


VirtueMart Login Module in combination with JoomFish

Added by Ralf Handrich over 14 years ago


first of all - congratulations for that great software.

Customizing the VirtueMart Login Module in combination with the JoomFish component, i realized the following behavior:

Description: Using Joomfish with german and english languages, the Login procedure works fine. But if you log out, the return page is always in german (default language).

VirtueMart Version: 1.1.4

Joomla Version: 1.5.15

Steps to replicate: Try it.

Proposed fix: remove line 159 ( <input type="hidden" name="lang" value="english" /> ) in file 'mod_virtuemart_login.php'.

Greetings Potter68

Replies (1)

RE: VirtueMart Login Module in combination with JoomFish - Added by Ralf Handrich over 14 years ago

Hmm ... looks like the wrong forum:)

don't be angry with me.
