


Defect #21861 » typo_creditentials.diff

Go MAEDA, 2016-01-27 13:25

View differences:

app/controllers/account_controller.rb (working copy)
289 289

290 290
  def invalid_credentials
291 291
    logger.warn "Failed login for '#{params[:username]}' from #{request.remote_ip} at #{}"
292[:error] = l(:notice_account_invalid_creditentials)
292[:error] = l(:notice_account_invalid_credentials)
293 293
294 294

295 295
  # Register a user for email activation.
config/locales/ar.yml (working copy)
145 145
  general_first_day_of_week: '7'
146 146

147 147
  notice_account_updated: لقد تم تجديد الحساب بنجاح.
  notice_account_invalid_creditentials: اسم المستخدم او كلمة المرور غير صحيحة
  notice_account_invalid_credentials: اسم المستخدم او كلمة المرور غير صحيحة
149 149
  notice_account_password_updated: لقد تم تجديد كلمة المرور بنجاح.
150 150
  notice_account_wrong_password: كلمة المرور غير صحيحة
151 151
  notice_account_register_done: لقد تم انشاء حسابك بنجاح، الرجاء تأكيد الطلب من البريد الالكتروني
config/locales/az.yml (working copy)
741 741
  mail_subject_reminder: "yaxın %{days} gün üçün Sizə təyin olunan %{count}"
742 742

743 743
  notice_account_activated: Sizin uçot qeydiniz aktivləşdirilib. Sistemə daxil ola bilərsiniz.
  notice_account_invalid_creditentials: İstifadəçi adı və ya parolu düzgün deyildir
  notice_account_invalid_credentials: İstifadəçi adı və ya parolu düzgün deyildir
745 745
  notice_account_lost_email_sent: Sizə yeni parolun seçimi ilə bağlı təlimatı əks etdirən məktub göndərilmişdir.
746 746
  notice_account_password_updated: Parol müvəffəqiyyətlə yeniləndi.
747 747
  notice_account_pending: "Sizin uçot qeydiniz yaradıldı və inzibatçının təsdiqini gözləyir."
config/locales/bg.yml (working copy)
147 147
  general_first_day_of_week: '1'
148 148

149 149
  notice_account_updated: Профилът е обновен успешно.
  notice_account_invalid_creditentials: Невалиден потребител или парола.
  notice_account_invalid_credentials: Невалиден потребител или парола.
151 151
  notice_account_password_updated: Паролата е успешно променена.
152 152
  notice_account_wrong_password: Грешна парола
153 153
  notice_account_register_done: Профилът е създаден успешно. E-mail, съдържащ инструкции за активиране на профила
config/locales/bs.yml (working copy)
157 157
  general_first_day_of_week: '7'
158 158

159 159
  notice_account_activated: Vaš nalog je aktiviran. Možete se prijaviti.
  notice_account_invalid_creditentials: Pogrešan korisnik ili lozinka
  notice_account_invalid_credentials: Pogrešan korisnik ili lozinka
161 161
  notice_account_lost_email_sent: Email sa uputstvima o izboru nove šifre je poslat na vašu adresu.
162 162
  notice_account_password_updated: Lozinka je uspješno promjenjena.
163 163
  notice_account_pending: "Vaš nalog je kreiran i čeka odobrenje administratora."
config/locales/ca.yml (working copy)
149 149
  general_first_day_of_week: '1'
150 150

151 151
  notice_account_updated: "El compte s'ha actualitzat correctament."
  notice_account_invalid_creditentials: Usuari o contrasenya invàlid
  notice_account_invalid_credentials: Usuari o contrasenya invàlid
153 153
  notice_account_password_updated: "La contrasenya s'ha modificat correctament."
154 154
  notice_account_wrong_password: Contrasenya incorrecta
155 155
  notice_account_register_done: "El compte s'ha creat correctament. Per a activar el compte, feu clic en l'enllaç que us han enviat per correu electrònic."
config/locales/cs.yml (working copy)
151 151
  general_first_day_of_week: '1'
152 152

