


Rest api ẅith python » History » Revision 6

Revision 5 (Javier Hernandez, 2010-11-09 10:04) → Revision 6/18 (Javier Hernandez, 2010-11-09 10:15)

h1. Using the REST API with Python 

 Here is the two well-known options for using REST API with python.  

  # "PyActiveResource": 
  # "Python library": 

 h2. *PyActiveResource* example: 

 <pre code="python"> 
 # Importing pyactiveresource 
 from pyactiveresource.activeresource import ActiveResource 

 class Issue(ActiveResource): 
     _site = '' 
     _user = 'username' 
     _password = 'password' 

 # Get issues 
 issues = Issue.find() 

 # Get a specific issue, from its id 
 issue = Issue.find(1345) 

 # Issue attributes 

 # Updating an attribute 
