


Patch #695 » issue-630.patch

Matt Pangaro, 2008-02-19 21:33

View differences:

app/models/project.rb (working copy)
53 53
  attr_protected :status, :enabled_module_names
54 54
55 55
  validates_presence_of :name, :identifier
  validates_uniqueness_of :name, :identifier
  validates_uniqueness_of :identifier
57 57
  validates_associated :custom_values, :on => :update
58 58
  validates_associated :repository, :wiki
59 59
  validates_length_of :name, :maximum => 30
app/views/admin/projects.rhtml (working copy)
16 16
<table class="list">
17 17
18 18
	<%= sort_header_tag('name', :caption => l(:label_project)) %>
	<%= sort_header_tag('identifier', :caption => l(:label_identifier)) %>
19 20
20 21
21 22
	<%= sort_header_tag('is_public', :caption => l(:field_is_public), :default_order => 'desc') %>
27 28
<% for project in @projects %>
28 29
  <tr class="<%= cycle("odd", "even") %>">
29 30
	<td><%= ? link_to(h(, :controller => 'projects', :action => 'settings', :id => project) : h( %>
	<td align="center"><%= project.identifier %>
30 32
	<td><%= textilizable project.short_description, :project => project %>
31 33
	<td align="center"><%= project.children.size %>
32 34
	<td align="center"><%= image_tag 'true.png' if project.is_public? %>
lang/bg.yml (working copy)
425 425
label_added_time_by: Публикувана от %s преди %s
426 426
label_updated_time: Обновена преди %s
427 427
label_jump_to_a_project: Проект...
label_identifier: Идентификатор
428 429

429 430
button_login: Вход
430 431
button_submit: Приложи
lang/cs.yml (working copy)
419 419
label_sort_by: Seřadit podle %s
420 420
label_send_test_email: Poslat testovací email
421 421
label_feeds_access_key_created_on: Přístupový klíč pro RSS byl vytvořen před %s
label_identifier: Identifikátor
422 423

423 424
button_login: Přihlásit
424 425
button_submit: Potvrdit
lang/de.yml (working copy)
469 469
label_age: Alter
470 470
label_change_properties: Eigenschaften ändern
471 471
label_general: Allgemein
label_identifier: Kennung
472 473

473 474
button_login: Anmelden
474 475
button_submit: OK
lang/en.yml (working copy)
489 489
label_plugins: Plugins
490 490
label_ldap_authentication: LDAP authentication
491 491
label_downloads_abbr: D/L
label_identifier: Identifier
492 493

493 494
button_login: Login
494 495
button_submit: Submit
lang/es.yml (working copy)
409 409
label_date_from: Desde
410 410
label_date_to: Hasta
411 411
label_language_based: Badado en el idioma
label_identifier: Identificador
412 413

413 414
button_login: Conexión
414 415
button_submit: Aceptar
lang/fi.yml (working copy)
471 471
label_date_from: From
472 472
label_in: in
473 473
label_on: 'on'
label_identifier: Tunniste
474 475

475 476
button_login: Kirjaudu
476 477
button_submit: Lähetä
lang/fr.yml (working copy)
489 489
label_plugins: Plugins
490 490
label_ldap_authentication: Authentification LDAP
491 491
label_downloads_abbr: D/L
label_identifier: Identifiant
492 493

493 494
button_login: Connexion
494 495
button_submit: Soumettre
lang/he.yml (working copy)
437 437
label_bulk_edit_selected_issues: ערוך את הנושאים המסומנים
438 438
label_theme: ערכת נושא
439 439
label_default: ברירת מחדש
label_identifier: מזהה
440 441

441 442
button_login: התחבר
442 443
button_submit: הגש
lang/it.yml (working copy)
425 425
label_added_time_by: Added by %s %s ago
426 426
label_updated_time: Updated %s ago
427 427
label_jump_to_a_project: Jump to a project...
label_identifier: Identifier
428 429

429 430
button_login: Login
430 431
button_submit: Invia
lang/ja.yml (working copy)
426 426
label_added_time_by: %sが%s前に追加しました
427 427
label_updated_time: %s前に更新されました
428 428
label_jump_to_a_project: プロジェクトへ移動...
label_identifier: 識別子
429 430

