Theme List » History » Revision 640
Revision 639 (beko akabeko, 2021-08-28 09:32) → Revision 640/738 (Roman Kharchenko, 2021-08-28 12:03)
h1. Redmine theme list {{>toc}} This is a directory of the available themes for Redmine, sorted with the most recently updated ones first. The information listed in the respective theme entry fields is described in the [[Theme_List#Redmine-theme-list-legend|legend]] at the end of this page. General information about Redmine themes and how to install them into your Redmine can be found on [[Themes]]. *Other helpful things* * [[HowTo_create_a_custom_Redmine_theme| How to create a custom theme]] * "Theme Changer plugin": lets each user select their own preferred theme at "My page" Compatible with 2 and 3 * "Custom CSS plugin": allows CSS changes to be made from within Redmine itself. Compatible with 2 and 3 * "Sidebar: button to hide/show it: 2016 discussion of plugins and a patch": * "AngularJS based Redmine REST API Clients discussion": * "_RedWord_": for Word Press - a layer, to allow use of any Redmine theme directly. * "Redmine Themes Directory": (Third-party website) h2. Themes last updated in 2021 h3. Abacus Themes - Abacusmine (Commercial theme) * Abacus Themes' "Abacusmine": a modern *responsive theme* for Redmine. Continuous development since 2014. ** Author: "Michael Stanek":/users/114030 ** Latest release: 2020-05-11 (May 11th, 2021) ** Compatible with: Redmine 2.0.4 - 4.2.1 ** Website: ** Pricing: ** Video: ** Compatible with RedmineUP plugins + dozens more ** Screenshots: *** "*Issue Detail*": *** "*Issue List*": *** "*New Issue*": *** "*Project List*": *** "*Project Overview*": *** "*Project Activity*": *** "*Project Calendar*": *** "*Mobile View*": *** "*Login with customizable company logo*": *** "*Other screenshots*": h3. Bleuclair * "_farend bleuclair theme_": ** Author: "Far End Technologies Corporation": ** Latest release: v0.4.0 - 2021-05-07. "Release page": ** Compatible with: Redmine 3.4 - 4.2 ** Public SCM: _ ** Public ITS: _ ** Screenshots: h3. BRT BOOSTMINE theme (Commercial theme) * "Boostmine": is a new powerful, responsive and customizable premium theme for Redmine. ** Author: "BestRedmineTheme": & "Luis Blasco": ** Latest release: v.3.0 - 2021-06-10 (Redmine 4.2 compatibility and new checkboxes styling). "Changelog": ** Compatible with: Firefox, Safari, Chrome, Edge, Redmine 2.5 - 4.2.x ** "Many skins available": ** Knowledge Base and support. ** "Compatible with all RedmineUP plugins and many others": ** Website: ** Video: ** Screenshots: *** "Showcase": *** "Register page": *** "Issue list": *** "Issue page": *** "Activity page": *** "Admin menu": *** "Mobile": h3. BRT ZENMINE theme (Commercial theme) * "Zenmine": is a new minimal, responsive and customizable premium theme for Redmine. ** Author: "BestRedmineTheme": & "Luis Blasco": ** Latest release: v.2.0 - 2021-06-10 (Redmine 4.2 compatibility and new checkboxes styling). "Changelog": ** Compatible with: Firefox, Safari, Chrome, IE 11, Edge, Redmine 2.5 - 4.2.x ** "Many skins available": ** Left or right sidebar. Normal or compact layout. Sticky or fixed header. ** Knowledge Base and support. ** "Compatible with all RedmineUP plugins and many others": ** Website: ** Video: ** Screenshots: *** "Showcase": *** "Login page": *** "Issue list": *** "Issue page": *** "Projects tree view": *** "Admin menu": *** "Mobile": h3. Gitmike * "_gitmike_": GitHub-like theme, pure white, Issue list with color codes. It is based on A1 theme version 1.0.3 by Kirill Bezrukov ** Author: "_Makoto Kawasaki_": ** Latest release: v1.2.1 - 2021-04-01. "Changelog": ** Compatible with: Redmine 2.x - 4.x ** Public SCM: _ ** Public ITS: _ ** Screen shot: "Image": h3. Nuno Zeta (Commercial theme) * "Nuno Zeta": Nuno Zeta is a perfect solution for mobile redmine theme it has engaging, modern and eye catching design. ** Author: "": & "Softbless": ** Latest release: v.1.0.4 - 2021-02-10. "Changelog": ** Compatible with: Firefox, Safari, Chrome, Edge, Redmine 2.6 - 4.1+ ** Multiple Color Scheme (Pink, Blue, Dark Red, Purple and Green) ** Supported Plugin : Knowledge Base, Redmine Local Avatar Plugin, DMSF, Xapian Search Plugin, Redmine Checklist, Redmine Agile Plugin, Clipboard Image Paste, A common libraries, Custom Menu Redmine, Redmine Auto Done 100%, Redmine Code Review plugin, Redmine Default Due Date Plugin, Redmine Email Images plugin, Redmine email inline images plugin, Issue Importer, Redmine Issue Templates plugin, Redmine Landing Page plugin, Redmine Mail Reminder plugin, Redmine Mentions, Menu Links Plugin, Redmine Recurring Tasks, Redmine Slack. ** "Website": ** Screenshots (we have 2 menu styles, horizontal and vertical) : *** Horizontal Menu **** Classy Blue Color Scheme : ***** "Login": ***** "List Issue": ***** "Create Issue": ***** "Detail Issue": ***** "Activity": ***** "News": **** Pink Color Scheme : ***** "List Issue": ***** "Create Issue": ***** "Detail Issue": *** Vertical Menu **** Classy Blue Color Scheme : ***** "Login": ***** "List Issue": ***** "Detail Issue": ***** "History Issue": ***** "Activity": ***** "Mobile List Issue": **** Pink Color Scheme : ***** "List Issue": ***** "Detail Issue": ***** "History Issue": *** "Other Screenshots": h3. PurpleMine2 * "PurpleMine2": : Modern, and customisable: offers eg hideable sidebar, exhaustive color codes in issue list. Written in SCSS, uses normalize.css and some parts of Bootstrap like mixins, structure, and stuff. ** Author: "mrliptontea": ** Latest release: 2.15.0, 2021-05-23 ** Compatible with: Redmine 3.0+ - 4.0+. Browsers: IE10+/Edge, latest Firefox and Google Chrome (others were not tested). ** Compatible with RedmineUP plugins and others(Backlogs, Redmine Banner, issue-id...) ** Public SCM: ** Screenshots: *** "Calendar": *** "Issue page": *** "Issues list": *** "Create new issue": *** "Backlogs": h3. REDMINE-EVOLUTION theme (Commercial theme) * Enjoy a new "*REDMINE-EVOLUTION*": interface working with Redmine on a daily basis. ** Author: "REDMINE-EVOLUTION": ** Latest release: 1.7.1, 2021-08-27 (August 27, 1.7, 2021-07-15 (July 15, 2021) - "*Changelog*": ** Compatible with: Redmine 2.6+ - 4.2.x ** "Website": ** "Pricing": ** "Video about theme": ** *Get FREE BONUS* with theme -> "Video": ** Compatible with "RedmineUP plugins and others plugins": ** Screenshots: *** "*Tour*": *** "*Administration*": *** "*User*": *** "*Responsive*": *** "*Popular plugins*": h3. minimalflat2 * "minimalflat2": is Minimal and Flat. Responsive (Redmine 3.2 onwards). Modern color scheme by Flat UI & Espresso, Expandable tree view of the project list, ** Support: Redmine v4.2.2 or later ** Author: "akabeko": ** Latest release: v1.8.0, 2021/8/28 ** Public SCM: _ h2. Themes last updated in 2020 Themes are sorted in alphabetical order. h3. A1 theme * "A1": is flat, responsible theme for redmine. ** Author: "Kirill Bezrukov": ** Latest release: _v.3.0.0 - 2020-02-13_ ** Compatible with: FF, Safari, Chrome, IE7+, Redmine 1.x - 4.1.x ** Screen shots: *** "Issue page": *** "Agile board": *** "Issue list": *** "Contact list": *** "My page": h3. Kodomo Redmine * "Kodomo Redmine": is a theme for kids and children. This theme is still experimental, but I hope to provide a more friendly Redmine with bright colors and fun fonts. ** Support: Redmine v4.0.x or later ** Author: "Akiko Takano": ** Latest release: <code>0.0.3</code>, 2020-05-30 ** Public SCM: _ ** Public ITS: _ ** Screen shot: "Short movie": "Issue": h3. Kodomo Redmine Midori * "Kodomo Redmine Midori": is a theme for kids and children, based on **green** color. This theme is still experimental, but I hope to provide a more friendly Redmine with bright colors and fun fonts. ** Support: Redmine v4.0.x or later ** Author: "Akiko