Plugins Directory » Attach image from clipboard
Author: | Richard Pecl |
Website: | | |
Code repository: | | |
Registered on: | 2013-01-18 (about 12 years ago) | |
Current version: | 1.13 | |
Compatible with: | Redmine 3.4.x, 3.3.x, 3.2.x, 3.1.x, 3.0.x, 2.6.x, 2.5.x, 2.4.x, 2.3.x, 2.2.x, 2.1.x, 2.0.x, 1.4.x | |
User ratings: |
Paste image from clipboard as an attachment.
- uses pure client side JavaScript (no Java or Flash dependency)
- attachment works for issues, wiki, news, files, documents, forums
- image can be interactively cropped
- tested only with Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox and the last versions of Internet Explorer (11+)
- translations: Bulgarian, Czech, English, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Polish, Portuguese (+ Brazil), Russian, Simplified Chinese, Spanish, Taiwanese Mandarin, Turkish
- more information in README
- Report issues on github page
- When reporting issues provide the following information:
- Redmine version
- clipboard_image_paste plugin version
- web browser name and version, http or https
- operating system version Redmine is running on
Installation notes
1.13 (2018-11-08)
Compatible with Redmine 3.4.x, 3.3.x, 3.2.x, 3.1.x, 3.0.x, 2.6.x, 2.5.x, 2.4.x, 2.3.x, 2.2.x, 2.1.x, 2.0.x, 1.4.x.
[!] compatibility with Firefox 63+ using HTTPS connection [-] compatibility with redmine_s3 plugin
1.12 (2017-06-28)
Compatible with Redmine 3.4.x, 3.3.x, 3.2.x, 3.1.x, 3.0.x, 2.6.x, 2.5.x, 2.4.x, 2.3.x, 2.2.x, 2.1.x, 2.0.x, 1.4.x.
[!] Redmine 3.4 compatible [-] Corrected improper use of the tag <p>
1.11 (2017-06-28)
Compatible with Redmine 3.3.x, 3.2.x, 3.1.x, 3.0.x, 2.6.x, 2.5.x, 2.4.x, 2.3.x, 2.2.x, 2.1.x, 2.0.x, 1.4.x.
[+] Don't remove alpha channel from PNG image for Redmine >=2.6 [+] Added Danish translation
1.10 (2015-03-07)
Compatible with Redmine 3.0.x, 2.6.x, 2.5.x, 2.4.x, 2.3.x, 2.2.x, 2.1.x, 2.0.x, 1.4.x.
[!] Redmine 3.0 compatible [-] JCrop patch for compatibility with jQuery used in Redmine 3.0 [*] Taiwanese Mandarin translation updated
1.9 (2014-10-24)
Compatible with Redmine 2.6.x, 2.5.x, 2.4.x, 2.3.x, 2.2.x, 2.1.x, 2.0.x, 1.4.x.
[!] Redmine 2.6 compatible [!] Internet Explorer 11 compatible [!] Jcrop upgraded to 0.9.12 [+] Added Portuguese translation
1.8 (2013-10-22)
Compatible with Redmine 2.3.x, 2.2.x, 2.1.x, 2.0.x, 1.4.x.
[-] Attached images are visible in exported PDF files (requires RMagick gem) [+] Added support for KbArticle plug-in
1.7 (2013-06-27)
Compatible with Redmine 2.3.x, 2.2.x, 2.1.x, 2.0.x, 1.4.x.
[-] JavaScript fix for Firefox 22 compatibility [+] Added Korean translation
1.6 (2013-05-09)
Compatible with Redmine 2.3.x, 2.2.x, 2.1.x, 2.0.x, 1.4.x.
[+] Added Italian, Polish, Simplified Chinese, Spanish translations
1.5 (2013-03-22)
Compatible with Redmine 2.3.x, 2.2.x, 2.1.x, 2.0.x, 1.4.x.
Now compatible with Redmine 2.3.
[!] Redmine 2.3 compatible [*] JavaScript/JQuery fix for Redmine 2.3 compatibility [+] Added Brazilian Portuguese translation
1.4 (2013-03-06)
Compatible with Redmine 2.2.x, 2.1.x, 2.0.x, 1.4.x.
[+] Added German, Japanese, Taiwanese Mandarin, Turkish translations
1.3 (2013-01-25)
Compatible with Redmine 2.2.x, 2.1.x, 2.0.x, 1.4.x.
[+] Added French translation
1.2 (2013-01-22)
Compatible with Redmine 2.2.x, 2.1.x, 2.0.x, 1.4.x.
[+] Added dialog to copy image link for wiki

1.1 (2013-01-21)
Compatible with Redmine 2.2.x, 2.1.x, 2.0.x, 1.4.x.
[!] Supports Redmine version 1.4.0 to 2.2.x [+] Russian translation
1.0 (2013-01-18)
Compatible with Redmine 2.2.x, 2.1.x.