


Rest api » History » Revision 101

Revision 100 (Go MAEDA, 2019-02-02 07:57) → Revision 101/102 (Go MAEDA, 2019-06-16 11:49)


 h1. Redmine API 

 Redmine exposes some of its data through a REST API. This API provides access and basic CRUD operations (create, update, delete) for the resources described below. The API supports both "XML": and "JSON": formats. 


 h2. API Description 

 |_.Resource                       |_.Status       |_.Notes    |_.Availability| 
 |[[Rest_Issues|Issues]]           | Stable          |    | 1.0 | 
 |[[Rest_Projects|Projects]]       | Stable          |     | 1.0 | 
 |[[Rest_Memberships|Project Memberships]]    | Alpha | | 1.4 | 
 |[[Rest_Users|Users]]             | Stable | | 1.1 | 
 |[[Rest_TimeEntries|Time Entries]]             | Stable | | 1.1 | 
 |[[Rest_News|News]]               | Prototype | Prototype implementation for @index@ only | 1.1 | 
 |[[Rest_IssueRelations|Issue Relations]]    | Alpha | | 1.3 | 
 |[[Rest_Versions|Versions]]    | Alpha | | 1.3 | 
 |[[Rest_WikiPages|Wiki Pages]]    | Alpha | | 2.2 | 
 |[[Rest_Queries|Queries]]    | Alpha | | 1.3 | 
 |[[Rest_Attachments|Attachments]]    | Beta | Adding attachments via the API added in 1.4 | 1.3 | 
 |[[Rest_IssueStatuses|Issue Statuses]]    | Alpha | Provides the list of all statuses | 1.3 | 
 |[[Rest_Trackers|Trackers]]    | Alpha | Provides the list of all trackers | 1.3 | 
 |[[Rest_Enumerations|Enumerations]]    | Alpha | Provides the list of issue priorities and time tracking activities | 2.2 | 
 |[[Rest_IssueCategories|Issue Categories]]    | Alpha | | 1.3 | 
 |[[Rest_Roles|Roles]]    | Alpha | | 1.4 | 
 |[[Rest_Groups|Groups]]    | Alpha | | 2.1 | 
 |[[Rest_CustomFields|Custom Fields]]    | Alpha | | 2.4 | 
 |[[Rest_Search|Search]]    | Alpha | | 3.3 | 
 |[[Rest_Files|Files]]    | Alpha | | 3.4 | 
 |[[Rest_MyAccount|My account]]    | Alpha | | 4.1 | 

 Status legend: 

 * Stable - feature complete, no major changes planned 
 * Beta - usable for integrations with some bugs or missing minor functionality 
 * Alpha - major functionality in place, needs feedback from API users and integrators 
 * Prototype - very rough implementation, possible major breaking changes mid-version. *Not recommended for integration* 
 * Planned - planned in a future version, depending on developer availability 

 You can review the list of all the "API changes for each version":/projects/redmine/issues?set_filter=1&status_id=c&fixed_version_id=*&category_id=32&c[]=tracker&c[]=subject&c[]=author&group_by=fixed_version&sort=fixed_version:desc,id. 


 h2. General topics 

 h3. Specify @Content-Type@ on @POST@/@PUT@ requests 

 When creating or updating a remote element, the @Content-Type@ of the request *MUST* be specified even if the remote URL is suffixed accordingly (e.g. @POST ../issues.json@): 
 * for JSON content, it must be set to @Content-Type: application/json@. 
 * for XML content, to @Content-Type: application/xml@. 

 h3. Authentication 

 Most of the time, the API requires authentication. To enable the API-style authentication, you have to check *Enable REST API* in Administration -> Settings -> API. Then, authentication can be done in 2 different ways: 
 * using your regular login/password via HTTP Basic authentication. 
 * using your API key which is a handy way to avoid putting a password in a script. The API key may be attached to each request in one of the following way: 
 ** passed in as a "key" parameter 
 ** passed in as a username with a random password via HTTP Basic authentication 
 ** passed in as a "X-Redmine-API-Key" HTTP header (added in Redmine 1.1.0) 

 You can find your API key on your account page ( /my/account ) when logged in, on the right-hand pane of the default layout. 

 h3. User Impersonation 

 As of Redmine 2.2.0, you can impersonate user through the REST API by setting the @X-Redmine-Switch-User@ header of your API request. It must be set to a user login (eg. @X-Redmine-Switch-User: jsmith@). This only works when using the API with an administrator account, this header will be ignored when using the API with a regular user account. 

