


Customize project page in Redmine

Added by Daniel Blendea about 16 years ago


Do you have plans of making possible the customization of project homepage in redmine?
As in adding a logo/custom css.

My manager wants this.
I explained him several times that there is no need to have such things in a tool, that is "our" application and not our client's application
but he keeps asking for it.


Replies (4)

RE: Customize project page in Redmine - Added by Anonymous about 16 years ago

You can already apply custom themes to Redmine. I don't know if there are specific instructions anywhere, but it's good to start here:

The theme name is the name of the directory. You have to select the theme through the administration page once you've completed it. I have set up our work with a theme that adds priority colouring to issue lists. Can't remember where I found it though as it was several months ago.

RE: Customize project page in Redmine - Added by Daniel Blendea about 16 years ago

I wasn't very clear..

I know that themes can be created and used, but a theme changes the look for all projects.
I was asking for customization per project: each project with it's own logo/colors.

RE: Customize project page in Redmine - Added by Anonymous about 16 years ago

Ok - got you now.

One solution maybe to make a small modification to the Redmine templates such that the project identifier gets inserted as a CSS class on the outer most DIV of the age. For example <div id="wrapper"> becomes <div id="wrapper" class="project-5">. This allows you to then add additional styles to a theme that are specific to that project. For example:

.project-5 #header h1 {
    color: green;
    text-decoration: blink;  
    background-image: url(company-logo.gif);

If it works, you could make a feature request to have the code change put into the release.

RE: Customize project page in Redmine - Added by Loban Rahman almost 16 years ago

This is a great idea. We are using redmine internally but would like to also expose it externally for users/clients to issue support bugs, and our management would then require that the redmine "theme" match the product theme to some extend. So per-project themes would be great.
