


Cross-Project Gannt and Calendar ?

Added by David Slipakoff about 15 years ago

Does anyone know a way, with either a plugin or another way, to be able to do cross-project gantt and calendar. Our company is looking for a way to be able to manage resources across multiple projects. It looks like there was a feature ( Feature 1157 ) that addressed it, but doesn't seem to be implemented. We are currently using v0.9.


Replies (3)

RE: Cross-Project Gannt and Calendar ? - Added by Henk Smits about 15 years ago

Just wanted to show my interest in this feature/plugin!

RE: Cross-Project Gannt and Calendar ? - Added by Dave Lowndes about 15 years ago

You mean...

Projects (top menu) > view all issues > Gantt?

RE: Cross-Project Gannt and Calendar ? - Added by Henk Smits about 15 years ago

I am truly sorry! I've been using redmine for a while now, but i didn't find this feature. This is very helpful, thanks a lot!

ps] perhaps a better way to access this feature is worth mentioning?