 If the login specified with the @X-Redmine-Switch-User@ header does not exist or is not active, you will receive a 412 error response. 

 h3. Collection resources and pagination 

 The response to a GET request on a collection resources (eg. @/issues.xml@, @/users.xml@) generally won't return all the objects available in your database. Redmine version:1.1.0 introduces a common way to query such resources using the following parameters: 

 * @offset@: the offset of the first object to retrieve 
 * @limit@: the number of items to be present in the response (default is 25, maximum is 100) 


 GET /issues.xml 
 => returns the 25 first issues 

 GET /issues.xml?limit=100 
 => returns the 100 first issues 

 GET /issues.xml?offset=30&limit=10 
 => returns 10 issues from the 30th 

 Responses to GET requests on collection resources provide information about the total object count available in Redmine and the offset/limit used for the response. Examples: 

 GET /issues.xml 

 <issues type="array" total_count="2595" limit="25" offset="0"> 

 GET /issues.json 

 { "issues":[...], "total_count":2595, "limit":25, "offset":0 } 

 Note: if you're using a REST client that does not support such top level attributes (total_count, limit, offset), you can set the @nometa@ parameter or @X-Redmine-Nometa@ HTTP header to 1 to get responses without them. Example: 

 GET /issues.xml?nometa=1 

 <issues type="array"> 

 h3. Fetching associated data 

 Since of version:1.1.0, you have to explicitly specify the associations you want to be included in the query result by appending the @include@ parameter to the query url : 


 To retrieve issue journals with its description: 

 GET /issues/296.xml?include=journals 

   <journals type="array"> 

 You can also load multiple associations using a comma separated list of items. 


 GET /issues/296.xml?include=journals,changesets 

   <journals type="array"> 
   <changesets type="array"> 

 h3. Working with custom fields 

 Most of the Redmine objects support custom fields. Their values can be found in the @custom_fields@ attributes. 

 XML Example: 

 GET /issues/296.xml        # an issue with 2 custom fields 

   <custom_fields type="array"> 
     <custom_field name="Affected version" id="1"> 
     <custom_field name="Resolution" id="2"> 

 JSON Example: 

 GET /issues/296.json        # an issue with 2 custom fields 

         {"value":"1.0.1","name":"Affected version","id":1}, 

 You can also set/change the values of the custom fields when creating/updating an object using the same syntax (except that the custom field name is not required). 

 XML Example: 

 PUT /issues/296.xml 

   <subject>Updating custom fields of an issue</subject> 
   <custom_fields type="array"> 
     <custom_field id="1"> 
     <custom_field id="2"> 

 Note: the @type="array"@ attribute on @custom_fields@ XML tag is strictly required. 

 JSON Example: 

 PUT /issues/296.json 

     "subject":"Updating custom fields of an issue", 

 h3. Attaching files 

 Support for adding attachments through the REST API is added in Redmine version:1.4.0. 

 First, you need to upload each file with a POST request to @/uploads.xml@ (or @/uploads.json@). The request body should be the content of the file you want to attach and the @Content-Type@ header must be set to @application/octet-stream@ (otherwise you'll get a @406 Not Acceptable@ response). If the upload succeeds, you get a 201 response that contains a token for your uploaded file. 

 Then you can use this token to attach your uploaded file to a new or an existing issue. 

