


Rest WikiPages » History » Revision 4

Revision 3 (Jean-Philippe Lang, 2012-10-28 21:24) → Revision 4/7 (Kevin Saliou, 2012-11-13 11:58)

h1. Wiki Pages 


 h2. Getting the pages list of a wiki 

 GET /projects/foo/wiki/index.xml 

 Returns the list of all pages in a project wiki. 


 <?xml version="1.0"?> 
 <wiki_pages type="array"> 

 h2. Getting a wiki page 

 GET /projects/foo/wiki/UsersGuide.xml 

 Returns the details of a wiki page. 

 * attachments 


 <?xml version="1.0"?> 
   <parent title="Installation_Guide"/> 
   <text>h1. Users Guide 
   <author id="11" name="John Smith"/> 

 h2. Getting an old version of a wiki page 

 GET /projects/foo/wiki/UsersGuide/23.xml 

 Returns the details of an old version of a wiki page. 

 * attachments 


 Same as above. 

 h2. Creating or updating a wiki page 

 PUT /projects/foo/wiki/UsersGuide.xml 
 <?xml version="1.0"?> 
 </wiki_page> </issue> 

 Creates or updates a wiki page. 

 When updating an existing page, you can include a @version@ attribute to make sure that the page is a specific version when you try to update it (eg. you don't want to overwrite an update that would have been done after you retrieved the page). Example: 

 PUT /projects/foo/wiki/UsersGuide.xml 
 <?xml version="1.0"?> 
 </wiki_page> </issue> 

 This would update the page if its current version is 18, otherwise a @409 Conflict@ error is returned. 

 * @200 OK@: page was updated 
 * @201 Created@: page was created 
 * @409 Conflict@: occurs when trying to update a stale page (see above) 
 * @422 Unprocessable Entity@: page was not saved due to validation failures (response body contains the error messages) 

 h2. Deleting a wiki page 

 DELETE /projects/foo/wiki/UsersGuide.xml 

 Deletes a wiki page, its attachments and its history. If the deleted page is a parent page, its child pages are not deleted but changed as root pages. 

 * @200 OK@: page was deleted