RedmineRepositoryStatistics » History » Revision 3
Revision 2 (Felix Dominguez, 2009-06-06 05:01) → Revision 3/7 (Mischa The Evil, 2009-06-12 01:27)
!>redmine-statistics.jpg! h1. Repository Statistics !>redmine-statistics.jpg! Redmine generates two SVG images representing the number of _Changes_ and the number of _Revisions_ in the configured repository. One image shows a month to month break down of _Changes_ vs _Revisions_. The other image shows the number of _Changes_ and _Revisions_ made by each commiter. h2. Definitions * _Revisions_ is a count of repository commits and is displayed in redish/orange. * _Changes_ is a count of the number of files that have changed overall and is displayed in blue. h2. Notes [[FAQ#Repository-statistics-doesnt-show-up|What to do if your repository statistics don't show up.]] It is known that the SVG images won't render properly using certain browsers and when running Redmine on certain Ruby distribution(s) (versions). See the [[FAQ]]-item [[FAQ#Repository-statistics-doesnt-show-up|FAQ#Repository-statistics-doesnt-show-up]] for a more detailed description of the issue and solutions to solve it.