153 153
  notice_account_updated: Účet byl úspěšně změněn.
  notice_account_invalid_creditentials: Chybné jméno nebo heslo
  notice_account_invalid_credentials: Chybné jméno nebo heslo
155 155
  notice_account_password_updated: Heslo bylo úspěšně změněno.
156 156
  notice_account_wrong_password: Chybné heslo
157 157
  notice_account_register_done: Účet byl úspěšně vytvořen. Pro aktivaci účtu klikněte na odkaz v emailu, který vám byl zaslán.
config/locales/da.yml (working copy)
163 163
  general_first_day_of_week: '1'
164 164

165 165
  notice_account_updated: Kontoen er opdateret.
  notice_account_invalid_creditentials: Ugyldig bruger og/eller kodeord
  notice_account_invalid_credentials: Ugyldig bruger og/eller kodeord
167 167
  notice_account_password_updated: Kodeordet er opdateret.
168 168
  notice_account_wrong_password: Forkert kodeord
169 169
  notice_account_register_done: Kontoen er oprettet. For at aktivere kontoen skal du klikke på linket i den tilsendte email.
config/locales/de.yml (working copy)
851 851

852 852
  notice_account_activated: Ihr Konto ist aktiviert. Sie können sich jetzt anmelden.
853 853
  notice_account_deleted: Ihr Benutzerkonto wurde unwiderruflich gelöscht.
  notice_account_invalid_creditentials: Benutzer oder Kennwort ist ungültig.
  notice_account_invalid_credentials: Benutzer oder Kennwort ist ungültig.
855 855
  notice_account_lost_email_sent: Eine E-Mail mit Anweisungen, ein neues Kennwort zu wählen, wurde Ihnen geschickt.
856 856
  notice_account_locked: Ihr Konto ist gesperrt.
857 857
  notice_account_not_activated_yet: Sie haben Ihr Konto noch nicht aktiviert. Wenn Sie die Aktivierungsmail erneut erhalten wollen, <a href="%{url}">klicken Sie bitte hier</a>.
config/locales/el.yml (working copy)
147 147
  general_first_day_of_week: '7'
148 148

149 149
  notice_account_updated: Ο λογαριασμός ενημερώθηκε επιτυχώς.
  notice_account_invalid_creditentials: Άκυρο όνομα χρήστη ή κωδικού πρόσβασης
  notice_account_invalid_credentials: Άκυρο όνομα χρήστη ή κωδικού πρόσβασης
151 151
  notice_account_password_updated: Ο κωδικός πρόσβασης ενημερώθηκε επιτυχώς.
152 152
  notice_account_wrong_password: Λάθος κωδικός πρόσβασης
153 153
  notice_account_register_done: Ο λογαριασμός δημιουργήθηκε επιτυχώς. Για να ενεργοποιήσετε το λογαριασμό σας, πατήστε το σύνδεσμο που σας έχει αποσταλεί με email.
config/locales/en-GB.yml (working copy)
150 150
  general_first_day_of_week: '1'
151 151

152 152
  notice_account_updated: Account was successfully updated.
  notice_account_invalid_creditentials: Invalid user or password
  notice_account_invalid_credentials: Invalid user or password
154 154
  notice_account_password_updated: Password was successfully updated.
155 155
  notice_account_wrong_password: Wrong password
156 156
  notice_account_register_done: Account was successfully created. An email containing the instructions to activate your account was sent to %{email}.
config/locales/en.yml (working copy)
146 146
  general_first_day_of_week: '7'
147 147

