


ThirdPartyTools » History » Revision 6

Revision 5 (Markus Knittig, 2009-06-11 11:53) → Revision 6/195 (Mischa The Evil, 2009-06-12 00:23)

h1. Third Party Tools 

 Here you You can find a list of here tools which are provided by the Redmine community. Note that these tools are not officially supported by Redmine so please don't open bugs or feature request about them in this Redmine redmine instance. Instead, try to contact the creators or someone using it on the IRC channel. 

 h2. IRC bot bots plugins 

 * "Typethink Redmine Linker": a plugin for Eggdrop eggdrop creating direct links to Redmine issues redmine tickets [Author: Rami Kassab for Typethink] 
 * "RBot Redmine Plugin": a plugin for RBot creating direct links to Redmine issues redmine tickets [Author: James Turnbull] 

 h2. IDE integrations 

 * "Redmine Mylyn Connector": an Eclipse a eclipse plugin which lets let you use Redmine as a task repository for "Mylyn": [Author: Sven Krzyzak]