


Themes » History » Revision 7

Revision 6 (Konstantin Zaitsev, 2009-06-10 16:45) → Revision 7/20 (Shane Pearlman, 2009-06-26 07:30)

h1. Themes 

 As of version @0.6.0@ (r818), Redmine provides basic support for themes. Redmine themes can override stylesheets only (like @application.css@). 

 h2. Installing a theme 

 1. First, copy the theme-directory into @../public/themes/@. This would result in a directory-path to @application.css@ like: <pre> 

 2. You now may need to restart Redmine so that it shows the newly installed theme in the list of available themes. 

 2. Go to "Administration -> Settings" and select your newly created theme in the "Theme" drop-down list. Save your settings. 

 Redmine should now be displayed using the selected theme. 

 h2. Theme list 

 * [[ThemeDefault|Default theme]] - the default Redmine theme (included). 
 * [[ThemeAlternate|Alternate theme]] - a derivative of the default theme including issuelist-colouring based on issue's priority (included). 
 * [[ThemeClassic|Classic theme]] - the more classic-looking redmine theme (included). 
 * [[ThemeBasecamp|Basecamp theme]] - a Redmine-port of 37signals® Basecamp® theme. 
 * [[ThemeSqueejee|Squeejee theme]] - a dark-theme showing Redmine's theme-capabilities. 
 * [[ThemeWatersky|Watersky theme]] - a blue theme based on Redmine Alternate theme. 
 * [[ThemeSP|SP theme]] - a theme with a highly flexible project menu, condensed header, reworked issue controls and much much more. 

 h2. Creating custom themes 

 See the [[HowTo_create_a_custom_Redmine_theme|Howto]] about creating a custom Redmine theme.