Rest api » History » Revision 37
Revision 36 (Etienne Massip, 2011-03-11 09:52) → Revision 37/102 (Bevan Rudge, 2011-05-20 01:46)
h1. Redmine API
Redmine exposes some of its data through a REST API. This API provides access and basic CRUD operations (create, update, delete) for the resources described below.
h2. API Description
|_.Resource |_.Status |_.Notes |_.Availability|
|[[Rest_Issues|Issues]] | Beta | Usable with some bugs and rough edges. | 1.0 |
|[[Rest_Projects|Projects]] | Beta | Usable with some bugs and rough edges. | 1.0 |
|[[Rest_Users|Users]] | Beta | | 1.1 |
|[[Rest_TimeEntries|TimeEntries]] | Beta | | 1.1 |
|[[Rest_News|News]] | Prototype | Prototype implementation for @index@ only | 1.1 |
|[[Rest_WikiPages|Wiki Pages]] | Planned | | 1.2 |
Status legend:
* Stable - feature complete, no major changes planned
* Beta - usable for integrations with some bugs or missing minor functionality
* Alpha - major functionality in place, needs feedback from API users and integrators
* Prototype - very rough implementation, possible major breaking changes mid-version. *Not recommended for integration*
* Planned - planned in a future version, depending on developer availability
h2. General topics
h3. Authentication
Most of the time, the API requires authentication. To enable the API-style authentication, you have to check *Enable REST API* in Administration -> Settings -> Authentication. Then, authentication can be done in 2 different ways:
* using your regular login/password via HTTP Basic authentication.
* using your API key which is a handy way to avoid putting a password in a script. The API key may be attached to each request as a "key" parameter or it may be passed in as a username with a random password. You can find your API key on your account page ( /my/account ) when logged in, on the right-hand pane of the default layout.
h3. Collection resources and pagination
The response to a GET request on a collection ressources (eg. @/issues.xml@, @/users.xml@) generally won't return all the objets available in your database. Redmine version:1.1.0 introduces a common way to query such ressources using the following parameters:
* @offset@: the offset of the first object to retrieve
* @limit@: the number of items to be present in the response (default is 25, maximum is 100)
Alternatively, you can use the @page@ parameter, instead of @offset@, in conjunction with @limit@.
GET /issues.xml
=> returns the 25 first issues
GET /issues.xml?limit=100
=> returns the 100 first issues
GET /issues.xml?offset=30&limit=10
=> returns 10 issues from the 30th
GET /issues.xml?page=3&limit=10
=> same as above
Responses to GET requests on collection ressources provide information about the total object count available in Redmine and the offset/limit used for the response. Examples:
GET /issues.xml
<issues type="array" total_count="2595" limit="25" offset="0">
GET /issues.json
{ "issues":[...], "total_count":2595, "limit":25, "offset":0 }
Note: if you're using a REST client that does not support such top level attributes (total_count, limit, offset), you can set the @nometa@ parameter or @X-Redmine-Nometa@ HTTP header to 1 to get responses without them. Example:
GET /issues.xml?nometa=1
<issues type="array">
h3. Fetching associated data
Since of version:1.1.0, you have to explicitly specify the associations you want to be included in the query result by appending the @include@ parameter to the query url :
To retrieve issue journals with its description :
GET /issues/296.xml?include=journals
<journals type="array">
h2. API Usage in various languages/tools
* [[Rest_api_with_ruby|Ruby]]
* [[Rest_api_with_php|PHP]]
* [[Rest_api_with_python|Python]]
* [[Rest_api_with_java|Java]]
* [[Rest_api_with_curl|cURL]]
* "Drupal Redmine API module, 2.x branch (currently not stable)":