49 |
49 |
# check issue attributes
50 |
50 |
assert_equal 'jsmith', issue.author.login
51 |
51 |
assert_equal 1, issue.project.id
52 |
assert_equal IssueStatus.find_by_name('New'), issue.status
52 |
assert_equal IssueStatus.find_by_name('New'), issue.status
53 |
53 |
assert_equal Tracker.find_by_name('Bug'), issue.tracker
54 |
54 |
assert_equal IssuePriority.find_by_name('Low'), issue.priority
55 |
55 |
assert_equal 'Value for field 2', issue.custom_field_value(CustomField.find_by_name('Searchable field'))
... | ... | |
298 |
298 |
# Check that the page shows the Estimated hours total
299 |
299 |
assert page.has_css?('p.query-totals')
300 |
300 |
assert page.has_css?('span.total-for-estimated-hours')
301 |
# Open the Options of the form (necessary for having the totalable columns options clickable)
301 |
# Open the Options of the form (necessary for having the totalable columns options clickable)
302 |
302 |
303 |
# Deselect the default totalable column (none should be left)
303 |
# Deselect the default totalable column (none should be left)
304 |
304 |
305 |
305 |
within('#query_form') do
306 |
306 |
click_link 'Apply'
... | ... | |
332 |
332 |
sleep 1
333 |
333 |
assert_equal 'Updated notes', Journal.find(2).notes
334 |
334 |
335 |
336 |
def test_issue_trackers_description_should_select_tracker
337 |
log_user('admin', 'admin')
338 |
339 |
visit '/issues/1'
340 |
page.first(:link, 'Edit').click
341 |
page.click_link('View all trackers description')
342 |
assert page.has_css?('#trackers_description')
343 |
within('#trackers_description') do
344 |
345 |
346 |
347 |
assert !page.has_css?('#trackers_description')
348 |
assert_equal "2", page.find('select#issue_tracker_id').value
349 |
335 |
350 |