148 148
  notice_account_updated: Account was successfully updated.
  notice_account_invalid_creditentials: Invalid user or password
  notice_account_invalid_credentials: Invalid user or password
150 150
  notice_account_password_updated: Password was successfully updated.
151 151
  notice_account_wrong_password: Wrong password
152 152
  notice_account_register_done: Account was successfully created. An email containing the instructions to activate your account was sent to %{email}.
config/locales/es-PA.yml (working copy)
663 663
  mail_subject_register: "Activación de la cuenta del %{value}"
664 664
  mail_subject_reminder: "%{count} incidencia(s) finalizan en los próximos %{days} días"
665 665
  notice_account_activated: Su cuenta ha sido activada. Ya puede conectarse.
  notice_account_invalid_creditentials: Usuario o contraseña inválido.
  notice_account_invalid_credentials: Usuario o contraseña inválido.
667 667
  notice_account_lost_email_sent: Se le ha enviado un correo con instrucciones para elegir una nueva contraseña.
668 668
  notice_account_password_updated: Contraseña modificada correctamente.
669 669
  notice_account_pending: "Su cuenta ha sido creada y está pendiende de la aprobación por parte del administrador."
config/locales/es.yml (working copy)
661 661
  mail_subject_register: "Activación de la cuenta del %{value}"
662 662
  mail_subject_reminder: "%{count} peticion(es) finalizan en los próximos %{days} días"
663 663
  notice_account_activated: Su cuenta ha sido activada. Ya puede conectarse.
  notice_account_invalid_creditentials: Usuario o contraseña inválido.
  notice_account_invalid_credentials: Usuario o contraseña inválido.
665 665
  notice_account_lost_email_sent: Se le ha enviado un correo con instrucciones para elegir una nueva contraseña.
666 666
  notice_account_password_updated: Contraseña modificada correctamente.
667 667
  notice_account_pending: "Su cuenta ha sido creada y está pendiende de la aprobación por parte del administrador."
config/locales/et.yml (working copy)
163 163
  general_first_day_of_week: "1"
164 164

165 165
  notice_account_updated: "Konto uuendamine õnnestus."
  notice_account_invalid_creditentials: "Sobimatu kasutajanimi või parool"
  notice_account_invalid_credentials: "Sobimatu kasutajanimi või parool"
167 167
  notice_account_password_updated: "Parooli uuendamine õnnestus."
168 168
  notice_account_wrong_password: "Vale parool"
169 169
  notice_account_register_done: "Konto loomine õnnestus. Konto aktiveerimiseks vajuta vastaval lingil Sulle saadetud e-kirjas."
config/locales/eu.yml (working copy)
148 148
  general_first_day_of_week: '1'
149 149

150 150
  notice_account_updated: Kontua ongi eguneratu da.
  notice_account_invalid_creditentials: Erabiltzaile edo pasahitz ezegokia
  notice_account_invalid_credentials: Erabiltzaile edo pasahitz ezegokia
152 152
  notice_account_password_updated: Pasahitza ongi eguneratu da.
153 153
  notice_account_wrong_password: Pasahitz ezegokia.
154 154
  notice_account_register_done: Kontua ongi sortu da. Kontua gaitzeko klikatu epostan adierazi zaizun estekan.
config/locales/fa.yml (working copy)
146 146
  general_first_day_of_week: '6'
147 147

148 148
  notice_account_updated: حساب شما بروز شد.
  notice_account_invalid_creditentials: نام کاربری یا گذرواژه نادرست است
  notice_account_invalid_credentials: نام کاربری یا گذرواژه نادرست است
150 150
  notice_account_password_updated: گذرواژه بروز شد
151 151
  notice_account_wrong_password: گذرواژه نادرست است
152 152
  notice_account_register_done: حساب ساخته شد. برای فعال نمودن آن، روی پیوندی که به شما ایمیل شده کلیک کنید.
config/locales/fi.yml (working copy)
171 171
  general_first_day_of_week: '1'
172 172

173 173
  notice_account_updated: Tilin päivitys onnistui.
  notice_account_invalid_creditentials: Virheellinen käyttäjätunnus tai salasana
  notice_account_invalid_credentials: Virheellinen käyttäjätunnus tai salasana
175 175
  notice_account_password_updated: Salasanan päivitys onnistui.
176 176
  notice_account_wrong_password: Väärä salasana
177 177
  notice_account_register_done: Tilin luonti onnistui. Aktivoidaksesi tilin seuraa linkkiä joka välitettiin sähköpostiisi.
config/locales/fr.yml (working copy)
166 166
  general_first_day_of_week: '1'
167 167

