


Rest Projects » History » Revision 25

Revision 24 (Toshi MARUYAMA, 2017-07-10 18:16) → Revision 25/40 (Toshi MARUYAMA, 2017-07-10 18:17)

h1. Projects 


 h2. Listing projects 

   GET /projects.xml 

 Returns all projects (all public projects and private projects where user have access to) 


 * @include@: fetch associated data (optional). Possible values: trackers, issue_categories, enabled_modules (since 2.6.0). Values should be separated by a comma ",". 


 <pre><code class="xml"> 
 <projects type="array"> 
       Redmine is a flexible project management web application written using Ruby on Rails framework. 
     <created_on>Sat Sep 29 12:03:04 +0200 2007</created_on> 
     <updated_on>Sun Mar 15 12:35:11 +0100 2009</updated_on> 

 * @is_public@ is exposed since 2.6.0 

 h2. Showing a project 

   GET /projects/[id].xml 

 Returns the project of given id or identifier. 


 * @include@: fetch associated data (optional). Possible values: trackers, issue_categories, enabled_modules (since 2.6.0), time_entry_activities (since 3.4.0). Values should be separated by a comma ",". 


 GET /projects/12.xml 
 GET /projects/12.xml?include=trackers 
 GET /projects/12.xml?include=trackers,issue_categories 
 GET /projects/12.xml?include=enabled_modules 
 GET /projects/redmine.xml 


 <pre><code class="xml"> 
 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> 
 <project id="1"> 
     Redmine is a flexible project management web application written using Ruby on Rails framework. 
   <created_on>Sat Sep 29 12:03:04 +0200 2007</created_on> 
   <updated_on>Sun Mar 15 12:35:11 +0100 2009</updated_on> 

 * @is_public@ is exposed since 2.6.0 


 h2. Creating a project 

   POST /projects.xml 

 Creates a the project. 


 * @project@ (required): a hash of the project attributes, including: 

   * @name@ (required): the project name 
   * @identifier@ (required): the project identifier 
   * @description@ 
   * @homepage@ 
   * @is_public@: true or false 
   * @parent_id@: the parent project number 
   * @inherit_members@: true or false 
   * @tracker_ids@: (repeatable element) the tracker id: 1 for Bug, etc. 
   * @enabled_module_names@: (repeatable element) the module name: boards, calendar, documents, files, gantt, issue_tracking, news, repository, time_tracking, wiki. 

 POST /projects.xml 

 <pre><code <pre> 
 <code class="xml"> 
 <name>test project</name> 
 </code></pre> </pre> 


   * @201 Created@: project was created 
   * @422 Unprocessable Entity@: project was not created due to validation failures (response body contains the error messages) 


 h2. Updating a project 

   PUT /projects/[id].xml 

 Updates the project of given id or identifier. 

 h2. Deleting a project 

   DELETE /projects/[id].xml 

 Deletes the project of given id or identifier. 

 h2. Limitations: 

 A POST request on Redmine 1.0.1-2 (Debian stable) does not work using the API key, but does work with a login/passwd authentication 