Takano": ** Latest release: <code>1.0.1</code>, 2020-06-24 ** Public SCM: _ ** Public ITS: _ ** Screen shot: "PC version": ** Sample movie: "Responsive mode demo": "Issue": h3. Openmind * "Openmind": : Openmind is a readability and Markdown-friendly theme for Redmine. ** Author: "Terry L.": ** Latest release: 1.0.0, 2020-03-06 ** Compatible with: Redmine 3.0+ - 4.0+. Browsers: IE10+/Edge, latest Firefox and Google Chrome (others were not tested). ** Public SCM: ** Screenshots: *** h3. RTMaterial * "RTMaterial": : Modern, and use material color. You can use a plugin for select one color by project ** Author: "fraoustin": ** Latest release: 0.1.8, 2020-01-16 ** Compatible with: Redmine 3.0+ - 4.0+. Browsers: IE10+/Edge, latest Firefox and Google Chrome (others were not tested). ** Public SCM: ** Screenshots: *** h3. Sidebar * "Sidebar": : More content space, reduced top banner and slimmer left navigation ** Author: "Adhi Software": ** Latest release: 0.0.4, 2020-05-16 ** Compatible with: Redmine 4.1+ ** Public SCM: ** Video: ** Screenshots: h2. Themes last updated in 2019 h3. Circle theme * "Circle": is a freshly designed soft color palette redmine theme with flat styles and form elements styles. Hide sidebar button and dropdown menu items ** Author: "_RedmineUP_": ** Latest release: _v.2.1.5 - 2019-12-23_ ** Compatible with: Redmine 2.x - 4.1.x ** Screen shots: *** "Issue page": *** "Agile board": *** "Issues list": *** "Contact list": h3. Flatly light * "Flatly light": is a modern and elegant flat theme, with slide out side panel ** Author: "_Petr Stepchenko_":/users/69901 ** Latest release: 0.2.4, 2019-11-08 ** Compatible with: Redmine 2.5.x - 3.4.3 ** Public SCM: _ ** Public ITS: _ ** Screenshots: *** _ *** _ *** _ h3. minimalflat2 * "minimalflat2": is Minimal and Flat. Responsive (Redmine 3.2 onwards). Modern color scheme by Flat UI & Espresso, Expandable tree view of the project list, ** Support: Redmine v4.0.4 or later ** Author: "akabeko": ** Latest release: v1.6.1, 2019/7/17 ** Public SCM: _ ** Screenshot: "Projects": "Editor": "Issue": "Settings": "For mobile": "Menu": h3. Nuno Kappa (Commercial theme) * "Nuno Kappa": is powerful, responsive and will give your Redmine professional and eye-catching look. ** Author: "": & "Softbless": ** Latest release: v.1.0 - 2019-07-09. "Changelog": ** Compatible with: Firefox, Safari, Chrome, Edge, Redmine 2.6 - 4.0 ** Multiple Color Scheme (Blue, Red, Magenta, Yellow, Green and Orange) ** Supported Plugin : Knowledge Base, Redmine Local Avatar Plugin, DMSF, Xapian Search Plugin, Redmine Checklist, Redmine Agile Plugin, Clipboard Image Paste, A common libraries, Custom Menu Redmine, Redmine Auto Done 100%, Redmine Code Review plugin, Redmine Default Due Date Plugin, Redmine Email Images plugin, Redmine email inline images plugin, Issue Importer, Redmine Issue Templates plugin, Redmine Landing Page plugin, Redmine Mail Reminder plugin, Redmine Mentions, Menu Links Plugin, Redmine Recurring Tasks, Redmine Slack. ** "Website": ** Screenshots: *** Red Color Scheme : **** "List Issue": **** "Detail Issue": **** "Activity": **** "New Issue": **** "Mobile List Issue": *** Blue Color Scheme : **** "List Issue": **** "Detail Issue": **** "Activity": **** "New Issue": **** "Mobile List Issue": *** "Other Screenshots": h2. Themes last updated in 2018 h3. Alex theme * "Alex theme": is designed for Usability. And is required if using the "Usability Plugin": ** Latest release: 2018-02-21 ** Author: "Danil Kukhlevskiy": ** Public SCM: h3. "Project round blue" - theme (Commercial theme) * "Project round blue" is a high quality design, responsive and special theme for "Redmine". ** Author: "Masami Ishimaru Milli,inc.": ** Latest release: Ver1.0.0 - 2018-08-03. ** Compatible with: Firefox, Safari, Chrome, Edge, Redmine 3.4 ** Website日本語: ** Online shop(日本語): ** Online shop(English): h3. YeniHayat