168 168
  notice_account_updated: Le compte a été mis à jour avec succès.
  notice_account_invalid_creditentials: Identifiant ou mot de passe invalide.
  notice_account_invalid_credentials: Identifiant ou mot de passe invalide.
170 170
  notice_account_password_updated: Mot de passe mis à jour avec succès.
171 171
  notice_account_wrong_password: Mot de passe incorrect
172 172
  notice_account_register_done: Un message contenant les instructions pour activer votre compte vous a été envoyé à l'adresse %{email}.
config/locales/gl.yml (working copy)
636 636
  mail_subject_register: "Activación da conta de %{value}"
637 637
  mail_subject_reminder: "%{count} petición(s) rematarán nos próximos %{days} días"
638 638
  notice_account_activated: A súa conta foi activada. Xa pode conectarse.
  notice_account_invalid_creditentials: "O usuario ou contrasinal non é correcto."
  notice_account_invalid_credentials: "O usuario ou contrasinal non é correcto."
640 640
  notice_account_lost_email_sent: Enviouse un correo con instrucións para elixir un novo contrasinal.
641 641
  notice_account_password_updated: Contrasinal modificado correctamente.
642 642
  notice_account_pending: "A súa conta creouse e está pendente da aprobación por parte do administrador."
config/locales/he.yml (working copy)
151 151
  general_first_day_of_week: '7'
152 152

153 153
  notice_account_updated: החשבון עודכן בהצלחה!
  notice_account_invalid_creditentials: שם משתמש או סיסמה שגויים
  notice_account_invalid_credentials: שם משתמש או סיסמה שגויים
155 155
  notice_account_password_updated: הסיסמה עודכנה בהצלחה!
156 156
  notice_account_wrong_password: סיסמה שגויה
157 157
  notice_account_register_done: החשבון נוצר בהצלחה. להפעלת החשבון לחץ על הקישור שנשלח לדוא"ל שלך.
config/locales/hr.yml (working copy)
141 141
  general_first_day_of_week: '7'
142 142

143 143
  notice_account_updated: Vaš profil je uspješno promijenjen.
  notice_account_invalid_creditentials: Neispravno korisničko ime ili zaporka.
  notice_account_invalid_credentials: Neispravno korisničko ime ili zaporka.
145 145
  notice_account_password_updated: Zaporka je uspješno promijenjena.
146 146
  notice_account_wrong_password: Pogrešna zaporka
147 147
  notice_account_register_done: Racun je uspješno napravljen. Da biste aktivirali svoj račun, kliknite na link koji vam je poslan na e-mail.
config/locales/hu.yml (working copy)
167 167
  general_first_day_of_week: '1'
168 168

169 169
  notice_account_updated: A fiók adatai sikeresen frissítve.
  notice_account_invalid_creditentials: Hibás felhasználói név, vagy jelszó
  notice_account_invalid_credentials: Hibás felhasználói név, vagy jelszó
171 171
  notice_account_password_updated: A jelszó módosítása megtörtént.
172 172
  notice_account_wrong_password: Hibás jelszó
173 173
  notice_account_register_done: A fiók sikeresen létrehozva. Aktiválásához kattints az e-mailben kapott linkre
config/locales/id.yml (working copy)
146 146
  general_first_day_of_week: '7'
147 147

148 148
  notice_account_updated: Akun sudah berhasil diperbarui.
  notice_account_invalid_creditentials: Pengguna atau kata sandi salah
  notice_account_invalid_credentials: Pengguna atau kata sandi salah
150 150
  notice_account_password_updated: Kata sandi sudah berhasil diperbarui.
151 151
  notice_account_wrong_password: Kata sandi salah.
152 152
  notice_account_register_done: Akun sudah berhasil dibuat. Untuk mengaktifkan akun anda, silakan klik tautan (link) yang dikirim kepada anda melalui e-mail.
config/locales/it.yml (working copy)
151 151
  general_first_day_of_week: '1'
152 152

153 153
  notice_account_updated: L'utente è stato aggiornato.
  notice_account_invalid_creditentials: Nome utente o password non validi.
  notice_account_invalid_credentials: Nome utente o password non validi.
155 155
  notice_account_password_updated: La password è stata aggiornata.
156 156
  notice_account_wrong_password: Password errata
157 157
  notice_account_unknown_email: Utente sconosciuto.
config/locales/ja.yml (working copy)
167 167
  general_first_day_of_week: '7'
168 168

