


unable to generate new issue after sending mail with email receiving feature

Added by rony f about 6 years ago

Dear All,

I am testing the Redmine receiving email feature( create issue via sending email), i have configured the crontab as below and the commond can run successfully, but after i send mail to redmine and then run the job .but no issue created.can you help to check ? please let me know if need more details.
cron job as attached.

2.JPG (35 KB) 2.JPG test mail
22.JPG (23.4 KB) 22.JPG redmine test project
111.JPG (67.1 KB) 111.JPG cron task
1111.JPG (59 KB) 1111.JPG email notificaiton settings
3.JPG (218 KB) 3.JPG job result
