


Email notification settings vanish

Added by Dave Thomas almost 15 years ago

We've got this absurd problem. You know how Administration...Settings...Email Notifications has a checkboxes "Issue added" "Issue Updated" and so on? These seem to be getting unchecked at random intervals, such as every few days, multiple times in one day, etc.

About our environment:

We have two Webrick servers on CentOS5.2 behind a stateless/nonsticky load balancer. We haven't done any special configuration to get Webrick configured for load balancing. I'm a rails noob, so are there any singletons or persistence factors Redmine needs to run in a single instance or configured as cluster-aware? I know in J2EE environments you have stuff like stateful session beans and Hibernate which won't work right if you don't tell a cluster about other nodes.

Other than a few days of forensics to see if I have an admin user who's doing this on purpose, any suggestions?


Ruby version 1.8.7 (x86_64-linux)
RubyGems version 1.3.5
Rails version 2.2.2
Active Record version 2.2.2
Action Pack version 2.2.2
Active Resource version 2.2.2
Action Mailer version 2.2.2
Active Support version 2.2.2
Application root /sorry/not/gonna/tell/you
Environment production
Database adapter mysql
Database schema version 20091124185500

About your Redmine plugins
Redmine Newissuealerts plugin 0.0.2
Tab Plugin 0.3.1
Redmine Topmenulinks plugin 0.0.1
Redmine Cclist plugin 0.0.2

Replies (4)

RE: Email notification settings vanish - Added by Dave Thomas almost 15 years ago

Redmine 0.8.4.devel (MySQL)

RE: Email notification settings vanish - Added by Mauro Sarchi over 14 years ago

I have the same problem on redmine 0.9.2-0.

Have you resolved it?

RE: Email notification settings vanish - Added by Dave Thomas over 14 years ago

No we never found the root cause but it hasn't cropped up in at least several weeks. Mauro, are you using a clustered environment like ours?

RE: Email notification settings vanish - Added by Mauro Sarchi over 14 years ago

I'm using the bitnami solution.