169 169
  notice_account_updated: アカウントが更新されました。
  notice_account_invalid_creditentials: ユーザー名もしくはパスワードが無効です
  notice_account_invalid_credentials: ユーザー名もしくはパスワードが無効です
171 171
  notice_account_password_updated: パスワードが更新されました。
172 172
  notice_account_wrong_password: パスワードが違います
173 173
  notice_account_register_done: アカウントを作成しました。アカウントを有効にするための手順を記載したメールを %{email} 宛に送信しました。
config/locales/ko.yml (working copy)
193 193
  general_first_day_of_week: '7'
194 194

195 195
  notice_account_updated: 계정이 성공적으로 변경되었습니다.
  notice_account_invalid_creditentials: 잘못된 계정 또는 비밀번호
  notice_account_invalid_credentials: 잘못된 계정 또는 비밀번호
197 197
  notice_account_password_updated: 비밀번호가 잘 변경되었습니다.
198 198
  notice_account_wrong_password: 잘못된 비밀번호
199 199
  notice_account_register_done: 계정이 잘 만들어졌습니다. 계정을 활성화하시려면 받은 메일의 링크를 클릭해주세요.
config/locales/lt.yml (working copy)
205 205
  general_first_day_of_week: '1'
206 206

207 207
  notice_account_updated: Paskyra buvo sėkmingai atnaujinta.
  notice_account_invalid_creditentials: Negaliojantis vartotojo vardas ar slaptažodis
  notice_account_invalid_credentials: Negaliojantis vartotojo vardas ar slaptažodis
209 209
  notice_account_password_updated: Slaptažodis buvo sėkmingai atnaujintas.
210 210
  notice_account_wrong_password: Neteisingas slaptažodis
211 211
  notice_account_register_done: Paskyra buvo sėkmingai sukurta. Kad aktyvintumėte savo paskyrą, paspauskite nuorodą, kuri jums buvo siųsta elektroniniu paštu.
config/locales/lv.yml (working copy)
140 140
  general_first_day_of_week: '1'
141 141

142 142
  notice_account_updated: Konts tika atjaunots veiksmīgi.
  notice_account_invalid_creditentials: Nepareizs lietotāja vārds vai parole.
  notice_account_invalid_credentials: Nepareizs lietotāja vārds vai parole.
144 144
  notice_account_password_updated: Parole tika veiksmīgi atjaunota.
145 145
  notice_account_wrong_password: Nepareiza parole
146 146
  notice_account_register_done: Konts veiksmīgi izveidots. Lai aktivizētu kontu, spiediet uz saites, kas Jums tika nosūtīta.
config/locales/mk.yml (working copy)
147 147
  general_first_day_of_week: '1'
148 148

149 149
  notice_account_updated: Профилот е успешно ажуриран.
  notice_account_invalid_creditentials: Неточен корисник или лозинка
  notice_account_invalid_credentials: Неточен корисник или лозинка
151 151
  notice_account_password_updated: Лозинката е успешно ажурирана.
152 152
  notice_account_wrong_password: Погрешна лозинка
153 153
  notice_account_register_done: Профилот е успешно креиран. За активација, клкнете на врската што ви е пратена по е-пошта.
config/locales/mn.yml (working copy)
146 146
  general_first_day_of_week: '7'
147 147

