


Theme List » History » Revision 7

Revision 6 (Mischa The Evil, 2009-07-28 02:35) → Revision 7/718 (Mischa The Evil, 2009-07-28 02:47)

h1. Redmine theme list 


 This is a directory of the available themes for Redmine, sorted in an alphabetical order. There exists a [[ExtensionListInfo#Redmine-theme-list-legend|legend]] of the information listed in the respective theme entry fields.  
 General information about Redmine themes and how to install them into your Redmine can be found on [[Themes]]. 

 h2. A 

 h3. Alternate theme 

 * [[ThemeAlternate|Alternate]] is a derivative of the default theme including issuelist-colouring based on issue's priority (included). 
 ** Author: "_Jean-Philippe Lang_": 
 ** Latest release: _<code>n/a</code>, 2008-03-19_ 
 ** Compatible with: _Redmine 0.8.x & Redmine Trunk_ 
 ** Public SCM: _ 
 ** Public ITS: _ 

 h2. B 

 h3. Basecamp theme 

 * [[ThemeBasecamp|Basecamp]] is a Redmine-port of 37signals® Basecamp® theme. 
 ** Author: "_Peter Theill_": 
 ** Latest release: _<code>n/a</code>, 2009-07-17_ 
 ** Compatible with: _Redmine 0.8.x & Redmine Trunk_ 
 ** Public SCM: _n/a_ 
 ** Public ITS: _n/a_ 

 h2. C 

 h3. Classic theme 

 * [[ThemeClassic|Classic]] is a the more classic-looking redmine theme (included). 
 ** Author: "_Jean-Philippe Lang_": 
 ** Latest release: _<code>n/a</code>, 2008-11-27_ 
 ** Compatible with: _Redmine 0.8.x & Redmine Trunk_ 
 ** Public SCM: _ 
 ** Public ITS: _ 

 h2. D 

 h3. Default theme 

 * [[ThemeDefault|Default]] the default Redmine theme (included). 
 ** Author: "_Jean-Philippe Lang_": 
 ** Latest release: _<code>n/a</code>, 2009-07-10 
 ** Compatible with: _Redmine 0.8.x & Redmine Trunk_ 
 ** Public SCM: _ 
 ** Public ITS: _ 

 h2. E - R 

 _no entries_ 

 h2. S 

 h3. SP theme 

 * [[ThemeSP|SP]] is a theme under development with a highly flexible project menu, condensed header, reworked issue controls and much much more. 
 ** Author: "_Shane Pearlman_": 
 ** Latest release: _<code>n/a</code>, n/a_ 
 ** Compatible with: _n/a_ 
 ** Public SCM: _n/a_ 
 ** Public ITS: _ 

 h3. Squeejee theme 

 * [[ThemeSqueejee|Squeejee]] is a dark-theme showing Redmine's theme-capabilities. 
 ** Author: "_Wynn Netherland_": 
 ** Maintainer: "_Mischa The Evil_": 
 ** Latest release: _<code>0.2.0</code>, 2009-05-25_ 
 ** Compatible with: _Redmine 0.8.x & Redmine Trunk_ 
 ** Public SCM: _n/a_ 
 ** Public ITS: _n/a_ 

 h2. T - V 

 _no entries_ 

 h2. W 

 h3. Watersky theme 

 * [[ThemeWatersky|Watersky]] is a blue theme based on the Redmine Alternate theme. 
 ** Author: "_Konstantin Zaitsev_": 
 ** Latest release: _<code>1.1</code>, 2009-06-23_ 
 ** Compatible with: _Redmine 0.8.x & Redmine Trunk_ 
 ** Public SCM: _ 
 ** Public ITS: _ 

 h2. X - Z 

 _no entries_