Rest Users » History » Revision 21
Revision 20 (Cyril Jouve, 2017-08-30 11:01) → Revision 21/30 (Cyril Jouve, 2017-08-30 12:14)
h1. Users {{>toc}} h2. /users.:format h3. GET Returns a list of users. This endpoint requires admin privileges. +Example+: GET /users.xml Optional filters: * @status@: get only users with the given status. See "app/models/principal.rb":/projects/redmine/repository/entry/trunk/app/models/principal.rb#L22-25 for a list of available statuses. Default is @1@ (active users). Possible values are: ** @1@: Active (User can login and use their account) ** @2@: Registered (User has registered but not yet confirmed their email address or was not yet activated by an administrator. User can not login) ** @3@: Locked (User was once active and is now locked, User can not login) * @name@: filter users on their login, firstname, lastname and mail ; if the pattern contains a space, it will also return users whose firstname match the first word or lastname match the second word. * @group_id@: get only users who are members of the given group h3. POST Creates a user. This endpoint requires admin privileges. +Parameters+: * @user@ (required): a hash of the user attributes, including: * @login@ (required): the user login * @password@: the user password * @firstname@ (required) * @lastname@ (required) * @mail@ (required) * @auth_source_id@: authentication mode id * @mail_notification@: only_my_events, none, etc. * @must_change_passwd@: true or false * @generate_password@: true or false * @send_information@: true or false : Send acocunt information to the user +Example+: <pre> POST /users.xml </pre> <pre><code class="xml"> <?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1" ?> <user> <login>jplang</login> <firstname>Jean-Philippe</firstname> <lastname>Lang</lastname> <password>secret</password> <mail></mail> <auth_source_id>2</auth_source_id> </user> </code></pre> JSON <pre><code class="json"> { "user": { "login": "jplang", "firstname": "Jean-Philippe", "lastname": "Lang", "mail": "", "password": "secret" } } </code></pre> +Response+: * @201 Created@: user was created * @422 Unprocessable Entity@: user was not created due to validation failures (response body contains the error messages) h2. /users/:id.:format h3. GET Returns the user details. You can use @/users/current.:format@ for retrieving the user whose credentials are used to access the API. This endpoint can be used by admin or non admin but the returned fields will depend on the privileges of the requesting user. If the user doing the request is admin, a complete user object is always returned (see Response exemple below). If the user doing the request is not admin, it depends on the requested user: * if the user is not locked and is not admin, the endpoint returns a user object with the fields firstname, lastname, mail, created_on * if the user is not locked and is admin, the endpoint returns a user object with the fields firstname, lastname, created_on, last_login_on * if the user is locked, the endpoint returns 404 status code +Parameters+: * @include@ (optional): a coma separated list of associations to include in the response: * @memberships@ : adds extra information about user's memberships and roles on the projects * @groups@ (added in 2.1) : adds extra information about user's groups +Examples+: GET /users/current.xml Returns the details about the current user. GET /users/3.xml?include=memberships,groups Returns the details about user ID 3, and additional detail about the user's project memberships. +Response+: <pre><code class="xml"> <user> <id>3</id> <login>jplang</login> <firstname>Jean-Philippe</firstname> <lastname>Lang</lastname> <mail></mail> <created_on>2007-09-28T00:16:04+02:00</created_on> <last_login_on>2011-08-01T18:05:45+02:00</last_login_on> <api_key>ebc3f6b781a6fb3f2b0a83ce0ebb80e0d585189d</api_key> <status>1</status> <custom_fields type="array" /> <memberships type="array"> <membership> <project name="Redmine" id="1"/> <roles type="array"> <role name="Administrator" id="3"/> <role name="Contributor" id="4"/> </roles> </membership> </memberships> <groups type="array"> <group id="20" name="Developers"/> </groups> </user> </code></pre> If the user doing the request is not admin, it depends Depending on the requested user: * if the user is not locked and is not admin, the endpoint returns a user object with the fields firstname, lastname, mail, created_on * if the user is not locked and is admin, the endpoint returns a user object with the fields firstname, lastname, created_on, last_login_on * if the user is locked, the endpoint returns 404 status code If of the user doing who makes the request is admin, a user object is always returned (blocked or not). It will have request, you can get some more details: * @api_key@ : the API key of the user, visible for admins and for yourself (added in 2.3.0) * @status@ : a numeric id representing the status of the user, visible for admins only (added in 2.4.0). See "app/models/principal.rb":/projects/redmine/repository/entry/trunk/app/models/principal.rb#L22-25 for a list of available statuses. h3. PUT Updates a user. This endpoint requires admin privileges. +Example+: PUT /users/20.xml +Parameters+: * @user@ (required): a hash of the user attributes (same as for user creation) h3. DELETE This endpoint requires admin privileges. Deletes a user. +Example+: DELETE /users/20.xml +Response+: * @200 OK@: user was deleted h2. See also * The [[Rest_Memberships|Memberships API]] for adding or removing a user from a project. * The [[Rest_Groups|Groups API]] for adding or removing a user from a group.