148 148
  notice_account_updated: Дансыг амжилттай өөрчиллөө.
  notice_account_invalid_creditentials: Хэрэглэгчийн нэр эсвэл нууц үг буруу байна
  notice_account_invalid_credentials: Хэрэглэгчийн нэр эсвэл нууц үг буруу байна
150 150
  notice_account_password_updated: Нууц үгийг амжилттай өөрчиллөө.
151 151
  notice_account_wrong_password: Буруу нууц үг
152 152
  notice_account_register_done: Шинэ хэрэглэгч амжилттай үүсгэлээ. Идэвхжүүлэхийн тулд, бидний тань луу илгээсэн мэйл дотор байгаа холбоос дээр дараарай.
config/locales/nl.yml (working copy)
605 605
  mail_subject_register: "uw %{value} accountactivatie"
606 606
  mail_subject_reminder: "%{count} issue(s) die voldaan moeten zijn in de komende %{days} dagen."
607 607
  notice_account_activated: uw account is geactiveerd. u kunt nu inloggen.
  notice_account_invalid_creditentials: Incorrecte gebruikersnaam of wachtwoord
  notice_account_invalid_credentials: Incorrecte gebruikersnaam of wachtwoord
609 609
  notice_account_lost_email_sent: Er is een e-mail naar u verstuurd met instructies over het kiezen van een nieuw wachtwoord.
610 610
  notice_account_password_updated: Wachtwoord is met succes gewijzigd
611 611
  notice_account_pending: "Uw account is aangemaakt, maar wacht nog op goedkeuring van de beheerder."
config/locales/no.yml (working copy)
136 136
  general_first_day_of_week: '1'
137 137

138 138
  notice_account_updated: Kontoen er oppdatert.
  notice_account_invalid_creditentials: Feil brukernavn eller passord
  notice_account_invalid_credentials: Feil brukernavn eller passord
140 140
  notice_account_password_updated: Passordet er oppdatert.
141 141
  notice_account_wrong_password: Feil passord
142 142
  notice_account_register_done: Kontoen er opprettet. Klikk lenken som er sendt deg i e-post for å aktivere kontoen.
config/locales/pl.yml (working copy)
639 639
  mail_subject_register: "Aktywacja konta w %{value}"
640 640
  mail_subject_reminder: "Zagadnienia (%{count}) do obsłużenia w ciągu następnych %{days} dni"
641 641
  notice_account_activated: Twoje konto zostało aktywowane. Możesz się zalogować.
  notice_account_invalid_creditentials: Zły użytkownik lub hasło
  notice_account_invalid_credentials: Zły użytkownik lub hasło
643 643
  notice_account_lost_email_sent: E-mail z instrukcjami zmiany hasła został wysłany do Ciebie.
644 644
  notice_account_password_updated: Hasło prawidłowo zmienione.
645 645
  notice_account_pending: "Twoje konto zostało utworzone i oczekuje na zatwierdzenie administratora."
config/locales/pt-BR.yml (working copy)
166 166
  general_first_day_of_week: '1'
167 167

168 168
  notice_account_updated: Conta atualizada com sucesso.
  notice_account_invalid_creditentials: Usuário ou senha inválido.
  notice_account_invalid_credentials: Usuário ou senha inválido.
170 170
  notice_account_password_updated: Senha alterada com sucesso.
171 171
  notice_account_wrong_password: Senha inválida.
172 172
  notice_account_register_done: Conta criada com sucesso. Para ativar sua conta, clique no link que lhe foi enviado por e-mail.
config/locales/pt.yml (working copy)
156 156
  general_first_day_of_week: '1'
157 157

158 158
  notice_account_updated: A conta foi atualizada com sucesso.
  notice_account_invalid_creditentials: Utilizador ou palavra-chave inválidos.
  notice_account_invalid_credentials: Utilizador ou palavra-chave inválidos.
160 160
  notice_account_password_updated: A palavra-chave foi alterada com sucesso.
161 161
  notice_account_wrong_password: Palavra-chave errada.
162 162
  notice_account_unknown_email: Utilizador desconhecido.
config/locales/ro.yml (working copy)
141 141
  general_first_day_of_week: '2'
142 142

143 143
  notice_account_updated: Cont actualizat.
  notice_account_invalid_creditentials: Utilizator sau parola nevalidă
  notice_account_invalid_credentials: Utilizator sau parola nevalidă
145 145
  notice_account_password_updated: Parolă actualizată.
146 146
  notice_account_wrong_password: Parolă greșită
147 147
  notice_account_register_done: Contul a fost creat. Pentru activare, urmați legătura trimisă prin email.
config/locales/ru.yml (working copy)
751 751
  mail_subject_reminder: "%{count} назначенных на Вас задач в ближайшие %{days} дней"
752 752

