ThemeSqueejee » History » Revision 9
Revision 8 (Mischa The Evil, 2009-05-31 12:17) → Revision 9/10 (dj jones, 2014-06-04 19:15)
h1. Redmine Squeejee theme
A theme for Redmine which is based on a dark but "shiny" color-scheme and which includes a subtle (re)styled project-menu.
The theme has not been updated since about 2009 - and has no GitHub pages or similar: but this source still seems to be there: (At 4 June 2014)
h2. Packager and maintainer
* Mischa The Evil
h2. Initial author
* "Wynn Netherland":
h2. History
For the complete history of the theme's creation you could see "this forum-thread":
h2. Changelog
For the complete changelog see the @CHANGELOG@-file in the Squeejee theme directory.
h2. Latest stable release
The currently available, latest stable release of the theme is version *0.2.0*.
h2. Features
The Squeejee© theme is an updated, packaged release of Wynn Netherland's work for "Squeejee's": internal Redmine instance. It initially was a heavily modified derivation of the [[ThemeAlternate|alternate theme]] which required Redmine core hacks but is made stand-alone and working without core hacks (by using the core's support for project-menu item styling (r2059)) for this release.
It's looks can be best described as a dark theme with gradient backgrounds, dark-gray and bold links, but all with a "shiny" and "friendly" touch. It reintroduces the project-menu item-icons with the extension that styling of third-party plugins (including selected icons) is supported too.
Also the overflow to a second line of the project-menu, when using a lot of plugins with menu-items, is handled without disturbing the surrounding layout and elements.
The colour-scheme basically consists of three basic colours: black, grey and white.
It includes:
* issue-colouring in the issuelist, based on default priority-enumerations for issues
* more sophistically styled "tabs", "tables", etc.
* (project-menu item styling) support for (lots of) third-party plugins
h2. Screenshots
|=. *Home* |=. *Project overview* |
| !home-480x360.jpg!:/attachments/1755/home-800x600.jpg | !overview-480x360.jpg!:/attachments/1756/overview-800x600.jpg |
|=. *Project roadmap* |=. *Project issuelist* |
| !roadmap-480x360.jpg!:/attachments/1757/roadmap-800x600.jpg | !issuelist-480x360.jpg!:/attachments/1758/issuelist-800x600.jpg |
|=. *Issue* |=. *Issue journal* |
| !issue-480x360.jpg!:/attachments/1759/issue-800x600.jpg | !issue_journal-480x360.jpg!:/attachments/1751/issue_journal-800x600.jpg |
|=. *Repository* |=. *2nd project-menu line + plugin support* |
| !repository-480x360.jpg!:/attachments/1752/repository-800x600.jpg | !2nd_projectmenu_line_and_3pd_support-480x360.jpg!:/attachments/1753/2nd_projectmenu_line_and_3pd_support-800x600.jpg |
h2. Compatibility
The following compatibility information only applies to version @0.2.0@ of the Squeejee theme.
h3. 0.2.0 Redmine Compatibility
This release requires at least Redmine 0.8.0 and is compatible with the Redmine trunk and the 0.8-stable branch as visible in the following table:
|_. Redmine Branch: |_. Revision/Release: ||_. Tested: |_. Compatible: |_.Comments: |_. Supported: |
| | || | | | |
|<._Trunk_ |@CURRENT@ ||Yes |Yes | |Yes |
|<._0.8-stable_ |@CURRENT@ ||Yes |Yes | |Yes |
|<._0.8-stable_ |@0.8.4@ ||Yes |Yes | |Yes |
|<._0.8-stable_ |@0.8.3@ ||Yes |Yes | |Yes |
|<._0.8-stable_ |@0.8.2@ ||Yes |Yes | |Yes |
|<._0.8-stable_ |@0.8.1@ ||Yes |Yes | |Yes |
|<._0.8-stable_ |@0.8.0@ ||Yes |Yes | |Yes |
|<._0.7-stable_ |@0.7.x@ ||No |Unknown | |No |
h3. 0.2.0 Browser Compatibility
This release of the theme is (for about 99%) compatible with the major browser-engines. Though some tiny differences may occur between different browsers. Some known things are listed in the following table:
|_.Rendering Engine: |_.Browser: |_.Version: ||_.Tested: |_.Compatible: |_.Comments: |_.Supported: |
| | | || | | | |
|WebKit |<._Google Chrome_ |@ ||Yes |Yes | |Yes |
|WebKit |<._Google Chrome_ |@ ||Yes |Yes | |Yes |
|Gecko |<._Mozilla Firefox_ |@3.0.10@ ||Yes |Yes | |Yes |
