


Rest Users » History » Revision 13

Revision 12 (Matt Wiseley, 2014-12-13 18:12) → Revision 13/30 (Go MAEDA, 2016-05-09 02:38)

h1. Users 


 h2. /users.:format 


 h3. GET 

 Returns a list of users. 


   GET /users.xml 

 Optional filters: 

 * @status@: get only users with the given status. See "app/models/principal.rb":/projects/redmine/repository/entry/trunk/app/models/principal.rb#L22-25 for a list of available statuses. Default is @1@ (active users). Possible values are: users) 
 ** @1@: Active (User can login and use their account) 
 ** @2@: Registered (User has registered but not yet confirmed their email address or was not yet activated by an administrator. User can not login) 
 ** @3@: Locked (User was once active and is now locked, User can not login) 
 * @name@: filter users on their login, firstname, lastname and mail ; if the pattern contains a space, it will also return users whose firstname match the first word or lastname match the second word. 
 * @group_id@: get only users who are members of the given group 


 h3. POST 

 Creates a user. 


 * @user@ (required): a hash of the user attributes, including: 

   * @login@ (required): the user login 
   * @password@: the user password 
   * @firstname@ (required) 
   * @lastname@ (required) 
   * @mail@ (required) 
   * @auth_source_id@: authentication mode id 
   * @mail_notification@: only_my_events, none, etc. 
   * @must_change_passwd@: true or false 


 POST /users.xml 

 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1" ?> 


     "user": { 
         "login": "jplang", 
         "firstname": "Jean-Philippe", 
         "lastname": "Lang", 
         "mail": "", 
         "password": "secret" 


   * @201 Created@: user was created 
   * @422 Unprocessable Entity@: user was not created due to validation failures (response body contains the error messages) 

 h2. /users/:id.:format 

 h3. GET 

 Returns the user details. You can use @/users/current.:format@ for retrieving the user whose credentials are used to access the API. 


 * @include@ (optional): a coma separated list of associations to include in the response: 

   * @memberships@ : adds extra information about user's memberships and roles on the projects 
   * @groups@ (added in 2.1) : adds extra information about user's groups 


   GET /users/current.xml 

 Returns the details about the current user. 

   GET /users/3.xml?include=memberships,groups 

 Returns the details about user ID 3, and additional detail about the user's project memberships. 


   <custom_fields type="array" /> 
   <memberships type="array"> 
       <project name="Redmine" id="1"/> 
       <roles type="array"> 
         <role name="Administrator" id="3"/> 
         <role name="Contributor" id="4"/> 
   <groups type="array"> 
     <group id="20" name="Developers"/> 

 Depending on the status of the user who makes the request, you can get some more details: 
 * @api_key@ : the API key of the user, visible for admins and for yourself (added in 2.3.0) 
 * @status@ : a numeric id representing the status of the user, visible for admins only (added in 2.4.0). See "app/models/principal.rb":/projects/redmine/repository/entry/trunk/app/models/principal.rb#L22-25 for a list of available statuses. 

 h3. PUT 

 Updates a user. 


   PUT /users/20.xml 


 * @user@ (required): a hash of the user attributes (same as for user creation) 

 h3. DELETE 

 Deletes a user. 


   DELETE /users/20.xml 


   * @200 OK@: user was deleted 

 h2. See also 

 * The [[Rest_Memberships|Memberships API]] for adding or removing a user from a project. 
 * The [[Rest_Groups|Groups API]] for adding or removing a user from a group.