753 753
  notice_account_activated: Ваша учётная запись активирована. Вы можете войти.
  notice_account_invalid_creditentials: Неправильное имя пользователя или пароль
  notice_account_invalid_credentials: Неправильное имя пользователя или пароль
755 755
  notice_account_lost_email_sent: Вам отправлено письмо с инструкциями по выбору нового пароля.
756 756
  notice_account_password_updated: Пароль успешно обновлён.
757 757
  notice_account_pending: "Ваша учётная запись создана и ожидает подтверждения администратора."
config/locales/sk.yml (working copy)
145 145
  general_first_day_of_week: '1'
146 146

147 147
  notice_account_updated: Účet bol úspešne zmenený.
  notice_account_invalid_creditentials: Nesprávne meno alebo heslo
  notice_account_invalid_credentials: Nesprávne meno alebo heslo
149 149
  notice_account_password_updated: Heslo bolo úspešne zmenené.
150 150
  notice_account_wrong_password: Nesprávne heslo
151 151
  notice_account_register_done: Účet bol úspešne vytvorený. Účet aktivujete kliknutím na odkaz v emaile, ktorý vám bol zaslaný na %{email}.
config/locales/sl.yml (working copy)
145 145
  general_first_day_of_week: '1'
146 146

147 147
  notice_account_updated: Račun je bil uspešno posodobljen.
  notice_account_invalid_creditentials: Napačno uporabniško ime ali geslo
  notice_account_invalid_credentials: Napačno uporabniško ime ali geslo
149 149
  notice_account_password_updated: Geslo je bilo uspešno posodobljeno.
150 150
  notice_account_wrong_password: Napačno geslo
151 151
  notice_account_register_done: Račun je bil uspešno ustvarjen. Za aktivacijo potrdite povezavo, ki vam je bila poslana v e-nabiralnik.
config/locales/sq.yml (working copy)
146 146
  general_first_day_of_week: '7'
147 147

148 148
  notice_account_updated: Llogaria u perditesua me sukses.
  notice_account_invalid_creditentials: Perdorues ose Fjalekalim i gabuar.
  notice_account_invalid_credentials: Perdorues ose Fjalekalim i gabuar.
150 150
  notice_account_password_updated: Fjalekalimi u ndryshua me sukses.
151 151
  notice_account_wrong_password: Fjalekalim i gabuar
152 152
  notice_account_register_done: Llogaria u krijua me sukses. Per te aktivizuar Llogarine tuaj, ndiqni link-un e derguar ne email-in tuaj.
config/locales/sr-YU.yml (working copy)
149 149
  general_first_day_of_week: '1'
150 150

151 151
  notice_account_updated: Nalog je uspešno ažuriran.
  notice_account_invalid_creditentials: Neispravno korisničko ime ili lozinka.
  notice_account_invalid_credentials: Neispravno korisničko ime ili lozinka.
153 153
  notice_account_password_updated: Lozinka je uspešno ažurirana.
154 154
  notice_account_wrong_password: Pogrešna lozinka
155 155
  notice_account_register_done: Korisnički nalog je uspešno kreiran. Kliknite na link koji ste dobili u e-poruci za aktivaciju.
config/locales/sr.yml (working copy)
147 147
  general_first_day_of_week: '1'
148 148

149 149
  notice_account_updated: Налог је успешно ажуриран.
  notice_account_invalid_creditentials: Неисправно корисничко име или лозинка.
  notice_account_invalid_credentials: Неисправно корисничко име или лозинка.
151 151
  notice_account_password_updated: Лозинка је успешно ажурирана.
152 152
  notice_account_wrong_password: Погрешна лозинка
153 153
  notice_account_register_done: Кориснички налог је успешно креиран. Кликните на линк који сте добили у е-поруци за активацију.
config/locales/sv.yml (working copy)
188 188
  general_first_day_of_week: '1'
189 189