 +XML Example+ 

 First, upload your file: 

 POST /uploads.xml?filename=image.png 
 Content-Type: application/octet-stream 
 (request body is the file content) 

 # 201 response 

 Then create the issue using the upload token: 

 POST /issues.xml 
   <subject>Creating an issue with a uploaded file</subject> 
   <uploads type="array"> 
       <description>An optional description here</description> 

 If you try to upload a file that exceeds the maximum size allowed, you get a 422 response: 

 POST /uploads.xml?filename=image.png 
 Content-Type: application/octet-stream 
 (request body larger than the maximum size allowed) 

 # 422 response 
   <error>This file cannot be uploaded because it exceeds the maximum allowed file size (1024000)</error> 

 +JSON Example+ 

 First, upload your file: 

 POST /uploads.json?filename=image.png 
 Content-Type: application/octet-stream 
 (request body is the file content) 

 # 201 response 

 Then create the issue using the upload token: 

 POST /issues.json 
   "issue": { 
     "project_id": "1", 
     "subject": "Creating an issue with a uploaded file", 
     "uploads": [ 
       {"token": "7167.ed1ccdb093229ca1bd0b043618d88743", "filename": "image.png", "content_type": "image/png"} 

 You can also upload multiple files (by doing multiple POST requests to @/uploads.json@), then create an issue with multiple attachments: 

 POST /issues.json 
   "issue": { 
     "project_id": "1", 
     "subject": "Creating an issue with a uploaded file", 
     "uploads": [ 
       {"token": "7167.ed1ccdb093229ca1bd0b043618d88743", "filename": "image1.png", "content_type": "image/png"}, 
       {"token": "7168.d595398bbb104ed3bba0eed666785cc6", "filename": "image2.png", "content_type": "image/png"} 

 h3. Validation errors 

 When trying to create or update an object with invalid or missing attribute parameters, you will get a @422 Unprocessable Entity@ response. That means that the object could not be created or updated. In such cases, the response body contains the corresponding error messages: 

 +XML Example+: 

 # Request with invalid or missing attributes 
 POST /users.xml 

 # 422 response with the error messages in its body 
 <errors type="array"> 
   <error>First name can't be blank</error> 
   <error>Email is invalid</error> 

 +JSON Example+: 

 # Request with invalid or missing attributes 
 POST /users.json 

 # 422 response with the error messages in its body 
     "First name can't be blank", 
     "Email is invalid" 

 h3. JSONP Support 

 Redmine 2.1.0+ API supports "JSONP": to request data from a Redmine server in a different domain (say, with JQuery). The callback can be passed using the @callback@ or @jsonp@ parameter. As of Redmine 2.3.0, JSONP support is optional and disabled by default, you can enable it by checking *Enable JSONP support* in Administration -> Settings -> API. 


 GET /issues.json?callback=myHandler 

 myHandler({"issues":[ ... ]}) 

 h2. API Usage in various languages/tools 

 * [[Rest_api_with_ruby|Ruby]] 
 * [[Rest_api_with_php|PHP]] 
 * [[Rest_api_with_python|Python]] 
 * [[Rest_api_with_perl|Perl]] 
 * [[Rest_api_with_java|Java]] 
 * [[Rest_api_with_curl|cURL]] 
 * "Drupal Redmine API module, 2.x branch (currently not stable)": 
 * [[Rest_api_with_csharp|.NET]] 
 * [[Rest_api_with_delphi|Delphi]] 

 h2. API Change history 

 This section lists changes to the existing API features that may have broken backward compatibility. New features of the API are listed in the [[Rest_api#API-Description|API Description]]. 

 h3. 2012-01-29: Multiselect custom fields (r8721, version:1.4.0) 

 Custom fields with multiple values are now supported in Redmine and may be found in API responses. These custom fields have a @multiple=true attribute@ and their @value@ attribute is an array. 


 GET /issues/296.json 

         {"value":["1.0.1","1.0.2"],"multiple":true,"name":"Affected version","id":1}, 