


RedmineUpgrade » History » Revision 60

Revision 59 (Etienne Massip, 2012-06-06 14:37) → Revision 60/84 (Etienne Massip, 2012-06-06 14:37)

h1. Upgrading 

 p{color:red}. The documentation below is based on upgrading to Redmine 2.x. 
 You can view a previous version for upgrading to Redmine 1.x "here":/projects/redmine/wiki/RedmineUpgrade?version=53. 


 h2. Step 1 - Check requirements 

 The first step to upgrading Redmine is to check that you meet the [[RedmineInstall#Requirements|requirements]] for the version you're about to install. 

 h2. Step 2 - Backup 

 It is recommended that you backup your database and file uploads.    Most upgrades are safe but it never hurts to have a backup just in case. 

 h3. Backing up the files 

 All file uploads are stored to the @files/@ directory.    You can copy the contents of this directory to another location to easily back it up. 

 h3. MySQL database 

 The @mysqldump@ command can be used to backup the contents of your MySQL database to a text file. For example: 
 /usr/bin/mysqldump -u <username> -p<password> <redmine_database> | gzip > /path/to/backup/db/redmine_`date +%y_%m_%d`.gz 

 h3. SQLite database 

 SQLite databases are all contained in a single file, so you can back them up by copying the file to another location. 

 h3. PostgreSQL 

 The @pg_dump@ command can be used to backup the contents of a PostgreSQL database to a text file. Here is an example: 
 /usr/bin/pg_dump -U <username> -Fc --file=redmine.sqlc <redmine_database> 
 A decent blog (self plug) can be found here: 

 h2. Step 3 - Perform the upgrade 

 Now it's time to perform the actual upgrade.    This process is different depending on how you downloaded Redmine.    You only need to perform *one* of the following options. 

 h3. Option 1 - [[Download|Downloaded release]] (tar.gz or zip file) 

 1. Uncompress the new program archive in a new directory. 

 2. Copy your database settings-file @config/database.yml@ into the new @config@ directory. If you're running Redmine >= 1.4 with mysql and ruby1.9, change the database adapter to `mysql2`. 

 3a. Copy your base configuration settings-file @config/configuration.yml@ into the new @config@ directory. 

 3b. Or, *if upgrading from version older than 1.2.0*, copy your email settings from your @config/email.yml@ into the new @config/configuration.yml@ file that can be created by copying the available @configuration.yml.example@ file. 

 4. Copy the @files@ directory content into your new installation. 

 5. Copy the folders of your *custom* installed plugins from your @vendor/plugins@ directory (if upgrading from a version prior to version:2.0.0) or @plugins@ directory (else, upgrading from a version >= version:2.0.0) into new installation @plugins@ directory. Make sure that you copy only plugins that are were not initially bundled with your previous Redmine setup. 

 6. Run the following command from your new Redmine root directory: 

   rake config/initializers/session_store.rb 

 If you're using a newer version of Redmine, the above file will no longer exist. On these versions, run 

   rake generate_session_store 

 This will generate a file (@config/initializers/session_store.rb@) with a random secret used to secure session data. 

 7. Check for any themes that you may have installed in the @public/themes@ directory. You can copy them over but checking for updated version is ideal. 

 VERY IMPORTANT: do NOT overwrite @config/settings.yml@ with the old one. 

 h3. Option 2 - Upgrading from a SVN [[CheckingoutRedmine|checkout]] 

 1. Go to the Redmine root directory and run the following command: 
 svn update 

 2. If you are upgrading from an older version to 0.8.7+ or from the trunk version of Redmine to r2493 or above, you must generate a secret for cookie store.    See the note at the bottom about generating a @session_store@. 


 h2. Step 4 - Update the database 

 This step is the one that could change the contents of your database. Go to your new redmine directory, then migrate your database: 

 rake db:migrate RAILS_ENV=production  

 If you have installed any plugins, you should also run their database migrations: 

 rake redmine:plugins:migrate db:plugins:migrate RAILS_ENV=production  


 h2. Step 5 - Clean up 

 1. You should clear the cache and the existing sessions: 
 rake tmp:cache:clear 
 rake tmp:sessions:clear 

 2. Restart the application server (e.g. mongrel, thin, passenger) 

 3. Finally go to _"Admin -> Roles & permissions"_ to check/set permissions for the new features, if any. 

 h2. Common issues 

 h3. Errors with repository management 

 There were several new features added to the reposman.rb file, make sure you have a group specified if you're having issues ( --group=groupnamehere).    Also, make sure you follow the instructions [[Repositories_access_control_with_apache_mod_dav_svn_and_mod_perl|here]] again if you only copied your, and update your Apache configuration as the recommended configuration has changed. 

 h3. Generating a new @secret_token.rb@ 

 Before version:2.0.0, a @session_store.rb@ file needed to be generated in Redmine's @config@ directory for the cookie based sessions to work. 

 Starting from version:2.0.0, the @session_store.rb@ file should not exist. Instead, the following command will generate the @secret_token.rb@ file: 

  @rake generate_secret_token@ 

 _Note: The code repository for Redmine does not contain the config/initializers/secret_token.rb file, it is created by the above rake command._ 

 h3. Errors about a missing session_store.rb 

 If you see any errors about a missing @session_store.rb@ file, run the command above to create a new one. 

 h3. Error about member_roles 

 If you have had a failed upgrade/migration in the past then you may have a member_roles and/or group_users table already created.    The db migration noted above will fail.    Simply rename the tables by logging into MySQL command line and executing the rename table command: 

 @mysql> rename table member_roles to member_roles_saved 
 mysql> rename table groups_users to groups_users_saved 

 h3. Error about "undefined method `add_frozen_gem_path'" 

 If you see this error, check if the directory @vendor/rails@ exists and remove or rename it if it does, it might have an old RoR version. 

 h3. Related Resources  

 These resources may help you with your Redmine upgrade: 

 * "mod_fcgid for Apache2": helped us get Rails running on Apache 2 
 * "Running Redmine on Apache": 
 * "Notes about our 0.8.6 to 0.9.3 upgrade issues and how to resolve them": --cybersprocket (2010-04-25) 
 * "Notes about our 0.9.6 to 1.0(RC) upgrade process": --cybersprocket (2010-08-14)