Redmine Theme * "YeniHayat Redmine Theme": is a modern and elegant theme ** Author: "Can Toron": ** Latest release: v1.2, 2018-12-13 ** Compatible with: Redmine 3.2.1 or later (including latest 4.x versions) ** Public SCM: _ ** Screenshots: *** _ *** _ *** _ *** _ h2. Themes last updated in 2017 h3. SASS Theme * "Sass": is a theme forked from the vanilla Redmine v3.3 stylesheet and converted to SASS (sources are available). Its purpose is to improve moderately the vanilla theme. ** Author: "Fabrice Salvaire": ** *License: CC by-nc-na* ** Latest release: 2017-07-25 ** Compatible with: Modern Browser and Redmine v3.4 ** Screenshots: *** "Project Overview": *** "Project Roadmap": *** "Project Issues": *** "Issue": *** "Wiki": h3. Priority Issue theme * "Priority Issue theme": is based on the default Redmine theme ** Author: "Fourat Achour":/users/164716 ** Latest release: 2017-01-02 ** Compatible with: Redmine 3.1.1 ** Public SCM: ** Screenshots: *** "Sprint board": *** "Issues List": *** "Issue Card": h2. Themes updated in 2016 h3. Tasks colors from Mantis * "Tasks colors from Mantis": possible to integrate to most themes (default classic theme). It make your favorite redmine theme with well-understandabe well-established tasks colors bring from Mantis bug tracking system. ** Author: "Serguei Okladnikov": ** Release: 2016-07-26 ** Website: _ ** Public SCM: _ ** Screenshots: *** "Default": theme with the standart classic theme *** "Overloading": example with NYSenate Gitlab-looking theme h3. ChiliProject Look and Feel * ChiliProject Look & Feel adds the original ChiliProject theme and menu style to Redmine (ChiliProject was a fork of Redmine between 2011-2013: some of the nice functionality ideas have since been written as plugins for core Redmine ** Compatible with: _4.0.x, 3.2.x, 3.1.x, 3.0.x_ ** Latest release: 2015-03-10 ** Public SCM: _ ** Website: _ ** Demo: _ ** Screen shot: Can be seen live at h3. Dwarf Theme * "Dwarf": - responsive HD Redmine theme for screens between 1600 and 1920. Side nav bar, 2-column content layout, nicer dropdowns, ** Website: _ ** GitHub: "Dwarf": ** Author: "Jared Denison": ** Public SCM: _ ** Public ITS: _ ** Release: 2016-01-30 ** Compatible with: Redmine 2.0.4 - 3.x ** Screenshots: *** "Promo": *** "Issues List": *** "Issue Card": h3. Minelab * "Minelab": A theme inspired by Gitlab, written in Sass, uses Bourbon for cross browser compatibility, Neat for responsive grids and Font Awesome to replace all the stock icons (forked for Redmine 3 from ** Author: "hardpixel": ** Latest commit: 2016/03/15 ** Public SCM: ** Screenshots: h3. Progressive Projects List theme * "Progressive Projects List theme": extends default theme with usability features in Projects: Bold subproject names on project listing, Make "not my" projects grey on project list, so my projects stand out. (all via application.css) ** Author: "_Dmitry Babenko_":/users/19243 ** Latest release: 3.0.1, 2016-01-04 ** Compatible with: _Redmine 3.2, 3.1, 3.0, 2.6, 2.5, 2.4, 2.3, 2.2, 2.1_ ** Features: *** Show overall projects status in progress bars *** Show project status in progress bars at project overview page *** Quick links to issues, new issue, version, etc directly from the projects list *** Show due date of the projects and versions *** Recently viewed projects sidebar block ** Public SCM: ** Screenshots of ProjectList page: *** Projects with status bars: *** and also with menus per bar: *** and more: h2. Updated in 2015 h3. Fedmine theme * "Fedmine": is a simplistic theme with simplistic buttons and RTL support, . Configurable from redmine settings panel and has installer/updater script - so is installed as a plugin. (based on Gitmike theme, but modified to look completely different) ** Author: "Shashank Jain":/users/91032 ** Latest release: <code>n/a</code>, 2015-10-15 ** Compatible with: _Redmine 2.4.x & Redmine