190 190
  notice_account_updated: Kontot har uppdaterats
  notice_account_invalid_creditentials: Fel användarnamn eller lösenord
  notice_account_invalid_credentials: Fel användarnamn eller lösenord
192 192
  notice_account_password_updated: Lösenordet har uppdaterats
193 193
  notice_account_wrong_password: Fel lösenord
194 194
  notice_account_register_done: Kontot har skapats. För att aktivera kontot, klicka på länken i mailet som skickades till dig.
config/locales/th.yml (working copy)
144 144
  general_first_day_of_week: '1'
145 145

146 146
  notice_account_updated: บัญชีได้ถูกปรับปรุงแล้ว.
  notice_account_invalid_creditentials: ชื้ผู้ใช้หรือรหัสผ่านไม่ถูกต้อง
  notice_account_invalid_credentials: ชื้ผู้ใช้หรือรหัสผ่านไม่ถูกต้อง
148 148
  notice_account_password_updated: รหัสได้ถูกปรับปรุงแล้ว.
149 149
  notice_account_wrong_password: รหัสผ่านไม่ถูกต้อง
150 150
  notice_account_register_done: บัญชีถูกสร้างแล้ว. กรุณาเช็คเมล์ แล้วคลิ๊กที่ลิงค์ในอีเมล์เพื่อเปิดใช้บัญชี
config/locales/tr.yml (working copy)
160 160
  general_first_day_of_week: '7'
161 161

162 162
  notice_account_updated: Hesap başarıyla güncelleştirildi.
  notice_account_invalid_creditentials: Geçersiz kullanıcı ya da parola
  notice_account_invalid_credentials: Geçersiz kullanıcı ya da parola
164 164
  notice_account_password_updated: Parola başarıyla güncellendi.
165 165
  notice_account_wrong_password: Yanlış parola
166 166
  notice_account_register_done: Hesap başarıyla oluşturuldu. Hesabınızı etkinleştirmek için, size gönderilen e-postadaki bağlantıya tıklayın.
config/locales/uk.yml (working copy)
144 144
  general_first_day_of_week: '1'
145 145

146 146
  notice_account_updated: Обліковий запис успішно оновлений.
  notice_account_invalid_creditentials: Неправильне ім'я користувача або пароль
  notice_account_invalid_credentials: Неправильне ім'я користувача або пароль
148 148
  notice_account_password_updated: Пароль успішно оновлений.
149 149
  notice_account_wrong_password: Невірний пароль
150 150
  notice_account_register_done: Обліковий запис успішно створений. Для активації Вашого облікового запису зайдіть по посиланню, яке відіслане вам електронною поштою.
config/locales/vi.yml (working copy)
199 199
  general_first_day_of_week: '1'
200 200

201 201
  notice_account_updated: Cập nhật tài khoản thành công.
  notice_account_invalid_creditentials: Tài khoản hoặc mật mã không hợp lệ
  notice_account_invalid_credentials: Tài khoản hoặc mật mã không hợp lệ
203 203
  notice_account_password_updated: Cập nhật mật mã thành công.
204 204
  notice_account_wrong_password: Sai mật mã
205 205
  notice_account_register_done: Tài khoản được tạo thành công. Để kích hoạt vui lòng làm theo hướng dẫn trong email gửi đến bạn.
config/locales/zh-TW.yml (working copy)
230 230
  general_first_day_of_week: '7'
231 231

232 232
  notice_account_updated: 帳戶更新資訊已儲存
  notice_account_invalid_creditentials: 帳戶或密碼不正確
  notice_account_invalid_credentials: 帳戶或密碼不正確
234 234
  notice_account_password_updated: 帳戶新密碼已儲存
235 235
  notice_account_wrong_password: 密碼不正確
236 236
  notice_account_register_done: 帳號已建立成功。欲啟用您的帳號,請點擊系統確認信函中的啟用連結。
config/locales/zh.yml (working copy)
150 150
  general_first_day_of_week: '7'
151 151

152 152
  notice_account_updated: 帐号更新成功
  notice_account_invalid_creditentials: 无效的用户名或密码
  notice_account_invalid_credentials: 无效的用户名或密码
154 154
  notice_account_password_updated: 密码更新成功
155 155
  notice_account_wrong_password: 密码错误
156 156
  notice_account_register_done: 帐号创建成功,请使用注册确认邮件中的链接来激活您的帐号。