RedmineFiles » History » Revision 7
Revision 6 (Mischa The Evil, 2010-10-17 06:05) → Revision 7/10 (Mischa The Evil, 2010-10-17 06:18)
h1. Redmine Files {{>toc}} h2. Files Module Each project can have a *Files* module enabled/disabled via the settings menu. A sortable HTML table shows the details of all on the uploaded files. If a version if selected while uploading the file the file is shown below the version. Of note are the MD5 hash and D/L(Download Count). !Files.png! New files are added via the !/images/add.png! *New File* button in the upper right hand corner. h2. File storage All uploaded files are stored at the @/{install dir}/files@ directory. The uploaded file name is prefixed with a unique id based on it's parent for directory storage. h2. New file form If a new file is added, the input form is as shown below. Select a version from the list to link a file to a specific version. Adding multiple files at once is possible using the "Add another file" link. The optional description is used for an @alt@ text. TODO, add correct image (!!UploadFile.png!) !UploadFile.png!