A plugin to show and filter timelogs across all projects in Redmine. 

 h2. Features 

 * Filtering of timelogs 
 ** by Date ranges 
 ** by Projects 
 ** by Activities 
 ** by Users 
 * Subtotals by project 
 * "Run Timesheet" permission to restrict feature to specific users 

 h2. Screenshot: 

 !redmine-timesheet_thumb.png!:/attachments/993/redmine-timesheet.png !redmine_timesheet_screenshot_thumb.png!:/attachments/download/10 

 h2. Installation and Setup 

 There are three ways to download it: 
 # Download the plugin.    There are three supported ways: 
 #* Downloading the latest archive file from "Little Stream Software projects": 
 #* Checkout the source from Git 
        @cd vendor/plugins/ && git clone git:// timesheet_plugin@ 
 #* Install it using Rail's plugin installer 
        @script/plugin install git:// 
 # Install the plugin as described [[Plugins|here]] (this plugin doesn't require migration). 
 # Login to your Redmine install as an Administrator. 
 # Enable the "Run Timesheet" permissions for your Roles. 
 # Add the "Timesheet module" to the enabled modules for your project. 
 # The link to the plugin should appear on that project's navigation. 

 h3. Zip 

 # Download the latest zip file from "Little Stream Software projects": 
 # Unzip the file to your Redmine into @vendor/plugins@ 
 # Restart your Redmine 

 h3. Git 

 # Open a shell to your Redmine's vendor/plugins/timesheet_plugin folder 
 # Update your Git copy with `git pull` 
 # Restart your Redmine 

 h3. SVN 

 To migrate from the svn copy to the git copy you will need to remove the plugin and reinstall it.    Just remove the @vendor/plugins/timesheet_plugin@ directory and follow the directions below. 

 h2. News 

 "0.3.0 Release announcement": (2008-07-02) 
 "0.0.2 Release announcement": (2008-02-12) 
 "0.0.1 Release announcement": (2008-01-10)