


RedmineCalendar » History » Revision 3

Revision 2 (Tom Rochette, 2010-01-11 15:20) → Revision 3/9 (Mischa The Evil, 2010-10-04 02:46)

h1. Calendar RedmineCalendar 

 h2. Overview 

 The calendar provides an overview of the current project as a monthly view. This view displays all the issues that have at least a start date and indicates their start date and (if available) their due date. The calendar also displays all versions which have a due date set. From this view, it is possible to see tasks status (beginning, ending) by day. 

 h2. Filters 

 Like on the [[RedmineIssueList|issue-lists]] and the [[RedmineGantt|Gantt]], in any other view provided by Redmine, it is possible to define filters to define a subset of issues tasks to be shown on the calendar. Such filters are similar to those specified on any [[RedmineIssueList|issue-list]]. the *Issues* page. 
