ThemeAlternate » History » Revision 3
Revision 2 (Mischa The Evil, 2008-12-13 02:25) → Revision 3/4 (Mischa The Evil, 2008-12-13 14:52)
h1. Alternate theme
This is a derivative of an older revision of the default Redmine theme including issuelist-colouring based on issue's priority.
h2. Author
Same as the author of Redmine itself: Jean-Philippe Lang.
h2. License
The alternate theme is open source and released under the terms of the "GNU General Public License v2": (GPL).
h2. Description
This is one of the two additional themes which is distributed as part of the Redmine core. It is a derivative of an older revision of the default Redmine theme, which was specifically modified to include issuelist-colouring based on issue's priority, which is included with the Redmine core as an optional, _alternative_ theme.
It's looks can be best described as a light-version of the [[ThemeDefault|default theme]] with some specific enhancements over the default theme. The colouring is mainly designed around three basic colours: blue, dark-blue and white/grey.
It includes:
* issue-colouring in the issuelist based on issue's priority
It excludes:
* more sophistically styled "tabs", "tables", etc.
* support for gravatars
h2. Screenshots
|=. *Project Overview* |=. *Project Activity* |
| !overview-480x360.jpg! | !activity-480x360.jpg! |
|=. *Project Roadmap* |=. *Project Issuelist* |
| !roadmap-480x360.jpg! | !issuelist-480x360.jpg! |
|=. *Project Files* |=. *Project Repository* |
| !files-480x360.jpg! | !repository-480x360.jpg! |
h2. Getting the theme
The theme is included within the Redmine core.
h2. Install
This theme is included as part of the Redmine core, and therefor does not need a seperate installation. It can be selected as the current theme to use.
h2. Changelog
See the @svn@-log of source:trunk/public/themes/alternate.
h2. Help and bugs
Support is provided as for Redmine itself. For getting help or discussing about Redmine, you can browse the "Redmine forums": Or, join @#redmine@ on the freenode IRC network.
Ultimately, you can raise a bug or feature request by opening a new issue. Before opening an issue here, please read this: [[SubmittingBugs]].