430 431
button_login: ログイン
431 432
button_submit: 変更
lang/ko.yml (working copy)
443 443
label_user_mail_option_all: "내가 속한 프로젝트로들부터 모든 메일 받기"
444 444
label_user_mail_option_selected: "선택한 프로젝트들로부터 모든 메일 받기.."
445 445
label_user_mail_option_none: "내가 속하거나 감시 중인 사항에 대해서만"
label_identifier: 식별자
446 447

447 448
button_login: 로그인
448 449
button_submit: 확인
lang/lt.yml (working copy)
459 459
label_registration_activation_by_email: "paskyros aktyvacija per e-paštą"
460 460
label_registration_manual_activation: "rankinė paskyros aktyvacija"
461 461
label_registration_automatic_activation: "automatinė paskyros aktyvacija"
label_identifier: Identifikuotojas 
462 463
463 464
button_login: Registruotis 
464 465
button_submit: Pateikti 
lang/nl.yml (working copy)
425 425
label_added_time_by: Added by %s %s ago
426 426
label_updated_time: Updated %s ago
427 427
label_jump_to_a_project: Jump to a project...
label_identifier: Identificatiecode
428 429

429 430
button_login: Inloggen
430 431
button_submit: Toevoegen
lang/pl.yml (working copy)
409 409
label_date_from: Z
410 410
label_date_to: Do
411 411
label_language_based: Na podstawie języka
label_identifier: Identifikator
412 413

413 414
button_login: Login
414 415
button_submit: Wyślij
lang/pt-br.yml (working copy)
425 425
label_added_time_by: Added by %s %s ago
426 426
label_updated_time: Updated %s ago
427 427
label_jump_to_a_project: Jump to a project...
label_identifier: Identificador
428 429

429 430
button_login: Login
430 431
button_submit: Enviar
lang/pt.yml (working copy)
425 425
label_added_time_by: Added by %s %s ago
426 426
label_updated_time: Updated %s ago
427 427
label_jump_to_a_project: Jump to a project...
label_identifier: Identificador
428 429

429 430
button_login: Login
430 431
button_submit: Enviar
lang/ro.yml (working copy)
423 423
label_added_time_by: Adaugat de %s %s mai devreme
424 424
label_updated_time: Modificat %s mai devreme
425 425
label_jump_to_a_project: Alege un proiect ...
label_identifier: Identificator
426 427

427 428
button_login: Autentificare
428 429
button_submit: Trimite
lang/ru.yml (working copy)
470 470
label_associated_revisions: Связанные редакции
471 471
label_issues_by: Сортировать по %s
472 472
label_display_per_page: 'На страницу: %s'
label_identifier: Ун. идентификатор
473 474

474 475
button_login: Вход
475 476
button_submit: Принять
lang/sr.yml (working copy)
446 446
label_user_mail_option_all: "Za bilo koji događaj na svim mojim projektima"
447 447
label_user_mail_option_selected: "Za bilo koji događaj za samo izabrane projekte..."
448 448
label_user_mail_option_none: "Samo za stvari koje pratim ili u kojima učestvujem"
label_identifier: Identifikator
449 450

450 451
button_login: Login
451 452
button_submit: Pošalji
lang/sv.yml (working copy)
425 425
label_added_time_by: Added by %s %s ago
426 426
label_updated_time: Updated %s ago
427 427
label_jump_to_a_project: Jump to a project...
label_identifier: Identifierare
428 429

429 430
button_login: Logga in
430 431
button_submit: Skicka
lang/uk.yml (working copy)
457 457
label_registration_manual_activation: ручна активація облікового запису
458 458
label_registration_automatic_activation: автоматична активація облыкового
459 459
label_my_time_report: Мій звіт витраченого часу
label_identifier: Ідентифікатор
460 461

461 462
button_login: Вхід
462 463
button_submit: Відправити
lang/zh-tw.yml (working copy)
477 477
label_general: 一般
478 478
label_more: 更多 »
479 479
label_scm: 版本控管
label_identifier: 代碼
480 481

481 482
button_login: 登入
482 483
button_submit: 送出
lang/zh.yml (working copy)
427 427
label_added_time_by: 由 %s 在 %s 之前添加
428 428
label_updated_time:  更新于 %s 前
429 429
label_jump_to_a_project: 选择一个项目...
label_identifier: 标识
430 431

431 432
button_login: 登录
432 433
button_submit: 提交