|Trident |<._Microsoft Internet Explorer_ |@7.x@ ||Yes |No |IE7 misses full-support for the @inherit@-value and the @:before@ pseudo-element (which are defined by CSS 2.1) |Yes, this only has some minor effect on the design of the issue-journals |
|Trident |<._Microsoft Internet Explorer_ |@8.0.6001.18702@ ||Yes |Yes | |Yes |
|WebKit |<._Apple Safari (Win32)_ |@3.2.3@ ||Yes |Yes | |Yes |
|Presto |<._Opera_ |@9.64@ ||Yes |Yes | |Yes |
h3. 0.2.0 Extension Compatibility
The following table reflects the current out-of-the-box support for third-party plugins by the Squeejee theme:
|_. Plugin name |_. Class name |_. Support-type |_. Project menu icon-name |
| "Budget": | _budget_ | Menu | @money--pencil.png@ |
| "Budget": | _deliverables_ | Menu | @money--pencil.png@ |
| "Bugcloud": | _bugcloud_ | Menu | @tags-label.png@ |
| "Burndown": | _burndown_ | Menu / Other | @burn.png@ |
| "Charts": | _charts_ | Menu / Other | @monitor.png@ |
| "Code Review": | _code-review_ | Menu | @ruler--pencil.png@ |
| "Customer": | _customers_ | Menu | @user-business.png@ |
| "Embedded": | _embedded_ | Menu | @layout-select-content.png@ |
| "EzBookshelf (now EzLibrarian)": | _books_ | Menu | @books-stack.png@ |
| "EzLibrarian": | _treasures_ | Menu | @trophy.png@ |
| "EzFAQ": | _ezfaq_ | Menu | @question-balloon.png@ |
| "Google Calendar": | _google-calendar_ | Menu / Other | @calendar-month.png@ |
| "Graphs": | n/a | Other | n/a |
| "Invoices": | _Invoices_ | Menu | @notebooks--pencil.png@ |
| "Invoices": | _invoice_ | Menu | @notebooks--pencil.png@ |
| "Project Scores": | _Scores_ | Menu | @ui-progress-bar.png@ |
| "Project Scores": | _scores_ | Menu | @ui-progress-bar.png@ |
| "Schedules": | _schedules_ | Menu | @report--exclamation.png@ |
| "Scrum": | _scrum_ | Menu | @projection-screen--pencil.png@ |
| "Scrumdashboard": | _dashboard_ | Menu | @dashboard--pencil.png@ |
| "Simple CI": | _Integration_ | Menu | @pill--exclamation.png@ |
| "Simple CI": | _simple-ci_ | Menu | @pill--exclamation.png@ |
| "Status Updates (bterlson)": | _Status_ + _Updates_ | Menu | @tick-shield.png@ |
| "Status Updates (tomisima)": | _statuses_ | Menu | @tick-shield.png@ |
| "Status Updates (edavis)": | _Status_ + _Updates_ | Menu | @tick-shield.png@ |
| "Tabs": | _tab_ | Menu / Other | @layout-2.png@ |
| "Task Board": | _task-board_ | Menu / Other | @dashboard--pencil.png@ |
| "Todo Lists": | _todo-lists_ | Menu | @hammer--arrow.png@ |
| "Todo Lists": | _todos_ | Menu | @hammer--arrow.png@ |
h2. Obtaining
The theme can be downloaded as a packaged release from:
* -this page; the archive is attached-
* this MediaFire-mirror:
* the upcoming website
h2. Installing
# Download the theme from the available sources (see "Obtaining":
# Install the theme as described at:
h2. Upgrading
# Download the latest archive file from the available sources (see "Obtaining":
# Backup the currently deployed squeejee theme (@mv /public/themes/squeejee /public/themes/squeejee-backup@)
# Unzip the downloaded file to your Redmine into the theme-directory _"../public/themes"_
# Restart your Redmine
h2. Uninstalling
# Remove the directory _"squeejee"_ from the theme-directory _"../public/themes"_
# Restart Redmine
h2. Credits
Thanks goes out to the following people:
* Wynn Netherland, Squeejee (
** Initial author (designer and coder) of the draft of this theme which can be found here:
* Jean-Philippe Lang, Project-leader of Redmine (
** For creating and maintaining the Redmine system...
h2. Licensing
This theme is open-source and licensed under the "GNU General Public License v2": (GPL). Certain icons are part of the Fugue icon-set ( which is released under the "Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported": license.
* ©2009, Mischa The Evil (
* ©2008, Wynn Netherland (
h2. Support
If you need help, would like to report a bug or request a new feature you can contact the
author via mail (mischa_the_evil [AT] hotmail [DOT] com) or at his (upcoming) website:
As an alternative you can also join the @#redmine@-channel on the "freenode": IRC network to see if the maintainer is connected (with the nickname @Mischa_The_Evil@).
h2. Attached screenshots