Theme List » History » Revision 50
Revision 49 (minkbear minkbear, 2011-08-09 09:35) → Revision 50/738 (minkbear minkbear, 2011-08-09 09:42)
h1. Redmine theme list {{>toc}} This is a directory of the available themes for Redmine, sorted in an alphabetical order. There exists a [[ExtensionListInfo#Redmine-theme-list-legend|legend]] of the information listed in the respective theme entry fields. General information about Redmine themes and how to install them into your Redmine can be found on [[Themes]]. h2. A h3. AdminsQ3 theme * "AdminsQ3": is a modified version of the "Libernix-redmine-ecogreen": theme. ** Author: "_AdminsQ3_":/users/11892 ** Latest release: _<code>Initial release</code>, 2010-02-17_ ** Compatible with: _Redmine 0.8.x & Redmine Trunk_ ** Public SCM: _n/a_ ** Public ITS: _n/a_ ** Screen shot: "Image": h3. Alternate theme * [[ThemeAlternate|Alternate]] is a derivative of the default theme including issuelist-colouring based on issue's priority (included). ** Author: "_Jean-Philippe Lang_":/users/1 ** Latest release: _<code>n/a</code>, 2008-03-19_ ** Compatible with: _Redmine 0.8.x & Redmine Trunk_ ** Public SCM: _ ** Public ITS: _ ** Screen shot: "Image": h3. ArchLinux theme * [[ThemeArchLinux|ArchLinux]] is a derivative of the default theme. ** Author: "_Markus M. May_":/users/1540 ** Latest release: _<code>n/a</code>, 2009-11-29_ ** Compatible with: _Redmine Trunk_ ** Public SCM: _ ** Public ITS: _ ** Screen shot: "Image": h3. Aurora theme * "Aurora": is a derivative of the default theme. ** Author: "Jorge Barata González":/users/32227 ** Compatible with: _Redmine 1.1.x_ ** Public ITS: _ ** Screen shot: "Image": h2. B h3. Basecamp theme * [[ThemeBasecamp|Basecamp]] is a Redmine-port of 37signals® Basecamp® theme. ** Author: "_Peter Theill_":/users/1377 ** Latest release: _<code>n/a</code>, 2009-07-17_ ** Compatible with: _Redmine 0.8.x & Redmine Trunk_ ** Public SCM: _n/a_ ** Public ITS: _n/a_ ** Screen shot: "Image": h3. Basecamp Persian theme * basecamp-persian is an RTL version of [[ThemeBasecamp|Basecamp]] with some imporvements for Persian language. ** Author: "_Behrang Noroozinia_":/users/27112 ** Latest release: _<code>n/a</code>, 2011-01-23_ ** Compatible with: _Redmine 1.0.0_ ** Public SCM: _ ** Public ITS: _ h2. C h3. Classic theme * [[ThemeClassic|Classic]] is a the more classic-looking redmine theme (included). ** Author: "_Jean-Philippe Lang_":/users/1 ** Latest release: _<code>n/a</code>, 2008-11-27_ ** Compatible with: _Redmine 0.8.x & Redmine Trunk_ ** Public SCM: _ ** Public ITS: _ ** Screen shot: "Image": h3. CM - Red theme * "CM-Red": is a Red/Grey/Brown Pallet based theme. ** Author: "_Chris McKee_": ** Latest release: _<code>n/a</code>, 2010-06-10_ ** Compatible with: _Redmine 0.8.x / 0.9.x / & Redmine Trunk_ ** Public SCM: _ ** Public ITS: _ ** Screenshots: "_here_": h2. D h3. Default theme * [[ThemeDefault|Default]] the default Redmine theme (included). ** Author: "_Jean-Philippe Lang_":/users/1 ** Latest release: _<code>n/a</code>, 2009-07-10_ ** Compatible with: _Redmine 0.8.x & Redmine Trunk_ ** Public SCM: _ ** Public ITS: _ ** Screen shot: "Image": h2. I h3. InnerBoard * "InnerBoard": a sexy UI for redmine. ** Author: "_Jason Lee_": ** Latest release: _<code>n/a</code>, 2010-01-25_ ** Compatible with: _Redmine 1.x & Redmine Trunk_ ** Public SCM: _ ** Public ITS: _ ** Screen shot: "Image": h2. E - K _no entries_ h2. L h3. Libernix-redmine-ecoblue theme * "libernix-redmine-ecoblue": is a professional looking, open-source theme for Redmine. ** Author: "_Rajesh Krishnan_":/users/9892 ** Compatible with: _Redmine 0.8.x & Redmine Trunk_ ** Public SCM: "_GitHub Project Site_": ** Public ITS: "_GitHub Bug Reporting Site_": ** Screenshots: *** "_Overview screen_": *** "_Issues screen_": *** _Lot more screenshots "here_": ** Installation instructions: "_GitHub Project Site_": h3. Libernix-redmine-ecogreen theme * "libernix-redmine-ecogreen": is a professional looking, open-source theme for Redmine. ** Author: "_Rajesh Krishnan_":/users/9892 ** Compatible with: _Redmine 0.8.x & Redmine Trunk_ ** Public SCM: "_GitHub Project Site_": ** Public ITS: "_GitHub Bug Reporting Site_": ** Screenshots: *** "_Issues screen_": *** _Lot more screenshots "here_": ** Installation instructions: "_GitHub Project Site_": h3. Libernix-redmine-ecoorange theme * "libernix-redmine-ecoorange": is a professional looking, open-source theme for Redmine. ** Author: "_Rajesh Krishnan_":/users/9892 ** Compatible with: _Redmine 0.8.x & Redmine Trunk_ ** Public SCM: "_GitHub Project Site_": ** Public ITS: "_GitHub Bug Reporting Site_": ** Screenshots: *** "_Issues screen_": *** _Lot more screenshots "here_": ** Installation instructions: "_GitHub Project Site_": h3. Libernix-redmine-ecopurple theme * "libernix-redmine-ecopurple": is a professional looking, open-source theme for Redmine. ** Author: "_Rajesh Krishnan_":/users/9892 ** Compatible with: _Redmine 0.8.x & Redmine Trunk_ ** Public SCM: "_GitHub Project Site_": ** Public ITS: "_GitHub Bug Reporting Site_": ** Screenshots: *** "_Issues screen_": *** _Lot more screenshots "here_": ** Installation instructions: "_GitHub Project Site_": h3. Libernix-redmine-ecored theme * "libernix-redmine-ecored": is a professional looking, open-source theme for Redmine. ** Author: "_Rajesh Krishnan_":/users/9892 ** Compatible with: _Redmine 0.8.x & Redmine Trunk_ ** Public SCM: "_GitHub Project Site_": ** Public ITS: "_GitHub Bug Reporting Site_": ** Screenshots: *** "_Issues screen_": *** _Lot more screenshots "here_": ** Installation instructions: "_GitHub Project Site_": h3. Libernix-redmine-ecoyellow theme * "libernix-redmine-ecoyellow": is a professional looking, open-source theme for Redmine. ** Author: "_Rajesh Krishnan_":/users/9892 ** Compatible with: _Redmine 0.8.x & Redmine Trunk_ ** Public SCM: "_GitHub Project Site_": ** Public ITS: "_GitHub Bug Reporting Site_": ** Screenshots: *** "_Issues screen_": *** _Lot more screenshots "here_": ** Installation instructions: "_GitHub Project Site_": h2. M h3. Modula Martini * "Modula Martini": is a plain and clean, free to use, theme for Redmine. ** Author: "_Eero Louhenperä_": ** Compatible with: _Redmine 0.8.x, 0.9.x & Redmine Trunk_ (?) ** Public SCM: _n/a_ ** Public ITS: _n/a_ ** Screenshots: *** "_Project versions screen_": ** Installation instructions: "_Redmine theme Modula Martini_": h3. Modula Mojito * "Modula Mojito": is finely crafted and very polished theme for Redmine, with predominantly green highlights over a dark background. ** Author: "_Eero Louhenperä_": ** Compatible with: _Redmine 0.8.x, 0.9.x & Redmine Trunk_ (?) ** Public SCM: _n/a_ ** Public ITS: _n/a_ ** Screenshots: *** "_New issue screen_": ** Installation instructions: "_Redmine theme Modula Mojito_": h2. N - O _no entries_ h2. P h3. Pepper * "Pepper": is a sleek, clean, and high tech looking theme, that adapts to fit on small screens like smartphones. ** Screenshots: "Yes, of course": ** Author: "_Jakob Skjerning_":/users/2207 ** Compatible with: _Redmine 1.2.x & Redmine Trunk_ ** Public SCM: ** Public ITS: h3. Pixel Cookers theme * "Pixel Cookers": is a nice, dark and blue theme for Redmine. ** Author: "_Ludovic Meyer_":/users/12778 ** Latest release: _<code>1.2</code>, 2010-08-23_ ** Compatible with: _Redmine 0.8.x & Redmine Trunk_ ** Public SCM: ** Public ITS: ** Screen shot: "Image": h2. Q _no entries_ h2. R h3. Red-Andy theme * [[ThemeRedAndy|Red-Andy]] combines dark elements and bright boxes, uses CSS3 shadows and round corners. ** Author: "_Andriy Lesyuk_":/users/16879 ** Latest release: _<code>0.01</code> 2011-05-04_ ** Compatible with: _Redmine 1.0.x, Redmine 1.1.x_ ** Public SCM: ** Public ITS: ** Demo: (_contains logo which is not in the theme_) h3. Redjourn theme * [[ThemeRedjourn|Redjourn]] is a bright and "cheery" theme created for "Softjourn": "Labs": ** Authors: Lesya Danylyuk and "Andriy Lesyuk":/users/16879 ("_Softjourn Inc._": ** Latest release: 2011-03-24 ** Compatible with: _Redmine 1.0.x_ ** Public SCM: _n/a_ ** Public ITS: (_use "Theme" issue category_) ** Demo: (_contains logo which is not in the theme_) h2. S h3. SP theme * [[ThemeSP|SP]] is a theme under development with a highly flexible project menu, condensed header, reworked issue controls and much much more. ** Author: "_Shane Pearlman_":/users/679 ** Latest release: _<code>n/a</code>, n/a_ ** Compatible with: _n/a_ ** Public SCM: _n/a_ ** Public ITS: _ h3. Squeejee theme * [[ThemeSqueejee|Squeejee]] is a dark-theme showing Redmine's theme-capabilities. ** Author: "_Wynn Netherland_":/users/1374 ** Maintainer: "_Mischa The Evil_":/users/1565 ** Latest release: _<code>0.2.0</code>, 2009-05-25_ ** Compatible with: _Redmine 0.8.x & Redmine Trunk_ ** Public SCM: _n/a_ ** Public ITS: _n/a_ ** Screen shot: "Image": h2. T - V _no entries_ h2. W h3. Watersky theme * [[ThemeWatersky|Watersky]] is a blue theme based on the Redmine Alternate theme. ** Author: "_Konstantin Zaitsev_":/4703 ** Latest release: _<code>1.1</code>, 2009-06-23_ ** Compatible with: _Redmine 0.8.x & Redmine Trunk_ ** Public SCM: _ ** Public ITS: _ ** Screen shot: "Image": h2. X - Z _no entries_