


Rest Users » History » Revision 2

Revision 1 (Jean-Philippe Lang, 2010-12-23 14:51) → Revision 2/30 (Bevan Rudge, 2011-07-05 01:11)

h1. Users 

 h2. Listing users 

   GET /users.xml 

 Returns users. 

 h2. Showing a user 

   GET /users/[id].xml 

 Returns the user of given id. 

   GET /users/current.xml 

 Returns the user whose credentials are used to access the API. 

   GET /users/3.json?include=memberships 

 Returns the details about user ID 3, and additional detail about the user's project roles and memberships.    *There are probably other such undocumented features like this*. 

 h2. Creating a user 

   POST /users.xml 

 Creates a user. 


 * @user@ (required): a hash of the user attributes, including: 

   * @login@ (required): the user login 
   * @password@: the user password 
   * @firstname@ (required) 
   * @lastname@ (required) 
   * @mail@ (required) 


   * @201 Created@: user was created 
   * @422 Unprocessable Entity@: user was not created due to validation failures (response body contains the error messages) 

 h2. Updating a user 

   PUT /users/[id].xml 


 * @user@ (required): a hash of the user attributes 

 Updates the user of given id. 

 h2. Deleting a user 

 Deleting a user is not supported yet.