


Submissions » History » Revision 22

Revision 21 (Jean-Philippe Lang, 2013-06-01 18:19) → Revision 22/30 (Jean-Philippe Lang, 2013-06-01 18:24)

h1. Submissions on 


 Submissions should be written in english. 

 h2. Submitting a Bug 

 Before submitting a bug report here, please make sure: 

 * that you're using an appropriate Rails version (see [[RedmineInstall]]) 
 * that your database is up to date, especially if you've just migrated from a previous version or revision (see [[RedmineUpgrade]]) 
 * if your problem is related to svn (or any other scm), that the proper binaries are installed on your Redmine host (see [[RedmineRepositories]]) 

 And have a look at the "bug list": and the [[FAQ]] to see if it has not already been reported. 

 When filling a bug report, please give the following information with the description of your problem: 

 * your database manager version (eg. PostgreSQL 8.2) 
 * your Ruby version (eg. Ruby 1.8.7) 
 * your Rails version (eg. Rails 2.3.11) 
 * your Redmine version (pick the version number in the _Affected version_ field) and the exact revision (eg. r1142) if you're using repository code 
 * your scm binary version (eg. svn 1.4) if your problem is about scm integration 

 The simplest way to get information about your environment is to run the following command from within your Redmine installation: 

 ruby script/about 

 Also, when reporting an application error, post * the error stack trace that you should find in the log file (eg. @log/production.log@). if your report is about an error. The message displayed by the application app (eg. _...An error occurred on the page you were trying to access..._) access. If you continue..._) is useless here. 

 If the error you're reporting occurs when running a rake task (example: @rake db:migrate@), rerun the task with the @--trace@ option (example: @rake db:migrate --trace@) The simplest way to get information about your Ruby and post Ruby on Rails versions is to run the full output. 

 following from within your Redmine installation: 

 ruby script/about 

 h2. Submitting a Security Vulnerability 

 If you think that you've found a security vulnerability, please report it by sending an email to: @security(at) Known vulnerabilities that were fixed in Redmine releases are listed on the [[Security Advisories]]. 

 h2. Submitting a Feature Request 

 Before submitting a feature request here, please make sure: 

 * fill the _subject_ as a sum up of your description 
 * fill the _description_ as detailed as you can, don't hesitate to describe precisely how this feature should behave, try to add what benefits you're excepting from it 
 * please *DON'T* fill the _target version_ field: let the developers decide when integrate 
 * please *DON'T* assign the feature request to anybody, let the developers deal with it 

 h2. Submitting a Wiki improvement 

 When you edit a wiki page to improve its content, make sure that you fill the _comment_ field with a descriptive summary of the changes you've made to the page. This way we'll be better able to "monitor" and "maintain" the quality of the actual wiki content. 

 h2. Submitting a Patch 

 * Changes should be submitted as a single patch file. Instructions for creating a patch using svn can be found [[Patch|here]]. 
 * You should mention the branch/revision your patch is based on and attach it