Trunk_ ** Public SCM: _ ** Public ITS: _ ** Screenshots: *** project page: *** 3 more screenshts: h2. Updated in 2014 h3. Basecamp-with-icon theme * "_Basecamp-with-icon theme_": is a fork theme of 'Basecamp theme' (above one) of 37signals® Basecamp® theme. ** Author: *** Original: "_Peter Theill_":/users/1377 *** Icons: Dutch Icon set, (CCAS 3.0) *** Theme and icon modifier : "_Park Hyun-woo_":/users/70886 ** Latest release: v.0.1.1 - 2014-08-27 ** Compatible with: _Redmine 1.3.x, Redmine 1.4.x and Redmine 2.1.x_ ** Public SCM: ** Public ITS: ** Screen shot: "Image": h3. Theme Flat * "Theme Flat": made with Sass & Compass so changing colors etc. should be very easy, (Colors are defined in the top of /sass/application.scss) ** Author: "_Tsachi Shlidor_" ** Latest release: 2014-10-19 ** Public SCM: _ ** Screenshots: *** _ h3. A-Responsive-1 * "A-Responsive-1": is a responsive theme based on bootstrap mixins (Sass) and loosely inspired by A1. Take care: There are bugs not fixed since May 2014 on this alpha theme ** Author: "_Emmanuelle Delescolle_":/users/103461 ** Latest release: _<code>alpha</code>_, 2014-05-23 ** Compatible with: _Redmine 2.5.x_ (it may work with other versions, but this is the only one we have tested with so far) ** Public SCM: _ ** Public ITS: _ ** Screenshots: _ h3. Nyss-gitlab theme * "Nyss-gitlab": is a Gitlab-looking theme for Redmine: forked to work better with Redmine 2.1.x, (from modula-gitlab project, a fork of Modula's Mojito) ** Author: "nysenate" ** Latest release: updated _2014-03-07_ ** Compatible with: _Redmine 2.1_ ** Public SCM: ** Screenshots: h3. Pixel Cookers theme * "Pixel Cookers": is a nice, dark and blue theme for Redmine. (Using more CSS3 and less images: uses LESS, and Bootstrap. ** Author: "_Ludovic Meyer_":/users/12778 ("Site": ** Latest release: updated _2014-02-08_ ** Compatible with: _Redmine 0.8.x, 1.2, *1.4*, 2.0, 2.1, 2.2, 2.4 & Redmine Trunk_ ** Public SCM: ** Public ITS: ** Installation instructions: "Project Site": ** Screenshots: "see Screenshots' lower in page": h3. Redmine Bootstrap * [[ThemeBootstrap|Bootstrap]] is an overhaul of Redmine using the Twitter Bootstrap theme and jQuery. Due to having to override some of Redmine's views, this theme is made available as a plugin not simply a theme. Forked by HE-Arc in 2014 to handle REdmine 2.3 /2.4. ** Author: "_Reuben Mallaby_":/users/23800 and ** Latest release: _<code>n/a</code>, 2014-02-18_ ** Compatible with: _Redmine 2.3 and 2.4 ** Public SCM: ** Screenshot: _none available, even after searching_ h3. Issue Readability theme * "Issue Readability theme": : For the Issues (list view) : it colour-codes each issues based on the Status of that issue. (or in the vague terms from Github, it 'supports high readability of the result list') ** Author: "Jong-Ha Ahn": ** Latest release: _<code>n/a</code>, 2014-02-17_ ** Compatible with: _FF, Safari, Chrome, IE7+, Redmine 1.x & Redmine 2.x_ ** Public SCM: _ ** Public ITS: _ ** Screen shot: "Image": h3. Metro Redmine (forked) * "Metro Redmine": is a Metro style ( Windows 8 style ) theme for Redmine. ** Forked in 2013, due to issues in original at : ** Latest release: n/a, 2014-01-27 ** Compatible with: _Redmine 2.x_ ** Public SCM: ** Screenshot: _none available, even after searching_ h3. Pepper * "Pepper": is a sleek, clean, and high tech looking theme, that does responsive-width to adapt to fit on small screens, down to smartphones. Built using SASS, Compass. ** Author: "_Jakob Skjerning_":/users/2207 ** Latest release: n/a, 2013-12-05 ** Compatible with: _Redmine 2.1, 2.0, 1.4, 1.2_ ** Public SCM: ** Public ITS: ** Screenshots: "several, see low in this page": h3. Progressive theme * "Progressive theme": extends default theme with usability features: Colorful priorities ** Author: "_Dmitry Babenko_":/users/19243 ** Latest release: n/a, 2014-04-11 ** Compatible with: _Redmine 2.4, 2.3, 2.2, 2.1_ ** Public SCM: ** Screenshot: *** Coloured issues in list: *** Grey-out 'not-my' projects: h3. Red-Andy theme * [[ThemeRedAndy|Red-Andy]] is a *responsive* theme, works on mobiles, that combines dark elements and bright boxes, uses CSS3 shadows and round corners: the project menu is right aligned and decorated as tabs. Wiki pages have separate style based on Georgia font. Many elements including avatars, progress bars, code snippets have CSS3 shadows. Most of elements have CSS3 rounded corners. ** Author: "_Andriy Lesyuk_": ** Latest release: _<code>1.00</code> 2014-06-01_ ** Compatible with: _Redmine 1.x.x_,Redmine 2.x.x_ ** Public SCM: ** Public ITS: ** Demo: (_contains logo, which is not in the theme_) ** Screenshots: h3. Reevo theme * "Reevo theme" is github-like theme for Redmine. It is based on gitmkike theme and A1 theme version 1.0.3 by Kirill Bezrukov ** Author: reevosocial ** Latest release: _2014-03-26_ ** Compatible with: _Redmine 2.x.x_ ** Public SCM: h2. Updated in 2013 h3. Axiom theme * "Axiom": is a low-toned (dark) with green highlights. ** Author: "Dave Hulihan": ** Latest release: _<code>n/a</code>, 2013-01-11 ** Compatible with: _Redmine 2.0.x_ ** Public SCM: ** Screen shot: "Image": h3. Coffee theme * "Coffee": is a freshly designed soft color palette redmine theme with fixed 1240px width, fixed top menu and nice button styles. ** Author: "_Kirill Bezrukov_": ** Latest release: _v.0.0.4 - 2013-10-17_ ** Compatible with: FF, Safari, Chrome, IE7+, Redmine 1.x & Redmine 2.x ** Screen shots: *** Issue: *** several more, see Gallery: h3. EEA Redmine Theme * "EEA (European Environment Agency) Theme": provides the look and feel as used on the website 'EIONET' (Redmine powered) ** Latest release: 2013-06-02 ** Public SCM: _ ** Screenshot: h3. East Sussex County Council Redmine theme * "ESCC Redmine Theme": inherits and builds on the basecamp theme by Peter Theill, Commanigy - ** Author: "Peter Theill" ** Latest release: <code>n/a</code>, 2013-08-01 ** Public SCM: _ h3. Highrise theme * "Highrise theme": is a 37signals Highrise CRM based theme for redmine. ** Author: "_Kirill Bezrukov_": ** Latest release: _v.1.1.2 - 2013-10-17_ ** Compatible with: FF, Safari, Chrome, IE7+, Redmine 1.x & Redmine 2.x ** Screen shots: *** "Image": *** more, see Gallery: h3. Progressive Gants Mod theme * "Progressive Gants Mod theme": extends default theme to add assignee column and some other preferences for Gantt chart ** Author: "_Dmitry Babenko_":/users/19243 ** Latest release: n/a, 2013-12-18 ** Compatible with: _Redmine 2.4 ** Public SCM: ** Screenshot: "Gantt mods": h3. RedmineCRM theme * "RedmineCRM theme": is freshly designed, open and responsive Redmine and RedmineCRM plugins theme with fixed 960px width, top menu panel and nice button styles. ** Author: "_Kirill Bezrukov_": ** Latest release: _v.0.0.2 - 2013-10-17_ ** Compatible with: FF, Safari, Chrome, IE7+, Redmine 1.x & Redmine 2.x ** Screen shots: *** "Issue page screenshot": *** more, see Gallery: h3. Redpenny theme * "_RedPenny Theme_": is a clean theme, built with CSS3, Font-Awesome icons and custom fonts, aready used on 50+ projects. ** Author: "_Jarod Denison_": ** Latest release: _<code>0.1</code> 2013-05-25_ ** Compatible with: _Redmine 2.x, 2.3.x_ ** Public SCM: ** Public ITS: ** Screenshots: *** "home": *** "Overview": ** Demo: h3. Sparse * "Sparse": a minimalistic projector/flatscreen based theme for dashboards that auto refreshes - should not be used as a system wide theme! (it hides the 'top-menu', 'header', and 'sidebar'). Is dependent on plugin: R-labs Themechanger ** Screenshots: "Image": ** Author: "_shadowbq_":/users/76178 ** Latest release: n/a, 2013-04-09 ** Compatible with: _Redmine 2.3, 2.2, 2.1, 2.0_ ** Public SCM: ** Public ITS: *** Screenshot: h2. Updated in 2012 h3. Aurora theme * "Aurora": is a derivative of