


Rest TimeEntries » History » Revision 5

Revision 4 (yuya ito, 2015-05-30 23:21) → Revision 5/15 (Konstantin Ladutenko, 2015-12-30 13:04)

(note: for some versions of Redmine you can need some other extension of path /time_entries.xml, e.g. 2.5 works with *.json , sometimes in plugins it comes simply without any extension) 

 h1. Time Entries 


 h2. Listing time entries 

   GET /time_entries.xml 

 Returns time entries. 

 h2. Showing a time entry 

   GET /time_entries/[id].xml 

 Returns the time entry of given id. 

 h2. Creating a time entry 

   POST /time_entries.xml 

 Creates a time entry. 


 * @time_entry@ (required): a hash of the time entry attributes, including: 

   * @issue_id@ or @project_id@ (only one is required): the issue id or project id to log time on 
   * @spent_on@: the date the time was spent (default to the current date) 
   * @hours@ (required): the number of spent hours 
   * @activity_id@: the id of the time activity. This parameter is required unless a default activity is defined in Redmine. 
   * @comments@: short description for the entry (255 characters max) 


   * @201 Created@: time entry was created 
   * @422 Unprocessable Entity@: time entry was not created due to validation failures (response body contains the error messages) 

 h2. Updating a time entry 

   PUT /time_entries/[id].xml 

 Updates the time entry of given id. 


 * @time_entry@ (required): a hash of the time entry attributes (same as above) 


   * @200 OK@: time entry was updated 
   * @422 Unprocessable Entity@: time entry was not updated due to validation failures (response body contains the error messages) 

 h2. Deleting a time entry 

   DELETE /time_entries/[id].xml 

 Deletes the time entry of given id.