RedmineCustomFields » History » Revision 3
Revision 2 (Mischa The Evil, 2008-12-16 07:26) → Revision 3/29 (Tharuka Pathirana, 2010-08-09 11:52)
h1. Custom fields Custom fields allow you to add additional information on Projects, Issues or Users. A custom field can be of one the following types: * *Integer*: positive or negative number * *String*: one single line of input * *Text*: multiple lines text * *Date*: date * *Boolean*: checkbox * *List*: drop down list Some validations can be defined for each custom field: * *Min - max length* : minimum and maximum length for the field (0 means that there is no restriction) * *Regular Expression* : a regular expression can be used to validate the field content Examples: ^\[A-Z]{4}\d+$ : 4 capital letters followed by one or several digits ^[^0-9]*$ : characters only - no digits * *Possible values*: possible values for the "List" fields. One line for each value. You can add more values by clicking on this icon: !/images/add.png! h2. Fields for Issues * *Required*: field which is required in order to create/save the issue * *For all projects*: if checked, this field is used for the issues of all the projects. If unchecked, each project can choose whether or not to use the field for its issues (see [[RedmineProjectSettings|Project settings]]). h2. Fields for Spent-time entries * *Required*: field which is required in order to create/save the spent-time entry h2. Fields for Projects * *Required*: field which is required in order to create/save the project h2. Field for Users * *Required*: field which is required in order to create/save the user