the default theme, with enhanced fonts and buttons. ** Author: "Jorge Barata González":/users/32227 ** Latest release: _<code>n/a</code>, 2012-02-16_ ** Compatible with: _Redmine 1.1.x_ ** Public ITS: _ ** Also see: ** Screen shots: *** New issue page *** Overview page: h3. CM - Red theme * "CM-Red": is a Red/ Grey/ Brown Pallet based theme. ** Author: "_Chris McKee_": ** Latest release: _<code>n/a</code>, 2012-08-10_ ** Compatible with: _Redmine 0.8.x / 0.9.x / 1.0.2 & Redmine Trunk_ ** Public SCM: _ ** Public ITS: _ ** Screenshots: several at: h3. Modula Mojito * "Modula Mojito": is finely crafted and very polished theme for Redmine, with predominantly green highlights over a dark background. ** Author: "_Eero Louhenperä_": ** Current maintainer: "_MindClick_": ** Latest release: n/a, 2012-02-29 ** Compatible with: _Redmine 0.8.x, 0.9.x & Redmine Trunk_ (?) ** Public SCM: ** Screenshot: _none available, even after searching_ h3. Modula Gitlab * "Modula Gitlab": is a mashup of Modula Mojito and the standard Gitlab theme. ** Author: "_Eero Louhenperä_":, "_Charles Phillips_": ** Latest release: _<code>0.1</code>, 2012-10-05 ** Compatible with: _Redmine 0.8.x & Redmine Trunk_, Tested with Redmine 1.4 ** Public SCM: _ ** Public ITS: _ h3. AG-2 Theme * Theme is orphaned - no information on what the theme looks like, or anything. ** Author: Luis Pm - their website no longer works: ** Latest release: unknown, was in 2012 ** Public SCM: --- *The website is offline*, Andalucía Gráfica. AG themes are no longer +online+ or +supported+. _I'm working on some new version with other name._ Stay tune for more info. Sorry for all! best regards Luis PM h2. Updated before 2012 h3. AdminsQ3 theme * "AdminsQ3": is a modified version of the "Libernix-redmine-ecogreen": theme. ** Author: "_AdminsQ3_":/users/11892 ** Latest release: _<code>Initial release</code>, 2010-02-17_ ** Compatible with: _Redmine 0.8.x & Redmine Trunk_ ** Public SCM: _n/a_ ** Public ITS: _n/a_ ** Blog (Spanish and English): ** Screen shot: "Image": h3. ArchLinux theme * [[ThemeArchLinux|ArchLinux]] is a derivative of the default theme, and based on the Design found on the ArchLinux website. Theme may be dead: Public SCM below not working at Oct 2014 ** Author: "_Markus M. May_":/users/1540 ** Latest release: _<code>n/a</code>, 2009-11-29_ ** Compatible with: _Redmine Trunk_ ** Public SCM: _ ** Public ITS: _ ** Screen shot: *** New issue page : *** several screenshots: h3. Basecamp theme * [[ThemeBasecamp|Basecamp]] is a Redmine-port of 37signals® Basecamp® theme. ** Author: "_Peter Theill_":/users/1377 ** Latest release: _<code>n/a</code>, 2009-07-17_ ** Compatible with: _Redmine 0.8.x & Redmine Trunk_ ** Public SCM: _n/a_ ** Public ITS: _n/a_ ** Screen shot: "Image": "more here": h3. Basecamp Persian theme * basecamp-persian is an RTL version of [[ThemeBasecamp|Basecamp]] theme with some improvements for Persian language. ** Author: "_Behrang Noroozinia_":/users/27112 ** Latest release: _<code>n/a</code>, 2011-01-23_ ** Compatible with: _Redmine 1.0.0_ ** Public SCM: _ ** Public ITS: _ h3. Libernix-redmine-ecoblue theme * "libernix-redmine-ecoblue": is a professional looking, open-source theme for Redmine in blue or a range of other colours as below ** Author: "_Rajesh Krishnan_":/users/9892 ** Latest release: n/a, 2009-11-29 ** Compatible with: _Redmine 0.8.x & Redmine Trunk_ ** Public SCM: "_GitHub Project Site_": ** Public ITS: "_GitHub Bug Reporting Site_": ** Screenshots: *** "_Overview screen_": *** "_Issues screen_": *** _Lot more screenshots "here_": ** Installation instructions: "_GitHub Project Site_": ** Also see other colours: *** "libernix-redmine-ecogreen": *** "libernix-redmine-ecoorange": *** "libernix-redmine-ecored": *** "libernix-redmine-ecopurple": *** "libernix-redmine-ecoyellow": h3. Modula Martini * "Modula Martini": is a plain and clean, free