ThemeRedAndy » History » Revision 4
Revision 3 (Andriy Lesyuk, 2011-05-04 19:09) → Revision 4/5 (Andriy Lesyuk, 2014-06-01 15:59)
{{>toc}} h1. Redmine Red-Andy theme Theme that combines dark elements and bright boxes. The project menu is right aligned and decorated as tabs. Wiki pages have separate style based on Georgia font. Many elements including avatars, progress bars, code snippets have CSS3 shadows. Most of elements have CSS3 rounded corners. Red-Andy is the first and only +known+ *responsive* theme for Redmine. h2. Screenshots h3. Project overview !red-andy_overview.png! h3. Issues list !red-andy_issues.png! h3. Issue !red-andy_issue.png! h3. Wiki !red-andy_wiki.png! h3. Source view !red-andy_source.png! h3. Admin pages !red-andy_admin.png! h2. Author * "Andriy Lesyuk":/users/16879 h2. Obtaining The theme can be downloaded from "Andriy Lesyuk website": h2. Installing # Download the theme from "Andriy Lesyuk website": # Copy theme files (@images@ and @stylesheets@ directories) into @public/themes/red-andy@. # Restart Redmine to make it reread the theme list. # Go to "Administration" -> Settings" -> "Display" and select "Red-andy" "Red-Andy" in the "Theme" drop-down list. Save your settings. h2. License The "Red-Andy": theme is open source and released under the terms of the "GNU General Public License (GPL) v2.0": h2. Issues Feel free to post issues "here":