


RusRedmineProjectActivity » History » Revision 5

Revision 4 (Vjacheslav Ryzhov, 2014-11-15 12:38) → Revision 5/7 (Vjacheslav Ryzhov, 2014-11-15 12:39)

h1. Активность проекта 

 Страница *_Действия_* отображает историю всей активности по данному проекту. 

 Включая изменения в: 
 * !/images/ticket.png! A new issue (feature, defect...) has been created. 
 * !/images/ticket_edit.png! The status of the issue has been changed. 
 * !/images/ticket_checked.png! The given issue has been closed. 
 * !/images/ticket_note.png! A note to the issue has been added. 
 * !/images/changeset.png! This means a changeset has been commited to the repository. 
 * !/images/news.png! A news has been added to the news area. 
 * !/images/message.png! A message in the forum area has been added. 
 * !/images/comments.png! A reply to a message in the forum has been added. 
 * !/images/wiki_edit.png! A wiki page has been edited or newly created. 
 * !/images/attachment.png! A new file has been added in the files area or to a document. 
 * !/images/document.png! A new document has been added. 
 * !/images/time.png! Some hours has been logged. 

 Using the checkboxes in the sidebar of the right, you can choose which items are displayed. 

 The activity is also available as an Atom feed. 

 !/attachments/download/2463/projects_redmine_activity.png! !/images/projects_redmine_activity.png! 

 A cross-project activity view is available from the Projects page, it will lists the activity of all visible projects.