to use, theme for Redmine. ** Author: "_Eero Louhenperä_": ** Author: "_Ruxkor_": ** Latest release: n/a, 2011-03-17 ** Compatible with: _Redmine 0.8.x, 0.9.x & 2.4 & Redmine Trunk_ (?) ** Public SCM: ** Public ITS: _n/a_ ** Also see a further mod for it, to remove 'overlay loader', h3. Redjourn theme (this theme is no longer findable online) * [[ThemeRedjourn|Redjourn]] is a bright and "cheery" theme created for "Softjourn Labs ": ** At 4 June 2014, that URL is not working, and searching also found nothing relevant ** Authors: Lesya Danylyuk and "Andriy Lesyuk":/users/16879 ("_Softjourn Inc._": ** Latest release: 2011-03-24 ** Compatible with: _Redmine 1.0.x_ ** Public SCM: _n/a_ ** Public ITS: (_use "Theme" issue category_) ** Demo: ( h3. Squeejee theme * [[ThemeSqueejee|Squeejee]] is a dark-theme showing Redmine's theme-capabilities. ** Author: "_Wynn Netherland_":/users/1374 ** Maintainer: "_Mischa The Evil_":/users/1565 ** Latest release: _<code>0.2.0</code>, 2009-05-25_ ** Compatible with: _Redmine 0.8.x & Redmine Trunk_ ** Public SCM: _n/a_ ** Public ITS: _n/a_ ** Screen shot: "Image": h3. Watersky theme * [[ThemeWatersky|Watersky]] is a blue theme based on the Redmine Alternate theme. ** Author: "_Konstantin Zaitsev_":/4703 ** Latest release: _<code>1.1</code>, 2009-06-23_ ** Compatible with: _Redmine 0.8.x & Redmine Trunk_ ** Public SCM: _ ** Public ITS: _ ** Screen shot: "Image": h2. Themes included within Redmine core software h3. Classic theme * [[ThemeClassic|Classic theme]] is a the more classic-looking redmine theme (included). ** Public SCM: _ ** Screen shot: "several screenshots": h3. Default theme * [[ThemeDefault|Default theme]] is the default Redmine theme (included). ** Public SCM: _ ** Screen shot: "several screenshots": h3. Alternate theme * [[ThemeAlternate|Alternate]] is a derivative of the default theme including issuelist-colouring based on issue's priority (included). ** Author: "_Jean-Philippe Lang_":/users/1 ** Latest release: N/A ** Compatible with: _Redmine 0.8.x & Redmine Trunk_ ** Public SCM: _ ** Public ITS: _ ** Screen shot: "several here": h2. Redmine theme list legend A sample of a complete themelist entry in Redmine syntax (where @<<@ and @>>@ are used as a replacement for the square brackets to prevent parsing by Redmine) looks like this: <pre><code>h3. Default theme * <<ThemeDefault|Default>> the default Redmine theme (included). ** Author: "_Jean-Philippe Lang_":/users/1 ** Latest release: _<code>n/a</code>, 2009-07-10 ** Compatible with: _Redmine 0.8.x & Redmine Trunk_ ** Public SCM: _ ** Public ITS: _ </code></pre> * Every theme-entry starts with an heading @h3@ * This previous heading is followed by a bulleted list item containing a short description of the theme starting with the name of the theme which links to an announcement on the forums or a dedicated wiki-page on * After the previous list item we now have several bulleted sub-list items containing: ** the author of the theme with a link to the profile page if the user is registered at ** an optional field containing the active maintainer of the theme, with a link to the profile page if the user is registered at, if the theme is _mostly_ maintained by another person than the (initial) _author_ ** the latest release of the theme plus it's release-date, where the release-date is the date of the latest commit if the theme author does not provide packages or git-tags of releases ánd does not update the theme-version after every commit ** the Redmine releases which the theme is compatible with (currently the only two values filled-in are @0.8.x@ and @Trunk@) ** a link to the public SCM(as in "Source Code Management") system for the theme (if it exists, otherwise @n/a@) ** a link to the (dedicated, so no links to forum-threads on public ITS(as in "Issue Tracking System") for the theme (if it exists, otherwise @n/a@)